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Everything posted by wcyacs

  1. Didn't the developers play the game? A lot of the guides we wrote were in vain!
  2. About 12 hours ago, the team that topped the Christmas event list was suspended and was not lifted until the end of the event. I understand that they do use bugs that are inevitable in games, which I know in the PokeMMO Code of Conduct. But they've already paid for it, and we can know that there was no special reward for first place in the team at this Christmas event, and they still paid a dozen hours of gameplay for this ranking. Currently the bug has been fixed and the ranking has been removed. They've paid for it, but they've still lost the opportunity to participate in this event, and they're banned until the end of the event, which I think is somewhat unreasonable. Game bugs are inevitable but we don't want to see the official attitude of "if you can't solve the bug, then solve the person who found the bug" to deal with bugs. And as you can see from the scores, they know the event very well, and I think they can still actively participate in the event and get a proper ranking, even if there are no bugs. But they lost this opportunity.
  3. 不是摆的越多越好看 况且那墙上全是绿的本身也确实单调
  4. wcyacs


    515小时 自2019-8月31日以来从未遇见闪 看着隔壁家zhxq70小时出一个闪.默默无语. 想当初他跑到我家 告诉我 他单遇闪了时 那种感觉没有人可以体会 觉得自己才是传说中的“闪光绝缘体” 没爱了
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