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  1. Hurl all of the insults you like in defense of the current system, my 2 cents is this: They generally don't even follow a theme, have legendary pokes, are at the peak of the current meta- and aren't fun to fight *at all*. Win or lose it's like taking a slow, switchy cheesegrater to my soul. Suggestion is that the e4 need tweaking, though if I remember these forums correctly I'm sure the official opinion/response will be "The meta is perfect, I worked on this for hours. **** your suggestion" Either way I've suggested it.
  2. Finally couldn't take the temptation anymore and returned to Pokemmo. Battle Frontier is fun and easy way to grind BP so there's a plus, but everyone and their grandma has 5-6x31 comps. Got to work on murderfusing my own 5-6x31 natured comp and after many hours of *extremely* boring waiting, sorting, murdering and spending loads of pokeyen I clearly remember why I left. Murderfusion has caused IVs to mean almost nothing. 6x31's are commonplace and the standard of comp pokemon has become stupidly high. "Grind" doesn't have to be completely mindless work- and in good mmos it usually isn't. Grinding aside even; the devs have simply traded one kind of inflation for another.
  3. "Fun? You are having fun. Math is fun and averages are fun. Unthinking, button mashing grind is fun. I think we've really made a 'fun' game and it's your fault if you and everyone you played with don't enjoy it anymore" Sadly, this time it's official. I have had a really good time in Pokemmo in the past and I will always cherish the memory of those I played with; Serena, Tats, Rip, Flann, Mina, Indigo and all the rest, (sorry guys, don't feel like making a giant namelist.) This game brought me a lot of joy for several years of my life and I regret nothing. I will not be seeing you in the future of pokemmo, I'm done and I wish you all the best o/
  4. I've been waiting so many months to come back to Pokemmo, but breeding was my passion and it's never coming back. The fusion system wasn't fun- the breeding system was. The only real problem with pokemon properly *reproducing* (aka breeding), was the inflation and it could have been remedied in a much more simple way, (I believe there have been some good suggestions on this thread in amongst many terrible ones.) I did notice a point by the mods that bugged me a little. Just them saying that the fusion system makes 31's harder to acquire, (while also stating that they don't play the game much these days.) This is false. The fusion system makes getting 6x31s mechanical and expensive, but definitely not difficult. Spending hours grinding pokeyen for brace/gender/stock money is not difficult or fun. Spending hours catching pokes for the fusion sacrifice gets old very fast, though I have to admit it's more fun than the pokeyen grind, (which you will still have to do). Confirming the IV's is boring as hell and sure it will be removed, but it won't make this entire process any less monotonous as you cram 2 and 2 together in a brace managing blur until you end up with the exact result you knew you would get from the start. I think I said this exact thing a few months ago, but in the randomness of the breeding system I would see a 6x31 and be impressed. Sometimes I would even whisper the person and be like "Great job!" or "He's beautiful :.)" With the fusion system 6x31s are commonplace. All you need is pokeyen. If you have some good breeding stock to start with then it's a sure thing. I made a 6x31 with fairly little effort and I can honestly say it was the exact opposite feeling of when you hatch a 4-5x31 under the old breeding system. When that happened with the breeding system it was like rolling a 'pokeyahtzee'. When you get your 6x31 under the fusion system it's like rolling that same pokeyahtzee with loaded dice that you've been bore-grinding to load for hours to days. Anyhow, I've had my rant. I hope breeding comes back in some form in the future and goodbye again till then. Mods you can hold back your "It's never coming back and No fun allowed!" comments, because we know. For the love of god, we know.
  5. Shiny Parasect at 122 hours, Shiny Gastly at 140 hours. Think I was at about 1300? hours when I last played, (which was quite a while ago).
  6. That still, in no way, makes it better...
  7. You're a bit off. Under the old system you could only have one egg at a time and they took around 10-20 minutes to hatch depending on species and flags. Also for the zillionth time even if you had 4x31 or 6x31 breeders it was nigh impossible to simply "clone" them in one, (or even a dozen), goes. People cry about how costless it was, but time was/is a valid cost. I know time is invisible but I promise you all it's a thing and most of us don't unlimited amounts of it. You could generally hatch several pokemon an hour and the RNG played a large part in the results. The grind was still there but you didn't have to painstakingly manage *every* *single* *IV* as if the pokemon were robots. The only problem, (and people love to make it sound like fifty problems), was inflation. It could have been fixed without destroying everything that was fun about breeding. As for people who keep repeating that Pokemmo should be all about the MMO: Grindy MMOs are boring, that's why they are dying out in favor of action MMOs (generally where the grind would be there is actually fun instead). Wow is mega-boring, EQ was boring and EVE is boring. By taking the RNG out of breeding, adding a large amount of both "catchgrind" and "moneygrind" and topping the cost off with murdering 2 pokes at a time Pokemmo took a large step backwards- towards those dinosaurs. But hey! Who knows? Maybe, despite the fact that less and less people have been on and that every new player who first hears of the fusion system says "wtf?", just maybe Pokemmo is somehow better off morphing into 'just another mmo'.
