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Zaratu's Achievements

  1. The Legend of Perceval Locke Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Kanto, a noble knight with pure heart named Perceval Locke, was in quest of the Holy Graal. My name is Brigit, Mother of gods and Guide whose purpose is to help Perceval in his great fate as prescribed by the gods. To do so, he must become the greatest pokemon trainer. Perceval finally had to stop contemplating the stars to begin his journey from Pallet town to the Graal. - Hey, Brigit. - … - Hey Brigit! - What? I said as I appeared to him, already annoyed. - Huh... I think I'm lost. - *sigh* As introduced, you might think that Perceval is a smart and courageous knight. But he is not. Far from that I would say. He is a zero! He cannot write or read. He cannot seem capable of understanding the concept of right and left as well as north and south. Please guide him, they say. Well go ahead and give it a try. I tried everything! Well, I did not want to get mad again but you know, sometimes. - Well, what? - Yes, you are lost obviously. I told you to walk to the south after Cerulean City and you are going north since then. - This bullshit north and south gotta stop! Once and for all, the north, according to what we look at, changes it all! - How many times I have to tell you that the north is always in the same direction! What you look at does not change anything!! I said, frustrated. - Yeah well, still, you told me to walk along the river then turn right. It's what I did. He told me, satisfied. - No. You actually turned left. - .... - With such capacities for orienting yourself, I would love to know how you manage not to get lost for good before you met me. - Easy! I followed the others. - The others? I found you alone in the periphery of Pallet town. - Periphery... you mean peremptory? - Peremp...what? - Peremptory. It's when axis cross. - No, okay... I meant you were alone around the frontier of Pallet Town. See Perceval is a bit naive and has a problem with vocabulary and orientation but he tries his best. I guess. - No but I didn't stay long there. Villagers were weirdos, they were afraid of walking in the grass, never understood why. - Well, maybe they did not have a pokemon and were hence afraid of encountering one in the swarming grass areas. - It ain't wrong. As he finished his sentence an Ivysaur went out one of his pokeballs. - IVY! - ...Wh-what... do you mean 'it ain't wrong’? I asked, trying to ignore the pokemon. - Well, it's ain't wrong. - IVY! - What is up with your pokemon? - My what? - Your pokemon. - What's that? - I swear to the Graal... And that, what is it huh?! - This? My dog, why? - Your dog. You are kidding my face. - Oh, I wouldn't! The other day, I was heading to the market, to buy some bread, and there I met an old man... - Oh no you are NOT going to tell me another of your bullshit story with you old men. Perceval loves to tell stories including old men. He says they bring some mystery. However, it turns out most of his stories are made up. - No but I swear, this time it's true! - Hmm-hmm, I added suspiciously. - He was a proper one, with the white coat and all! - Go on. - Well, he began to tell me so many things about sorta magic creatures I didn't understand. He is doing his little speech and gave me a red and white ball. Then he left. Since that moment when I say 'Ain't wrong'... - IVY! - See? First it used to scare the hell out of me. - Anyway, this old man, he sounds like an important man. If he entrusted you with this....dog, he must have had a good reason. - If you want my opinion he wasn't the brightest wheel in the box. - He was not the brightest bulb in the box you mean. - Yeah maybe but when he said to train anemones to come on the champion I thought that someone went a lil' too hard on the energy powder! He laughed. Thus, notwithstanding numerous attempts to clarify his speech, we arrived in Vermilion City, where our hero will face Lieutenant Surge, the leader of… - What's that? I won't face anybody. - Okay so a) do not cut me while I narrate it is going to trigger me very badly and b) how do you want to become the greatest trainer if you do not fight the gym leaders? - Wow. - What? - I didn't get a