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  1. como muchos ya sabran las gemas misteriosas sirven para cambiar el poder oculto de un pokemon , y queria saber en donde puedo conseguirlas si tener que recurir a la gtl As many will already know, the mysterious gems serve to change the hidden power of a pokemon, and I wanted to know where I can get them without having to resort to the gtl
  2. Hola, resulta que nose como conseguir las honor balls en pokemmo . en esmeralda se conseguían comprando 10 balls o mas y no se como puedo tenerlas sin tener que recurir a la gtl me gustaria que alguien me diga como conseguirlas . Hi, it turns out I don't know how to get the honor balls in pokemmo. In emerald they were obtained by buying 10 balls or more and I do not know how I can have them without having to resort to the gtl I would like someone to tell me how to get them.
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