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zNialler's Achievements

  1. That's a great run down for IV thanks again :D
  2. Just kind want to know is it best to get two parents who have high ivs in speed and special attack and mate them to potentially get a abra with high extra ivs in speed special attack ?
  3. Ok that's exactly the kind of explanation I was looking for. Just one or two more questions to clarify. For example you have one parent iv hp as 0 and the second parents hp as 30 which is an average of 15 now when you apply the role of -8 or +3 is that down to just pure luck ? meaning you can have a maximum of 18 hp and a minimum 7 or any number inbetween?. And when you refer to the average does that mean the highest ivs of there parents get added on with a roll of -8 +3 or is it random which ivs are selected to go under a potential roll.
  4. Just trying to get a decent response, instead i get this ^ "Sigh"
  5. I have recently got back into playing pokemon and allot has changed. For starters breeding is a big thing now along with iv's... now my question is about pokemon natures and pokemon iv's. Firstly I would like to start with an abra..Timid is the best if i remember, now back around a year ago you had to catch a Timid Abra but now from what i gather it's easier to breed a good one instead. Now i'm looking to get the best out of my pokemon so I can compete with the top players. So now to I'vs...If I were to breed two pokemon for example to alakazams whom both have amazing IV and ev stats in speed and special attack would it greatly increase the chances of my new pokemons Iv's in those two areas or is it just random and luck based... also I have read that you don't have to use two of the same pokemon to breed... instead you can use a ditto and a alakazam to breed an abra is this true? and also will this alter the chances of the new pokemons iv's ect. Any help would be much appreciated
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