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Everything posted by Desu

  1. If the new elfbot items differ in anything other than color, it is a mistake and will be fixed in a later patch.
  2. Tile mods aren't currently supported, sorry.
  3. The extra cheap vanities in each region are not marketable.
  4. I've pushed out a potential fix. Could you try to update again?
  5. Download links are always updated immediately for all builds. Redownloading will solve any updater related issues.
  6. Hmm, It might work on an individual basis. I was imagining a more of "Show me everything that I own that people might want to buy".
  7. It's really really really not fucking trivial to get an expected value of something. There's way too many variables that influence price, from nature to ivs to egg moves to species to shinyness down to the held item. Combine this with economic fluctuations there's very likely not to be anything truly comparable. Then you take this already small list f comparables and add in the ability to buy your own listings via an alt and you can make anything look valuable.
  8. Trash being offered for sale seems like it would be much easier for users to filter out. You have a good idea of what you want to buy, but searching for everything you can sell is a bit harder to filter.
  9. One problem I can foresee is it will be full of trash requests. Things like "31 iv + shiny + god tier for $10". I can't really think of a way to prevent it either.
  10. Pls no bulli It's fine I'm pretty sure I know what the issue is and it has been resolved, but I wanted to confirm.
  11. It'll very likely be fixed next update. Do can you post a console.log or the hs_err pid files into a support request?
  12. It almost assuredly is not possible. Each tab only renders when it's selected.
  13. By everyday you mean exactly once in the last 2 weeks? I've given the user who requested that email a warning, but like the email says, it's harmless if they do not have access to your email account. Especially that email in particular, it is just informational. If you still feel uncomfortable follow these steps to further secure your gmail account.
  14. PokeMMO.exe is a combination jar and exe created by http://launch4j.sourceforge.net/ Due to the nature of automatic updates inherent of an MMO this isn't really something which can be worked around. Using this format all desktop (Windows/Linux/OSX) share a common inter-compatible main executable and therefore automatic updates. Our default linux packages are simply a bootstrapping mechanism which invokes the updater (.jar) to automatically download the client files. We have an email for the linux package maintainers at [email protected]
  15. Initial documentation is up, if you have any questions or issues please feel free to ask.
  16. Follower Sprite Mods: Certain files in the /sprites/followsprites/ folder will be loaded as overworld follower sprites. The naming format is 'ID-Gender-Shiny(-FormId).png'. ID is the ID of the monster Gender is 'b' for both, 'f' for female, 'm' for male Shiny is either 'n' for normal or 's' for shiny FormID is the form id for monsters that have multiple forms. If a form id is not specified it will be treated as form '0'. These sprites are expected to be a single atlas image containing all frames for the follower gender/shiny combination. Please use sprites that are represented with a 1-1 pixel ratio. PNG files that have sprites at 2x normal scale will lead to scaling/artifact issues. (Batch resize applications exist so please do not do this manually.) /sprites/followersprites/atlasdata.txt is required to supply the atlas layout and structure. An example of a functioning atlasdata.txt is as follows:
  17. The game isn't a roflstomp anymore for storyline content. This change highly benefits casual players who might otherwise not understand certain type matchups.
  18. We'll probably get something written up shortly explaining the expected values.
  19. This will not be happening, sorry. It's not within the scope of the project.
  20. The update today added support for loading mods that end in .mod instead of .zip Mod creators are encouraged to utilize the new file extension when publishing mods to avoid the confusion of whether to extract the mod or not. You can still use .zip to test/create your mods and legacy mods ending .zip will still function just fine.
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