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  1. Hola no entiendo porque me bloquearon si no he echo nada malo, no entiendo el mensaje que ponen de nota de castigo quisiera alguna solucion, soy Jugador desde el 2016 con otra cuenta solo que quise empezar una nueva viendo un poco y hablando con un amigo de pokemmo, sale que tengo un inicio de sesion de hoy en el juego el dia 29/01/21 me robaron el telefono ya que vivo en venezuela y es fuerta la delincuencia, en ese telefono tenia el pokemmo con la contraseña preguardada, no fui yo quien jugo el dia de ayer o de hoy, la persona que me robo el movil hizo algo que no hice yo, hoy intento ingresar a mi cuenta y me sale ese ban no entiendo porque, pero porfavor ayudenme no fui yo no quiero perder mi cuenta, ya que la vieja no la use mas no recuerdo nada de la otra cuenta, les anexo el capture de pantalla de mi amigo donde sale que me conecte hoy, ademas como me puedo conectar hoy si hoy fue el ban, y no fui yo por favor ayudenme se los suplico Hello, I do not understand why they blocked me if I have not done anything wrong, I do not understand the message that they put on the punishment note, I would like some solution, I have been a player since 2016 with another account, only I wanted to start a new one by watching a little and talking with a friend of pokemmo, it comes out that I have a session start today in the game on 01/29/21 they stole my phone since I live in Venezuela and crime is strong, on that phone I had the pokemmo with the pre-saved password, it was not me Who played yesterday or today, the person who stole my phone did something that I did not do, today I try to enter my account and I get that ban I do not understand why, but please help me, it was not I, I do not want to lose my account , since the old woman does not use it anymore I do not remember anything about the other account, I attach the screenshot of my friend where it appears that I connect today, also how can I connect today if today was the ban, and it was not me for Please help me I beg you Hasta Los momentos no me han respondido, quisiera ayuda, no hice nada malo, pero si tengo que pagar por recuperar mi cuenta estoy dispuesto no es justo pero de verdad quisiera recuperar mi cuenta Until now they have not responded, I would like help, I did not do anything wrong, but if I have to pay to recover my account I am willing it is not fair but I really would like to recover my account
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