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  1. 3v公闪 水一路上双组,可以换rp或者时装多退少补
  2. 不是换邮箱,就是比如现在你的邮箱123456里面有一个账号名为123和一个1234的,但是你觉得1234太非了,想把他注销,但是1234又是你喜欢的数字,你想继续用这个账号,所以现在你去删除1234这个账户,删除完你还能继续用这个邮箱注册名为1234的账户吗
  3. 他删除之后是从数据库删除这个账号了吗,还能注册这个账号的吗,就是比如现在我是123456789,然后我删除账户,就是123456789被删除了对吧,他是软删除吗,然后我要是再想注册123456789,还能注册吗
  4. 但是我记得一个是13号的,现在已经18了
  5. 问个问题,如果一个东西1m,但是别人可能不知道价格,你问他价格他说10w,你买了会不会封号
  6. 有人告诉我说他们有转移并被封号过,所以我特此来问问 Someone told me that they had been transferred and blocked, so I came here to ask
  7. 我的邮箱里面有两个账号,互相转资金会封号吗,因为我刚刚我捡到了一个未被注册的4字与我本人有关的ID所以我想着就把那个号当做大号来玩,那么我想把现在玩的账号里面的资金转移进那个号会不会被封号,有上e的资金,是同邮箱不同账号的号,我现在玩的是lhr78812265这个账号,我想转移资金进78812265这个账号可以吗,78812265也是我的邮箱号正好也是我的QQ号又遇上了一个和我有关的4字ID,所以就想着把78812265这个当做大号来玩,求解答,望告知 There are two accounts in my mailbox. Will the mutual transfer of funds be blocked? Because I just picked up an unregistered 4-character ID related to myself, I want to play with that number as a large one. Then I want to see whether the transfer of funds from the current playing account to that number will be blocked. There are funds on e, which are different accounts in the same mailbox. I play with the lhr78812265 account now, I want to transfer funds to the 78812265 account. 78812265 is also my mailbox number, which is also my QQ number. I met another 4-character ID related to me, so I want to play 78812265 as a large one. Please let me know
  8. 78812265


    小号东西邮给大号 不同邮箱会封号吗
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