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Everything posted by 1026869549

  1. 怀念伊布的第五十三个夜晚 好久好久不见! (终于想起密码啦) 最近学习很忙,而且可以预料到,接下来一年都会像失踪一样(bushi 自从入坑switch,我将宝可梦的很多作品都玩了一遍~!(当然仅限ns平台)虽然第九世代的朱紫不能穿小裙子,但是这一作的画质是真的香!(更想要小裙子了) 每次给伊布们洗澡澡的时候,总是会想起你。 想起那天早晨,发现彻底失去你的那一刻的悲伤。 你知道吗?你的弟弟妹妹们看起来更可爱了哦,也许以后它们看起来会越来越精致呢! 但是...陪伴我的终究不是你。 我想你啦QwQ
  2. 怀念伊布的第五十二个夜晚 好久不见! 这一年来,我逐渐的将pokémon融入了自己的生活,因为痛失伊布,而因祸得福什么的,我才不承认呢x 一开始,自己在mmo因为失去了伊布而退坑,当时是十分痛苦的。现在回顾一年前的那天,仍然觉得心疼。 虽然没在mmo上有什么金钱投入,没参与多少次社区活动。 但是我至今难忘在mmo和朋友一起玩游戏的心情,以及抓到第一只伊布时的喜悦(虽然个体垃圾 mmo是我首次记忆清晰地游玩并通关的pokémon游戏,虽然时至今日,我和朋友们都已经退坑。 退坑以来,我买了伊布玩偶(还在这里发了图 后来又入坑了PTCG,线下实卡!买来和朋友一起玩,还去了桌游俱乐部认识了好多人!(但是好贵 然后我终于买了Switch,入手了剑盾。终于我还是入正了wwwww 最近,也在大家热烈的抨击声中,入手了珍珠钻石复刻。 正版有这样那样的问题,mmo也没能满足全部人,但是对我来说,他们都承载着弥足珍贵的意义。 因为, 如果不是失去你, 我只会偏安一隅, 而无法接触真正的pokémon。
  3. 毕设好忙哦...咕咕咕! 话说回来,平均一个月上线一次的玩家,怕不是只有我了... 最近想试试PTCG,但是...emmm...PTCG online只有英文服务器,虽然我能看懂,玩懂,但还是不太舒服。 线下的话,PTCG的卡片又好贵,还没有人陪我玩QWQ 也许,我应该尝试去QQ里找找同好群? 总之继续咕咕咕~
  4. 抱歉刚看见!当时参加惹...但是身为非酋,自知之明还是有的hhh
  5. 啊?这个不是从第二世代开始就修复了吗?
  6. 今天中午,日常在关都17号道路抓伊布的时候...一个老外迎面走来。 走来! 17号道路不是自行车道吗??? 我俩对话大概如下: 我:为啥你的精灵可以跟着你? 老外:很简单,我在步行。 我:如何步行? 老外:扔掉你的自行车。 我:我...我... 我:我不能... 我:求求了,怎么步行? 老外:如你所见,步行显然是可行的。 ... ... 没惹,他最后也没告诉我怎么做到的QAQ 所以我来这里问大家来惹QAQ
  7. 怀念伊布的第五十一个夜晚 太棒惹! 伊布伊布,我找到玩伴了! 记得当初刚来这里时, 尚且有数个玩伴... 但他们逐渐都离开了... 我也离开了... 因为你不再陪伴我。 但是现在,终于有一位新的玩伴陪伴我们了! 当然还有你的弟弟妹妹们,他们都相当的争气~
  8. 怀念伊布的第五十一个夜晚 这两天很开心! 因为一直在lol美测服下棋,所以这几天很少花精力玩pokemmo了。 但是今天上线的时候,正巧遇到一个欧洲玩家过生日! 邮寄给他一只伊布作为生日礼物,得到他惊喜的回应也令我很开心~ 突然就对自己的生日期待了起来! 啊啊啊啊,心疼自己,已经很久没有正式的过生日了。 就从下个生日开始吧~
  9. 怀念伊布的第五十个夜晚 啊啊啊太棒惹! 我感受到你的心意了! ... ... 这是我布生...哦不,这是我人生中,抓到的第一只野生的2V伊布! 虽然性格不对,性别还是公的(小声) 真棒!
  10. 怀念伊布的第四十九个夜晚 好耶!可爱的女孩子回复我了! 真香!(指女孩子) 虽然不知道她玩没玩过pokemon,但是依然很开心! 话说回来,我身边玩过pokemon,或者说,相对了解pokemon的玩家还是很少的。 可能pokemon的确算是小众游戏吧~(童年回忆.jpg)
  11. 怀念伊布的第四十八个夜晚 啊啊啊可恶! 今晚跨年,布布还未曾陪我跨过年!QAQ (所以说今天还是没有见到它的身影...) 我能怎么办,我也很绝望啊QAQ 不过,如果你能看见的话,我希望你能知道, 我过得很好! 你的弟弟妹妹们,活泼可爱的就像当年的你们。 他们也将陪伴着我,复刻当年,我们走过的路~
  12. 你不看规则的么.... 我复制一下吧: 1. Rules related to "Chat" and communication with other users: a. You may not harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other persons using our Service (Players and PokeMMO's Staff). This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about people, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. b. You may not spam, flood, or repeatedly make duplicate posts. Messages composed of gibberish ("fjdklasjfld" "asdfsafdsa" "uiouoiuoiuoi") are considered spam. c. You may not impersonate any PokeMMO staff (volunteer or employed.) d. You may not solicit, advertise, or promote any services other than PokeMMO via PokeMMO's services (forums, in game, irc, etc). e. You may not upload, attempt to distribute files, or facilitate the distribution of files that contain viruses, corrupted data, or any other malicious software. f. You may not distribute or facilitate distribution of any pirated or illegal software while using PokeMMO's Services. g. You may not transmit, distribute, or facilitate distribution of any person's personal information (name, account name, telephone number, address, etc.) h. You may not transmit, post, link to, or facilitate distribution of any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, infringing, obscene, hateful, vulgar, racially or ethnically offensive imagery or content. i. You will follow the instructions of PokeMMO's Staff while using PokeMMO's Services. 1. Rules related to "Chat" and communication with other users: a. You may not harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other persons using our Service (Players and PokeMMO's Staff). This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about people, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. b. You may not spam, flood, or repeatedly make duplicate posts. Messages composed of gibberish ("fjdklasjfld" "asdfsafdsa" "uiouoiuoiuoi") are considered spam. c. You may not impersonate any PokeMMO staff (volunteer or employed.) d. You may not solicit, advertise, or promote any services other than PokeMMO via PokeMMO's services (forums, in game, irc, etc). e. You may not upload, attempt to distribute files, or facilitate the distribution of files that contain viruses, corrupted data, or any other malicious software. f. You may not distribute or facilitate distribution of any pirated or illegal software while using PokeMMO's Services. g. You may not transmit, distribute, or facilitate distribution of any person's personal information (name, account name, telephone number, address, etc.) h. You may not transmit, post, link to, or facilitate distribution of any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, infringing, obscene, hateful, vulgar, racially or ethnically offensive imagery or content. i. You will follow the instructions of PokeMMO's Staff while using PokeMMO's Services.
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