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Posts posted by Xand

  1. On 6/7/2016 at 5:17 PM, Emlee said:

    In general Zankyou no Terror, Shinsekai Yori, Shiki, Underwater Sea Kids The Anime and AnoHana are ones I recommend to everyone. 

    aw yis

    I have a huge list of like 50+ anime I need to watch including most of those, Shinsekai Yori was obviously amazing, but I haven't put time aside to watch an anime series for around a year until I recently decided to watch "Akame ga Kill" over the weekend, 6/10. 


    p.s can I join your clubbu emluu?

  2. 7 minutes ago, Gizmo said:

    Is there still player drama? Who hates who? Is Munya still talking shit about Squirtle behind his back? Which GM has become a massive attention uguu now?


    Hey, being a massive attention uguu was the shit.


    not that i would know or anything..

  3. 1 minute ago, Gilan said:

    I thought you were dead


    I check in every so often just to see how things are turning out, seems like IPB 4 is going to take a lot of time to get used to.


    i'm actually pretty salty (not really) about my 269 posts

  4. Creative Media has a lot of selection on signatures for the forum.


    Click on any thread that has the "[Sig]" label and see if that person is taking requests to put in for a signature to be made for you!

  5. :3 muchas gracias! esta genial 


    no c las reglas de cada cuanto tiempo se puede pedir jaja pero ahi va porsiacaso xd


    Name: IjenMD  (gif plz)
    Team: AW
    Pokémon or Link render:https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/548388_10200821810132692_2117325162_n.jpg


     y  http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/257/6/f/dr__quagsire_in_the_house_by_pdxyz-d2yqm6f.png  estos si estan faciles de usar =)


    Background: blanco =P


    Remember to include an English translation with your posts on the forums.

  6. I guess Im asking, if he didnt have inner focus, would the poke still get flinched and should that be the way it works?


    No, and no. It seems that the Inner Focus broadcast message is the only problem here.


    Noted both and thanks for the report.

  7. Dragonite is behind substitute


    Heracross used Rock Slide.


    Substitute broke. Dragonite flinched


    Dragonite innerfocus prevent flinching.


    In my re-creation, Inner Focus prevented the Dragonite from the flinch as the attack broke the Substitute. Are you sure that's how it happened, how exactly did this part of the battle go?

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