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  1. This might seem insignificant, but I think it's a really great idea.
  2. Already edited + he didn't mention any misses (+ in the Screenshot, there aren't any too).
  3. Srsly, Math isn't that hard: Chance for beeing parad = 0.25 30 Turns in a row = 0.25^30 = 8,67*10^-19 about 1 in 1.152.921.504.606.846.976 Edit: My bad, didn't see it was confused too still, being parad + confused for 30 turns and no attack is .000 000 752 if you were confused every of those 30 turns. About 1 in 1.329.228 (~160 times official shiny rate)
  4. You can't. But if we have overlooked something and it is possible to cheat in some way, you're not allowed to do it. Wait... What?
  5. Emerald all the way... ...until internal battery run out xD
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