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Everything posted by noty

  1. The premise is that his production quality must be very, very advanced and the movement connection must be perfect, otherwise this mechanism will fail
  2. wtb Acquisition of 2015 Halloween gift bag pls
  3. Real flash fire breathing dragon clothes
  4. It is recommended that the tenth anniversary be turned on first, and the new functions be discussed later
  5. 对面睡不着觉,你就能睡着了? 这运气幸运大乐透本来可以成为亿万富翁的,你选择了打游戏。gx
  6. 方块闪的前半部分id是sounds/2/2060,后半段是和之前闪光后半段一样的id没变
  7. Does this mean that the price of kyu hat will be reduced . XD
  8. JB 20M,吐口痰的功夫都挣到了,累不累 违规必封
  9. 强烈要求Kyu出伊布专属时装来弥补他的过错,或者丘比返场来纪念kyu十周年所做的事情。
  10. 在游戏世界里,帽子类作为像素点最多,也是最容易被关注的焦点,它们需要更多的可能性。 你们不能否认,近些年的帽子无论是动态、光效、声效、主动控制开关等等元素,无一例外,不久的将来,都会走向对的方向:表达情绪。 ”蠢蠢欲动的恶灵骑士“、”电力闪烁的麋鹿+圣诞灯“、”震撼森林的虎啸“、”充满科技的飞碟“等等以及其它还未开发的帽子。 这里建议更新-杰克南瓜灯面罩。2015年,现在所有玩家称它为”远古时装“。 在同等时期、同等价值、同等需要的多元素趣味帽子分类,它已经落后了太多太多。 对于万圣节,它应该作为一个榜样的存在,而不是笑柄。 在其他人面前,他们可以动态的表达情绪,甚至用音效打招呼。 但杰克无法表达出任何情绪,永远都是一个样子。在某些层面,这很不公平。 如果作为一盏没有思想的灯,至少它需要有关灯的时间。如果作为存在背景意义的南瓜人,它需要附着魔法和死神决斗。 但它到底是什么?@Darkshade In the game world, hats have the most pixels and are also the focus of most attention. They need more possibilities. You can't deny that the hat in recent years, whether dynamic, light effect, sound effect, active control switch and other elements, without exception, will move in the right direction in the near future: expressing emotions. ”"Evil spirit riders ready to move", "Elk + Christmas lights flashing with electricity", "tiger roaring shaking the forest", "flying saucers full of technology" and other undeveloped hats. Here is a recommended update - jack-o-lantern mask. In 2015, all players now call it "ancient fashion". In the same period, the same value, the same needs of the multi-element interesting hat classification, it has fallen too far behind. For Halloween, it should exist as an example, not a laughing stock. In front of others, they can express their emotions dynamically, and even say hello with sound effects. But Jack can't express any emotion. He will always be the same. On some levels, this is very unfair. If it is a lamp without thought, at least it needs time for the lamp. As a pumpkin man with background meaning, it needs to attach magic and duel with the God of death. But what is it @Darkshade
  11. 那是个王八壳子,我这个是原版颜色,本来是想做开花的效果,没太多时间,你是真能熬啊!
  12. 说是根据人数会变化城市形态,也许活动会这里举办同时开启形态和相关剧情
  13. 他说的跳栏杆可能是 丰缘流星瀑布 那种台阶
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