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Everything posted by 656164663

  1. 几乎所有玩家现在都这样吧。什么时候能修复啊?
  2. I don't think this change hurts, right? If you think there is a problem, you can do it as if you didn't see it.
  3. Hello, I would like to make a suggestion to the official. It is about the evolutionary randomness of the thorns. I and my friends in the group are very dissatisfied with this mechanism. I would like to ask the official to change this, for example, hunting
  4. 为什么PVP配置努力值是508的啊?看了好几个都少两点
  5. 诚心收一只南瓜小孩质子闪,不定性组最好,可以方便串到不定性的也行
  6. I would like to suggest that the official change the randomness of the evolution of the stickleback worm. Some people said that it was determined by the individual's single and double numbers, but I tried it several times. This statement is wrong. After discussing with friends in the group, it is all about luck. I don't dare to do a high V flash. Please ask the official to make a change. For example, even poisonous moths hunt butterflies in singular numbers. Thank you very much
  7. 我想建议官方把刺尾虫的进化随意性改一下,之前有人说是个体单双数决定的,但我试了好几次,这个说法错误,和群内朋友讨论也是说完全看运气,想做高V闪也不敢做,请官方能不能做个改动,比如偶数毒粉蛾单数狩猎凤蝶
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