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Everything posted by YorFrost

  1. Great, I already wanted to see something like this, but I hope You can keep updating this guide for a long time to come. Just one thing, for some reason I can't see any of the images ... I apologize if there is any mistake in the English translation
  2. I agree with you, but honestly I do not see anything relevant to this but I support it
  3. I am also interested in these rare objects, too bad it will be a few years for me to have them, I know several players who have the electrical storm, I think I know who has the party hat, as well as the knight's helmet and many others. Let's say I like knowledge, that's why I try to be up-to-date on this topic ... Maybe it is good that you observe the ranking of players or that of the top, the best players there you can find something ... I apologize if there is any mistake in the English translation
  4. It's a good idea, I once referred to it but I guess I was new to the forum and nobody saw me. It is definitely a good idea
  5. Great! I do not know, I think there is no other guide of this type, in any case, let me tell you something, I think that having all the tapes is very good shows the time you spend on the game, personally I would also get all The tapes to be able to access that place, I want to have access to all possible places, for this reason I completed the pokedex in Sinnoh to be able to access certain places. Although I value things that many do not give because they seem insignificant, I would obtain all the medals in each of my pokes, although the latter, from what I have seen, players only dedicate themselves to obtaining the medals when they are shiny pokes. and with good statistics. Anyway, good job, I'm sure I will visit this guide many times, but I have a question, is there a guide in the forum about "combat" in contests, that is, about what each movement does, say, how many hearts goes up, between other things? On one occasion I suggested to someone who also likes to have his pokes with medals to make one but we both knew that few players are dedicated to obtaining the medals and he did not. I apologize if there is any mistake in the English translation
  6. I was looking at the Christmas tree in my house and I realize that it has an on and off pattern of its lights, perhaps it is too much to ask that this happen like this in the vanity of Christmas lights, that is, that it has several patterns. On the other hand, I propose that more vanities be created that can be superimposed on others, for example, maybe it was something unplanned but if the cursed mask is put on together with any other configuration of the eyes it will be seen in a different way and could also be worn the cursed mask and any of the burning skulls. With these ideas that I gave, everyone will surely enjoy the customization of their characters. Merry Christmas. I apologize if there are any errors in the English translation.
  7. Hello! The Christmas event has just started and I liked the new cosmetics, I don't know why but when I saw them I thought of a small toy robot, the one in the photo is to my idea the design of a "classic" toy robot. It is a real photo but it can adapt to the game. It can have a light effect and its location would be on the back just like the console and the teddy bear. Merry Christmas. I apologize if there is any mistake in the English translation
  8. Hello! The Christmas event just started and I really liked the new cosmetics, when I saw them I thought of a cosmetic of a small robot that would go on the back like the console and the teddy bear, below I leave a photo of what I propose ("it's real "), he thought that adapted for a cosmetic in PokeMMO would be very good. Merry Christmas
  9. Hello, I would like to raise some things, for example, why the name of my boxes on the PC, as well as the objects that I had registered as shortcuts were "reset" when leaving the game and re-entering? Next, it is normal that When you change the channel when you are in a gym, the game puts you at the entrance of it (it happened to me in the Sinnoh water and fighting gym), I have detected some errors in the maps, could you share them? Note: I apologize if there is any mistake in the English translation
  10. Hello, someone tell me why is it like this? (I mean the place of birth) PS: it doesn't belong to me
  11. Espero no equivocarme de lugar en cuanto a lo que escribo, bueno, lo que quería preguntar es que si yo con casi 18 años podría formar parte del "equipo" de traducción de PokeMMO, me gustó el juego así que quiero algo por él. Espero no estar en el lugar equivocado en cuanto a lo que escribo, bueno, lo que quería preguntar es que si yo con casi 18 años pudiera ser parte del "equipo" de traducción de PokeMMO, me gustó el juego así que quiero haz algo por eso
  12. Hola, está es mi primera publicación aquí, así que espero no equivocarme de lugar en cuanto a lo que escribo Bueno, mi sugerencia es que cuando se esté creando un personaje nuevo exista una opción de generar uno aleatorio, tal vez, así los nuevos jugadores pueden hacerse un personaje más rápidamente y que tal vez sea de su agrado. Y sobre los cosméticos mi idea es que por ejemplo, exista una opción de poder elaborar un traje y poder ponerlo como acceso directo, es decir, por ejemplo el set de la rata morada agruparlo en 1 solo y sería más fácil a la hora de elegirlo (solo lo digo agruparlo a la hora de la compra / venta sería separado) y de esta forma también podrían crearse trajes al gusto de cada uno (que igualmente se puede hacer pero creo que sería más rápido a la hora de cambiarse la ropa) y poder elegirlo de una manera más rápida Hello, this is my first post here, so I hope I am not in the wrong place as far as what I write Well, my suggestion is that when creating a new character there is an option to generate a random one, maybe, so that new players can become a character more quickly and maybe they will like it. And about cosmetics my idea is that, for example, there is an option to be able to make a suit and be able to put it as a direct access, that is, for example the set of the purple rat group it in 1 only and it would be easier when choosing it (I only say grouping it at the time of purchase / sale would be separate) and in this way suits could also be created to suit each one (which can also be done but I think it would be faster when changing clothes) and be able to choose it in a faster way
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