  8. It's only better as a tool for creating comps because they took most of the RNG out of it, (making it easier and full of tedious grinding instead). They could have introduced multiple pokemon sinks parallel to the breeding system instead of turning it upside-down. I get you though, it does get annoying when people *only* focus on losing the parents. So yeah; used to be a fun activity that needed some kind of pokesink to level it out. Now its just a tool that people *generally* only use when necessary.
  9. [quote name="ItachiUchiha" post="1036662" timestamp="1428933631"] this is an mmo you are supposed to invest time to get the result. >snarky Pls go[/quote] I was speaking of the old breeding system. Glad you agree :) [quote name="Darkshade" post="1036860" timestamp="1428951597"] - the outcome is desirable enough for it to be worthwhile and they're contributing to the positive health of the games economy.[/quote] I'm sorry Dark, this is trolly but I actually Lol'ed at that bit.
  10. Agreed 110%, but I suggested a long time ago that they add some variety to it and the response was that it was so very hard to get the TT just as it is (supposedly as close as possible to TT in the official game), that to even tweak it would be some gigantic project. We'll just have to wait and see what they do with the batlle frontier. Edit: Forgot to mention that the prize for getting to the top is supposed to be 5k bp, not a meagre 2750bp too... So wouldn't that be nice :S
  11. The cost was time and depending on your luck it could be significant. There's no need get snarky.
  12. You know what? Screw it! Let's just all pretend that words like 'clone' mean whatever we want. I sure could go for a grilled clone with clonesauce. Selling pokeclones to buy cloneballs with which to clone wild clones. The new system is boring, easy and is all about managing averages and sacrificing piles of pokes. The old system may have inflated the economy but at least it was fun. You could luck out and have the child be stronger than it's parents- though even when breeding godlies the large chance of getting a fat penalty to several IVs made it hard to actually "clone" them like most of the fusion-huggers complain about. Considering how well this slowed "cloning" it really would have been wiser to introduce a better way to kill our pokemon- preferably one at a time for money.
  13. A few specifics come to mind: Under the old system bred pokemon have the potential to be stronger than their parents, (in one or more IVs). With some time, lots of hatching and not too much grind you could turn wildlings into half decent breeders. The old system was *far* less costly, 4200 pokeyen per egg using the scientist to unlock the flags and the parents don't die. (I know that the 'lore' is that they go to live on a farm, but lets face it; by completely ceasing to exist in pokemmo they die.) I feel the old way *strongly* encouraged generosity, (for obvious reasons), and inflation aside it also encouraged people to buy/sell more pokemon. I never had any 6x31s under the old system, but I had a few 4x31 breeders that I'd bred myself, (which took a lot of time/hatching as I didnt have the best stock). Even with those the random bonuses/penalties of up to +3 and down to -8 made it pretty impossible to "clone" my 4x31s and I'd often end up with a big IV gap from a full -8. It made getting lucky and getting something crazy like all +3 way more rewarding. Lastly on that point I will say- and I know this may be newbly to you upper class trainers, but whenever I saw a 6x31 in trade/any chat under the old system it was like "Whoa O.o". Now it's commonplace. Inflation was really the biggest flaw with the old system in my opinion. It seems like it would have been much more simple introduce an npc buy order system where we can sell our pokemon to death one at a time, instead of murdering 2 at a time. Might also have helped with our channel spamming traders by giving them a place to go offload their terrible pokes. Breeding for me was more for the fun of making a collection of varied breeding stock so that when I had an impulse to make the most terrific ____ ever I could attempt to do so. It was definitely harder than the current system when you were breeding for something very specific, (ability, nature, higher IVs), but it really was more rewarding. I lucked right out once and got my 4x31 jolly rockhead aero on the first egg from a 3x31 zubat and a fairly bad female aero and I still get stoked reminiscing about it. Expected to be breeding aeros for weeks with the stock I had to work with. Now it would be fairly easy. Could put a lot of time/managing boring averages into making the same awesome aero and be like e.e Anyhow I'm gonna stop here because I need to sleep. Hope to see you all when they fix the pokeconomy o/
  14. Exactly. Now how great would it be if we had the old system- but magically it didnt cause inflation, (or maybe there could be npc buy orders for pokes of certain type/quality, I know it wont come back just spitballin')
  15. It's just the semantics that are bugging me here. So we're all clones of our parents? The pokes I would breed under the old system were all clones despite varying greatly in IVs, nature and ability? I'm an uncle because my sister made 2 clones? I got why you were calling it cloning the first time, but our pokes were reproducing, not cloning. Now they fuse. This is what a clone is: An organism or cell, or group of organisms/cells that was produced asexually from one ancestor to which they are genetically identical. I personally never had any 6x31s from the breeding system. If anything they seemed more common the last time I played. Made one myself with the fusion system and it was easy, costly and boring.
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