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  1. 之前问管理说2到3天就可以了
  2. think the management of POKEMMO has been the following problems: 1: POKEMMO often has a lot of false seal, for example: My friend opened accelerator was judged as a script open hang direct permanent seal, i had a guild event, and my friend donated a reward, but after the event, on the 13th, he and I were declared permanent members of the RMT. 2: POKEMMO has difficulty managing and communicating with players, for example, complaining and reporting players can take more than a week to 20 days to reply, and there are very few robotic actions! As a result, a large number of invalid complaints, reporting no results, I give a bit of advice: Open 24-hour manual complaints, report customer service problems !!! 3: POKEMMO trading bank script problem, pokeMMO trading company has been a large number of scripts to steal low-priced goods official repeatedly banned, in the script at the same time mistakenly blocked a large number of players do not open the script can not buy, buy the phenomenon of blocking !! Finally, I hope POKEMMO can do better, do not neglect to communicate and communicate with players, thank you!
  3. 我认为pokeMMO的管理一直存在以下问题:1:pokeMMO经常性的存在大量误封情况,例如:我朋友开加速器被判定为脚本开挂直接永久封号,我自己搞公会活动朋友捐了个奖励【邮件标明公会奖励】可是活动搞完【4号】在13号的时候我和他被判定为rmt也是永久封号。 2:pokeMMO存在管理和玩家交流困难的情况,例如:申诉和举报玩家大概要1个多星期到20天左右才可以回复,回复也就那样机器人式的实际行动很少,以此出现了大量申诉无效,举报无果的情况,我给出一点建议:开通24小时人工申诉,举报客服处理问题!!! 3:pokeMMO的交易行脚本问题,pokeMMO交易行一直存在大量脚本抢低价货物官方屡禁不止,在封脚本同时误封大量玩家造成不开脚本买不到,买到了就封号的现象!!! 最后希望pokeMMO可以越做越好,不要疏忽与玩家沟通和交流,谢谢!
  4. 我是一个公会会长,我在9月4日这天在公会搞了个活动我一个朋友为我提供了活动奖励【非同公会,好友】但是在邮件上标明了公会活动奖励并且也是活动搞完奖励发完【可以查到交易记录和邮件标明】,当天号没有任何问题,到了9月13日晚上我登录游戏发现被封号了理由是RMT【当然我没有进行任何人民币交易】不知道为什么就封号了,申诉完了也没回复,希望可以有管理看到游戏名:SHOUZHOU,麻烦管理好好查一下,我不希望每个人被莫名其妙封号,申诉,发帖得到的都是管理的机器人式的回复比如给个申诉地址,耐心等待之类的,我们要实质性的回复不求补偿吧,好歹查一查,谢谢!
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