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1952976724lyf's Achievements

  1. 朋友给我优惠卖给我宝可梦,但是优惠不多,大概是15w左右,会封号吗
  2. 与朋友交易,自己占了便宜会封号吗,占的便宜不多,大概15w左右
  3. 1952976724lyf


  4. 准备入坑此游戏,找个一起玩的大佬带带我?
  5. 1952976724lyf


  6. Hello, dear administrator. I am a pokemon gamer. I have never opened a hang-up software and RMT transaction, which are all searchable. I only sold 5V in the channel at the price of 50 to 60W. I wanted to sell several unused 5V, but no one bought them, so I had to sell them at a low price in order to be a PVP team. These transactions were in the World Channel, and we all traded as strangers. As for the hook app, I don't have a flash Pokemon, let alone a hook. Because of the age, I didn't take screenshots and didn't expect my account to be blocked. I have only downloaded games from this software (as shown in the picture below), but this software is not an on-hook software, it is a convenient channel for Chinese players to download software better. Anyway, be honest with yourself, I never made any RMT deals, I just sold my 5V on World Channel for a song. I will never forget the friends I got to know from all over the world in the game, the excitement of carp King's first evolution, and th
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