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  1. @Du basicamente esta la posibilidad de que me pierda todo halloween y el esfuerzo de meses por una estafa que me hicieron a mi? Esto es deprimente hermano. Yo ya hice el ticket de fraude hace mas de una semana y llevo 3 dias con el de apelacion de ban Basically is it the possibility that I miss all Halloween and the effort of months for a scam that they did to me? This is depressing bro. I already made the fraud ticket more than a week ago and I have been 3 days with the ban appeal.
  2. Hello, I open this topic with the hope that some moderator or GM can see it. I proceed to tell what happened, in an auction I gave my shiny pokemon to the auctioneer (Removed), followed by this I asked him the commission and he was ignoring me or dodging the issue for about 15 minutes while auctioning other things, he replied to me Half of the auction of my pokemon, which was exaggeratedly high, I told him to return it to me, he told me that you cannot do that, but because we knew each other before, I would do it, with this I remain calm, until I find out that it I auction the same and for very little (I was cheated), in this situation I decided to tell the auction what happened, being then that the auctioneer (Removed) got angry because the auction was against him calling him a scammer, he was angry about the situation He shields himself saying that it was a misunderstanding and that I misunderstood what he meant to say, after this he threatened to report me for defamation, I did the same but for fraud, this happened on 10/14/2021, on 19 / 10/2021 my report and until day of Today still does not have an answer, instead the report for defamation of the scammer yes, since all my accounts with more than 3k hours invested between them remained, I lost all my things and now I am about to miss Halloween, I was scammed and now banned Unjustly, I took captures of what happened and I have asked for a bann appeal but I do not receive answers a week after what happened, having all the evidence to request an appeal, but I cannot get any GM to look at my case. I opened this topic with the hope that some GM will see what happened I have captures and evidence and I have already issued a ban appeal ticket, please I ask that it be seen before Halloween since I have been preparing since January 2021 and I do not want to miss out on this Unfairly, my nickname is "lukaigl". -------------------------------------------- Hola, abro este tema con la esperanza que algun moderador o GM pueda verlo. Procedo a contar lo sucedido, en una subasta yo le di mi pokemon shiny al subastador (Removed), seguido de esto le pregunte la comision y el me estuvo ignorando o esquivando el tema por alrededor de 15 minutos mientras subastaba otras cosas, me respondio a mitad de la subasta de mi pokemon, la cual era exageradamente alta, yo le dije que me lo devolviera el me dijo que no se puede hacer eso, pero por conocernos de antes lo haria, yo con esto me quede tranquilo, hasta enterarme que lo subasto igual y por muy poco ( osea me estafo ), yo en esta situacion decidi contar a la subasta lo sucedido, siendo entonces que el subastador ( Removed ) se enojo porque la subasta se puso en su contra llamandolo estafador, el enojado por la situacion se escudo diciendo q fue un mal entendido y que yo entendi mal lo que me quizo decir, despues de esto amenazo con reportarme por difamacion, yo hice lo mismo pero por estafa, esto sucedio el dia 14/10/2021, el dia 19/10/2021 mi reporte y hasta dia de hoy sigue sin tener respuesta, en cambio el reporte por difamacion de el estafador si, siendo que me permabanearon todas mis cuentas con mas de 3k de horas invertida entre ellas, perdi todas mis cosas y ahora estoy por perderme halloween, fui estafado y ahora baneado injusamente, saque capturas de lo sucedido y he pedido un bann appeal pero no recibo respuestas una semana dsps de lo sucedido, teniendo todas las pruebas para pedir una apelacion, pero no logro que ningun GM mire mi caso. Este tema lo abri con la esperanza de que algun GM vea lo sucedido tengo capturas y pruebas y ya he emitido un ticket de ban appeal, porfavor pido que sea visto antes de halloween ya que llevo preparandome desde enero de 2021 y no quisiera perdermelo de esta manera injusta, mi nickname es "lukaigl".
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