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About CaesarZJOJO

  • Birthday 04/29/2002

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  1. 看到脚本哥回血真的很不爽的诶,也没有证据能去举报
  2. 往年万圣节特制糖果从来没被回收过,圣诞节以前需要用大零件换礼袋的大零件也没回收过,为什么周年纪念章如此特殊,而且众所周知脚本哥手里的纪念章非常之多/汪汪,除去官方可能以后很长时间不会办周年活动这一因素外,我们不由得怀疑脚本哥怕不是内部成员有联系/汪汪,这活动突然回收未免太过离谱,以往万圣节求着回收特制糖果啥都没有,这次突然良心发现了?
  3. 现在b站都有打boss的脚本了,但是mmo的举报至少要半个月时间才有可有可无的回复,想要提意见活动时间都过去了 至少把难度提高到往年南瓜王吧,这boss真的太简单了
  4. 原作中路闪方块的概率是星星的15/16 蛋闪才是1/16,但是不知道mmo会改成什么
  5. 所以方块闪的概率会和原作中一样吗?即路闪方块的概率是星星的15/16,孵蛋闪方块的概率是星星的1/16?
  6. 请注意阅读公告,给出的两个星期只是大概时间,真正更新时间不知道的呢
  7. 公会名称 Utopia 公会会长 CaesarZJOJO 日期 星期三,10月27日 时间 北京时间 10:00 地点 合众地区 13号道路 时长 1小时抓捕 另外10分钟提交成绩 评分 个体值总和 = 最终成绩 有效的参赛精灵宝可梦 大舌贝 规则 要赢得从高到低排名的第1-3名, 需要提交一只总成绩最高的精灵宝可梦。 要赢得第4名, 需要提交一只总成绩最低的精灵宝可梦。 所有精灵宝可梦必须在规定活动时间以及指定的活动地点之内抓到, 你有1小时的抓捕时间。 进化形态和退化形态均不可参赛。 所有精灵宝可梦必须保持原样 (未训练、未进化等)。 你必须是精灵宝可梦的原训练家。 你只能提交一只参赛精灵宝可梦。 你必须通过把精灵宝可梦私聊发给参与活动的官方成员的方式来提交。 平局情况下, 最先抓到的胜出。 主持人 CaesarZJOJO 第1名 攻击v闪光鲤鱼王  第2名 5v铁面忍者+2v满级内敛火暴兽 第3名 5u内敛雷伊布
  8. 这是我一个朋友发给我的也不知道是不是官方的有一些具体问题想了解一下 We modify the odds based on two factors right now: Anti-cheat (which reduces your rate), and Donator Status (which increases it). The anti-cheat metrics don't apply to the vast majority of players, and they are temporary in-game. There is no permanent "cursing" of odds, and odds are not modified based on simple things like "how many encounters you do in-game"; it's an automated process testing for 3rd-party software which is botting on the player's behalf. Some things, like scripted events, have a 0% chance to be shiny (this encompasses "Gifts", scripted encounters, and custom species like Elfbots). Each player has the same "base rate" which we modify against. This hasn't been changed in a while, but it's currently 1/30k and we probably won't change it again. This results in around 0.005%~0.01% of the playerbase encountering shinies every day. There is no special modifications done per-species or anything, so everything has the same chance at being shiny. As a reminder, shiny hunting is a gamble. There is no promise of a reward and there is no "win condition" to be satisfied which will make you win. It's not likely, but you can definitely roll the dice infinitely and come up with nothing, or you can get a shiny on your first encounter, because that's how independent odds work. You have the same odds on your first compared to your 100,000th wild encounter (provided that you didn't get dinged with anti-cheat, or you didn't turn on Donator Status). Increasing the amount of encounters you do via hordes will give you more opportunities to win, but you will never have a 100% chance to win. The only guaranteed shinies come from official event rewards like PvP. 1.什么情况下会被假定为在用脚本然后被降低闪率 2.刷闪这一单调且机械的过程会不会被假定为脚本 3.“Gift”指的具体是什么(遗产?公会奖励?交易所购买物?)
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