thing. - *sigh* ……. - Anyway, how did you get here without badges? - I have plenty! Hey Dummy! - ... - Hey! Hum.. what's his name already? - What’s whose name? - My dog. - ... Ivysaur. - Hey, Ivysaur! Get out here! - ... - No idea why he wouldn't get out. But I swear he has plenty of those weird stones. - The badges? Plenty of them? - Yeah well, three or four. - How could you have three or four badges since we are heading to the third one? - You know you shouldn't ask me. Say, the huuuh... - Badges? - Yeah, are they valuable? - You bet! They are the lawful proof of your victory against a renowned gym leader required to access the prestigious Pokemon League! On top of that, it is a glowing salary considering the painstaking craftsmanship necessary to their production! - Yeah it ain't wrong! -IVY! - Oh there he is! -*facepalm* - Come on, show your stones to Brigit. - 'SAUR... as he spat two badges, a rock and a crunched bone. - Here you have your badges! - I… see... as I was separating the badges from the slimy rest. So we have the Cerulean City badge, the Pewter City badge and the rest is crap. - Okay, so is that good? - Good well, it is a start. I still have no idea how you managed to get them but anyway... Suddenly, a yelling sounded louder and louder as if it was getting closer. - haaaaaaHAAAAAAAAAAH!! WHAT'S THAT? AUTHENTIC GYM BADGES?! - Who's that guy? - WITH WHAT SOUNDS TO ME AS A YOUNG TRAINER IN QUEST FOR A CHALLENGE!! - Who? Me? Perceval asked me, frightened. I shrugged my shoulders, surprised as he was. - VERY WELL THEN!! THE POKEMON LEAGUE ORDERED ME TO WAIT FOR CHALLENGERS TO COME TO ME BUT IT IS NOT THE WAY YOU WIN A WAR, ... - War?? A challenger, me? Brigit what's this joker talking about?! - ...THAT'S FOR SURE!! HENCE, YOUR CONVERSATION HEARD, I... - Well... - ...LIEUTENANT SURGE, GYM LEADER OF VERMILION CITY, MUST TAKE UP YOUR CHALLENGE! - Huh?! - RAICHU, GO! - Raaaaaichu! - What's that yellow mouse? It can even talk! See that Brigit? He can't seriously think he can impress me with that. He laughed. - Raichu-chu, Chu Raichuuu! Growled the pokemon like its feelings have been hurt. - Yeah it ain't wrong. - IVY! - RAICHU USE THUNDER!! - Thunder? God we gotta run! - Perceval are you insane? You cannot possibly quit a battle like this! Especially against a Gym Leader! - Yeah right! I'll stay and get struck by thunder! Sure thing! Thank you but no thanks, bye! He shouted as he ran away. - ... - RAICHU MY FRIEND… YOU FOUGHT WELL, COME BACK! - Wait what? Ivysaur...won? - YOU'RE TOUGH YOUNG TRAINER!! - To whom is he talking? Perceval just left and he cannot see me as I only appear to Perceval's eyes. - HOWEVER... WILL YOU BEAT... MAAAGNEEETOOON GOO!! - IVY! as Ivysaur savagely went down on the barely summoned Magneton. - Holy... could it be... - MA...GNETON *bzz* *bzz* - MAGNETON, THUNDER WAVE!! - He dodged! - IVYSAUR! *metallic noise* as he frantically continue to double-edge the magneton. - Critical Hit?? Some four minutes later. - I WAS DEFEATED... CONGRATULATIONS YOUNG TRAINER. - No kidding, I thought the sunglasses were a style touch but he might actually be totally blind. - HERE IS YOUR REWARD: THE THUNDER BADGE! USE IT CAREFULLY! He ran away. - IVY! - Hey, so? As I turned back I saw Perceval, hidden in a bush. - So what? - So, was there any storm? - For gods' sake... - IVY! as he tried to engage in playing tag. What I witnessed utterly astonished me. First, I am starting to think that Perceval never actually fight any trainer. Then, according to his soulless and void gaze, I assumed Ivysaur was completely brainless. But he appeared very strong during his fight. Finally, Perceval and Ivysaur are complementary: they are tremendously lucky! I mean Perceval has got his three first badges and he has not even looked for them! And that Ivysaur did a LOT of critical hits and avoided numerous attacks. I think they might be blessed by the gods or something. Ivysaur might have been blessed with the Power of the Haxx or is it simply the love he feels for Perceval that makes him unbeatable? Hmm this could explain the sparks in his eyes when he looks at his trainer. It feels like those two knew each other since always. Now, I know, I have to keep an eye on them.
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