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About Tinyknigth

  • Birthday 06/16/2000

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  1. Why don't you just make everybody take drugs?
  2. I just noticed. The rules for the off-topic zone are less viewed then some of the topics themselves

  3. Really what is the book about?
  4. Have you ever had the feeling that you thought of something and you were like OMG this is amazing. I've had a couple my self and i know it will be hard or its actually impossible at the time. My newest ones were an idea for a game( of course) and one for a book. Post your ideas here and here out others, and maybe with the support your idea could bring you will start a kickstarter and be like " Hey give me money because this is great". Share those ideas. Don't let them die
  5. Im going to summer school. So after that i might go to England then some other stuff also to kick off the summer my b-day
  6. Tinyknigth

    The Purge

    I think i would try to hide with Kelarr. Or just rob Macy for all those expensive clothes then sell them on eBay for half price the next day. Also rob a gamestop then sell all those game they have for preorder that haven't come out yet. Sell those for 30 times more
  7. Tinyknigth

    Laidback Zone

    No you got it wrong its that none of this actually happened and hes in a dream were the mandien with the help of Leonardo DiCaprio are trying to get the the forumal out of his head that he got a new years because the manien released that if he figures that out and gets out he can destroy his whole plan. The end of the film is him figthing of them and that all the suits never existed and he only had the one. Those suits are his projections helping him and peeper came down all the levels to save him as a bad ass.
  8. Now for one i think if possible double fine should make costume quest 2. The first one was amazing and an update came out which made the game non playable on the 3rd level so it kinda flopped after that. Also other games i want to see be previewed: Batman arhkam origins and maybe talk about the squeal to arhkam city. And more talk about LOL if possible, also theres one thing we all want to see POKEMMO BEING SHOWCASED THERE and that Nintendo is now helping them in full force adding everything, including the new game. Make it happen guys if not this year THEN MAKE IT THE NEXT.
  9. I think a cool tournament would be kinda like a deathmatch type of thing. It would be a lot of people in an enclosed area anyone could join the rumble any level you just need access to the. So there could be a guy with a level 10 vs a guy with a level 50. And so that guy who lost would auto sent back to Pokemon center and could not be let back in. So it would come back down to the final couple people. Now i could see that tons of people would jsut go in with level 50s or so and own everybody. So its enter at youre own risk. If you win it would be a couple 1000 poke dollars. Yea big payoff. Also if you turn down the fight insta out. Maybe it could also be done like level 10s only. I think that would be good its only a suggestion thougth
  10. +1. You just got a plus from me you know what that means Not very much
  11. +1. You just got a plus one from me you know what that means Not very much
  12. Megatokyo is a good america made manga. It like a webcomic
  13. 7/10 For first what ive seen for second about the same score
  14. Its really good looking but Foxes are better
  15. Tinyknigth

    Dead island

    Okay this game is in my opining the most debated game ever. Its ratings are always split between good and terrible. I liked it it was not the best game but i think it was okay. Post what you think about the first game and riptide. Think Riptide should of been an expansion post that as well. I have not bought riptide so i do not have an opining yet but from what ive seen it looks okay. Just post what you think here
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