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Everything posted by Heimann

  1. Watch out, the Browns are coming for you
  2. But how many good action animus don't have an overpowered mc
  3. Now that's a copypasta I haven't read in ages. It's a fun series, the weeaboo fans gave it the bad rep.
  4. Text: Heimann Thing: Atushi Murasakibara Anything else: nohr is best faction
  5. Heimann


    He became mad popular due to his damage output. If you walk by him without knowing where he is you are dead unless you are a tank. He can melt reinhardts shield almost instantly and only requires a left click to be gud.
  6. Heimann


    Of all my healing done in the beta I bet gilgamesh accounts for at least 40% of it
  7. Heimann


    Battletag: will update when I'm home Region:NA Main Character: Mercy/Mei Most Hated Character: Tracer
  8. Bird, grass flying Cat, dark fire Autistic clown, water psychic
  9. I enjoyed the series. Plus all the amazing fight scenes
  10. Heimann


    I play mercy 90% of my time, uguu team mates can't always be trusted.
  11. Heimann

    Fire Emblem

    Gave the game to my cousins since I beat it, can't list all the stuff. N O H R M A S T E R R A C E Conquest, Birthright, or Revelation: Conq & Birth Favorite Character: Shiro Least Favorite Character: Takumi Favorite Support Conversations: Selina & Laslow Main Characters Used: da boi Favorite Class: Dark Knight
  12. Just finished season 2, about to start season 3. So gud.
  13. Heimann


    Me,Plague,Gilgamesh,Batman,DopeKelarr and others have been playing nonstop. They don't really post here anymore. Also beta just ended.
  14. Thank God misfire is dead
  15. One day plo will realize Nohr is the superior faction.
  16. Work is going so slowwwww. I wish it would rain. Also, the animation for this show is beautiful.
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