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Posts posted by Ninjaspartan88

  1. -1

    Prevents easy trading between alts and between friends.

    There is already enough security in trades at this point.

    The devs cannot possibly make the system anymore foolproof without making it extremely annoying for everyone else, and frankly It does not need to be changed at all.

    If people are still getting scammed then that is entirely on them and in no way the fault of the system.


    There's even a pinned thread in the guide tavern to prevent scams....




    What more can new players expect? Certainly not this suggestion...

  2. For the time being we have to use the randomized registration method, it's more for official tournaments to have a standard way of running things, until the staff as a whole can agree on which method works the best. Randomized registration was an attempt at making tournaments more fair and easier for casual players or those with bad internet to be able to get into, instead of the same people every time. While I personally still think we had a good diversity of players both new and old in tournaments anyway.


    We wanted to give this way of registration a fair shot and see how it would work a few times before just scrapping it after the first tournaments. We are always looking at ways to improve events, they are for your enjoyment, and while not every change will be taken with warm reception, it's just part of the process of trying to make events as fun as possible.



    Just voicing an opinion here, but if there are people whose internet is bad enough to where they cannot make a forum post in time. Wont it be the same people who cant make it to the tourney in time or dc in the middle of a battle? Do we really want those people to join tourneys just to dc and be replaced by a reserve?

  3. Yeah, the price for creating the team is beyond cheap. This fee would be nothing to any active team leader who really invests in the game, and really the right to own a team should only be given to active players who have at least a minor following. I mean what is the good in having a one man team and the one guy never plays, it just takes up a team name and a team tag. A fee or expiration date is really necessary in my opinion.

  4. you mean poke$ not irl right? and yeah i'd be game for that but im not sure if the whole community would


    5000$ to make the team, seems reasonable that you should have to pay a poke fee every month. It's not like there's an active team that wont be able to afford it.

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