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Alessoti's Achievements

  1. Hola, yo tengo una cuenta en PokeMMO de nombre "Alessoti" y recientemente me banearon (aproximadamente 1 o 2 horas) y me banearon por "Real money trading", ¿Por qué creo que es un mal entendido? Porque yo estaba ofreciendo codigos de Discord Nitro a cambio de 100k (pokemonedas) y entonces despues de ponerlo me desconecta del servidor y cuando quiero volver a entrar me informa que me banearon. Y yo creo que averme baneado por eso es como compararlo con que alguien diga algo como por ejemplo "vendo tal pokemon a 50k" y automaticamente lo baneen por lo mismo que a mi, entiendo que talvez mi conducta no fue la mas apropiada al vender un producto/bien (el codigo de nitro funcional) en el chat de PokeMMO, Yo eh puesto una Apelacion recientemente pero todavia no me han respondido. Pido disculpas ya que por mi error me han perma baneado, No quise que pase eso ni que se interpretara de esa manera, porque un staff pudo averlo interpretado como que pido dinero real por el producto. Pido mis mas sinceras disculpas por el error que cometi pero sigo pensando que se mal interpreto el mensaje ya que como bien dije, no lo intercambiaba por dinero real, sino por pokemonedas, Lamento lo sucedido y pido porfavor que me acepten la apelacion. Mis sinceras disculpas- Alessoti English: Hi, I have a PokeMMO account called "Alessoti" and I was recently banned (about 1 or 2 hours) and banned for "Real money trading", why do I think it is a misunderstanding? Because I was offering Discord Nitro codes in exchange for 100k (pokecoins) and then after putting it in it disconnects me from the server and when I want to re-enter it informs me that I was banned. And I think that seeing me banned for that is like comparing it with someone saying something like for example "I sell such a pokemon at 50k" and they automatically ban it for the same as me, I understand that perhaps my behavior was not the most appropriate when selling a product / good (functional nitro code) in the PokeMMO chat, I recently posted an Appeal but they still haven't responded. I apologize because for my mistake I have been banned, I did not want that to happen or for it to be interpreted that way, because a staff could see it interpreted as asking for real money for the product. I sincerely apologize for the mistake I made but I still think that the message was misinterpreted since, as I said, I was not exchanging it for real money, but for pokecoins, I am sorry for what happened and I ask that you please accept the appeal.
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