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Everything posted by Winterbrah

  1. Totally forgot about it, gonna go there and see how my megaseadramon does
  2. idk brah i'm playing on an emulator
  3. mfw read this as "Shitpost Forest" at first
  4. you know staff dun goofed when i'm agreeing with deej
  5. got it working, if this works on my phone too.. oh lawd
  6. you guys using dub or sub ? iso is still downloading
  7. All evos in dw1 were great, or maybe thats just me being a nostalgia fag
  8. my prayers have been answered
  9. you have 5 seconds to pm me everything you know about this game digimon world was easily one of my fav ps1 games
  10. w-wait let me get this straight, that is an online digimon game with digimon world 1 mechanics ?
  11. We quarantine now Aware me on that digimon game
  12. It's hard, its a great feel to hug a petite girl.
  13. behavior psychologists hate him 13 signs that your lover hates your homecooked meals
  14. If you wanna buy 5 or 50 everstones just let me know guys :)
  15. grab a napkin and draw then
  16. I didnt read the OP or the rules so when noad sent me those random numbers i was like "what even is this" But yeah i get it now, can we use evos or are we forced to use NFE pokes ?
  17. I just hope I get pokes I know, not some flying icecream or a toaster dinosaur pls
  18. Winterbrah

    Laidback Zone

    maybe we should make an OT overseeing council
  19. Winterbrah

    Laidback Zone

    There's plenty of threads where normies can use to slip into our shitposting circlejerk
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