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Everything posted by Venjei

  1. Cold tears Rays of the sun shined the start of my day as I opened my eyes avidly Marvelous thoughts, in my mind, obey what my heart displays vividly I seized the zeal that moves me away, calls me to step a new journey Adventures to the southernmost region convey the desired interest in me Ideas about icy terrain which I portray, now turning into reality Preparing items and myself with no delay to embark and be ready already Suddenly, mom and dad blocked my way, perplexing my entirety Pure bliss and euphoria were wholly filled into me after what they did New clothes, pokeballs, pokedex, and a pokemon egg were handed for my need Embraced my parents saying "thank you and goodbye", then my odyssey proceed Running on the path while joyfully crying, recalling their heartfelt deed Tears rolled down from my eyes to chin, then fell onto the egg I carried A vibrant light then glowed brightly from the egg which my head deeply heed A pokemon, called sneasel, appeared and now our created bond will lead As we get along over the time, similarities between us are clearly noticeable Being away from a crowd is our comfort to ease or cease any hurdle We also love to grasp the cold extent and exceed the capable level Our connection understands each other even our concepts that are subtle We have travelled far, now meeting a wild lapras which seems in trouble Wailing sadly while staring at me, engulfed by rocks and some pebble Thanks to the sharp claws of sneasel, lapras was freed from struggle A sensation radiates as if lapras' telling me to explore with each other Confirmation's approved, I caught the transport pokemon right after Then moving onward on the course with new things that I might encounter Arrived at the port yet upset welcomed, cruise won't go to the place of glacier Hope goes up as the presence of lapras shows to travel across the water Eagerly mounted on, then started a voyage with my pokemon partner Warm to frigid realm, rocks to icebergs, destination's getting closer Put the jacket on, that my parents gave, as I step on my destination My eyes grown bigger and my mouth left wide-open while raising a question "What happened here?", I said as I saw alarming scene far from my imagination Crumbling sounds vibrate as the Iceberg melts and breaks in contraction Articuno, Regice, and Kyurem then appeared, dealing a complication I asked them why, then they reply, Man-made activity is the main reason Excessive heat emission overpowered their powers to take action Sneasel and Lapras used ice beam on the ice yet still not enough I pledged to help making this right, Articuno then gave a ride to settle stuff Went at the central place of my region, crowd heard the truth, percieved as bluff Persuaded them earnestly on a platform, but their ears are so tough I'm in the brink of despair but voices sounded out of nowhere with cold puff All ice-type pokemon have gathered even Kyurem and Regice, ready to buff Understandings emanate to the surrounding, soften the act that's rough People generated a solution to solve the environmental problem They converted the heat into energy that powers industrial system Henceforth, humans practice harmless ways for glacial organism The Icerbegs stopped melting, now augmenting, releasing the tender anthem Ice-type pokemon are celebrating the restoration of their life that's solemn I left the place with a smile on my face, and a nevermeltice given by Kyurem The emblem of change -- Heard calls from the forests, "what about them?" IGN: venjei art source: https://www.google.com/search?q=all+ice+type+pokemon+in+arctic+place&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiov-zT5pLzAhWGw4sBHb_4BgQQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=all+ice+type+pokemon+in+arctic+place&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIHCCMQ7wMQJ1AAWABgyNkFaABwAHgAgAGHAYgBhwGSAQMwLjGYAQDAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=Bz9LYeifCoaHr7wPv_GbIA&prmd=ivsxn#imgrc=nDasO--mQvWcXM
  2. @Nakkovski thank you so much for responding and thank you for organizing such incredible event and giving additional exhilaration to all trainers. I'm super excited about this.
  3. Hello. I just want to ask for clarification hehe. In order to win the 1st place, the entry should have the lowest score? And the 5th place should have the highest? Hoping for your kind response
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