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  1. https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/topic/131261-name-spaces/ Desu responded in the last post in this thread.
  2. I have always used the ability to use numbers in names to label pokemon for breeding and to label pokemon for prices after checking them on GTL. I am sure there are reasons so I won't say anything else since it's not a huge thing. Thanks.
  3. The most poke-yen I ever had was 26 million. If you made me guess I would say the richest players are in the hundreds of millions in pure poke-yen. I would think there's less than 40 players in the game that keep that much pure yen around though because not many people are willing to go that far. This is just a guess. I don't follow anyone or pocket check them.
  4. Hi, I would like it if someone can help me with identifying an issue with my battle-hud file (theme editing). I am able to make changes on other menu items simply by editing them in Photoshop. PokeMMO accepted these changes: 1. https://i.postimg.cc/1tbtK3Jv/Main-TCTexture.png 2. https://i.postimg.cc/nc4zvZ71/monster-info.png However, PokeMMO does not recognize my "battle-hud" file when I edit using this same method. Here is the one PokeMMO won't recognize: I noticed I had painted slightly out of the dimensions of the original HUD. I tried to match the exact dimensions and I also tried adding transparency and neither resolved the issue. If anyone has an idea on the requirements for PokeMMO to recognize the "battle-hud" file that would be very helpful to me. If could point out what I am doing wrong that would be a bonus. Thank you.
  5. https://youtu.be/YGoJ7GfQg6U
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