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Everything posted by Hiwe

  1. Hiwe

    Rich List

    hahaha,your answers are very convincing indeed. There is no point in me going on. But I still hope my suggestion will come true.And I've only playing for less then 100 hours. The idea was just a whim of mine. Thanks for your answers.
  2. Hiwe

    Rich List

    I agree with you, but for some players it is also a sign of strength(like pvp ranking). I'm just providing a way to enrich the player's experience.
  3. Hiwe

    Rich List

    sorry, I don't know what you mean. This is a suggestion. Isn't this the suggestion box?
  4. 有个老哥说榜上都会是中国人,大家肝帝的名号都这么响吗,哈哈
  5. Hiwe

    Rich List

    Man has a mind for struggle.
  6. Hiwe

    Rich List

    hahaha, why do you think so?
  7. 玩游戏没多久 问一下CN和GM是什么
  8. https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/topic/125613-rich-list/#comment-1734840 我发在建议箱了,大家可以看看
  9. Hiwe

    Rich List

    My English is poor, so maybe have many mistake. These words are from the translation. Pls forgive. The rich list can stir up a sense of struggle among players.There maybe a more meaningful goal for the players. So I hope the official can give me a reply, thanks.
  10. 刚才逛了一圈,都是长篇大论,我最多抖两下就没了。。。
  11. 有没有可能出个类似富豪榜的榜单?
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