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Everything posted by Du

  1. You can turn iosflash into android, but there are risks
  2. I'm just designing a prop to add some possibilities to the game
  3. Mmo camera (Pressing it in the shortcut key will get a photo)
  4. MMo牌相机(把它放在快捷键点击它就会自动生成一张你和你伙伴的自拍)
  5. The individual of the egg is inherited from the parent and does not have a vein of 31 just because he is a flash
  6. You can do whatever you want with other players
  7. 或许可以吧,你可以前往https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/forum/52-suggestion-archive/提出你的建议
  8. 可以加改善一下背包的颜色搭配或者在基础上添加一些装饰
  9. 这个人写的不错,可以去看看1.https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv4171248/?ivk_sa=1024320u 2.https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv4162672/
  10. I wanted the character base template for this game to use to design new clothes Is there anyone who can provide it? Thanks
  11. 好的,不用谢(doge) 加油,期待后续会有更好的主题创造,最好来个手机主题
  12. 小米是吧,bug多了去了不用管它https://support.pokemmo.eu/support前往此处反馈bug创建工单
  13. 有很多人会把游戏放在后台去干一些别的事
  14. 不影响使用,https://support.pokemmo.eu/support前往此处反馈bug
  15. If you want to find, you may need to learn Chinese, because the number of Chinese players is huge, it is easier to find (明雷)
  16. In Chinese, it is called (明雷) channel, and there will be a special person to report the location of the wizard
  17. 并没有排行榜,这种事情应该找挂机佬问问。
  18. https://support.pokemmo.eu/support那就直接反馈bug,可以试试上面说的重装不过很麻烦
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