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Everything posted by Juruata

  1. Equipo Buena onda Maravilla Escuadrón Lobo [Juruata, Payowo, Sebaskw, RadicalApache] Reserves: snowdreamuwu
  2. If you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. But what happens if the abyss smiles? It was around 9 pm and I was coming back from exercising; I had climbed the hill that I usually visit since I was a little boy, but far from feeling satisfaction, I felt boredom and annoyance, the place that bring me tranquility was close to becoming a garbage dump thanks to the drunks and lazy people who frequented the place since it had been turned into a tourist attraction. And it wasn't long when I heard a couple of outbursts and I thought they might be children detonating pyrotechnics, but shortly after I heard the characteristic sound of an object that exceeds the speed of sound, similar to when an airplane is flying at full speed; been have been shots. I froze in the dark waiting to see where the shots were coming from, but I couldn't see anything. I stood still for about five minutes, fearing that some stray bullet might hit me, until I plucked up my courage and kept moving forward. I go ahead until I heard a couple of motorcycles coming from far away, but since I was already close to my house I was not afraid, so I kept looking at them and realized that they were policemen on patrol. I approached them and told them what had happened, but they told me it was fireworks and I replied that it was not. They made faces of disgust and told me that they would send someone to check; it was evident that they would not do anything and it is even probable that they were involved. I could only think that humanity was a plague that should be eradicated, because it destroys the nature that is its sustenance, and mortifies the society it uses, but what bothered me the most was not that and that is why I was scared. For a few moments I felt as if I was being watched; I started to walk faster, but my gait became clumsy, I felt enervated, there was a slight sweet smell in the air. My head was spinning so much that I felt that my shadow was moving independently of my movements, and it was at that moment that a chill ran down my spine, the environment suddenly cooled, I seemed to see a pair of claws and a threatening tongue coming out of nowhere, as if they had been transported from another dimension. At the moment I saw sinister eyes emerging from my shadow, I knew what was happening; a Gastly, a Haunter, and a Gengar had been stalking me and were coming for my soul. I should be happy, because my wish was fulfilled, the eradication of humanity had begun, but it had begun with me. My eyes filled with tears, my legs thirsty, I got down on my knees, and I couldn't help but have hypocritical thoughts about how I was different from the rest of humanity and that I didn't deserve it. And without warning -ahhhhh!- One of them had touched the back of my neck with his tongue and I let out a scream with all my strength. The three specters began to laugh out loud, but they were not malicious laughs, they were warm and innocent laughter, like a child who has done a mischief. I looked stupid for a long time, but since I didn't react, they got bored with me and started to get away. My astonishment was so great that I followed and watched them for the rest of the evening; they had so much fun that I envied them, although I also noticed people's notorious contempt for them, and despite this they never attacked a single one of their "victims." Cheerful creatures like them couldn't hurt anyone. In that case, what are the curses that people fear so much? Possibly it is only the autosuggestion of the most obtuse and superstitious. I can only think of how much I can learn from these creatures as I remember Aristippus's words to Diogenes "If you knew how to associate with men, you wouldn't be washing vegetables". IGN: Juruata
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