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  1. 确实,,现在工会朋友讨论举办什么活动,就像讨论午饭点什么外卖一样,如果有个“活动菜单”,那么选择办什么活动可能会更轻松吧。 我不知道有没有人已经做过类似的活动类型整理了。
  2. 确实是这样的,不过这种不平等的因素可能也是“随机PVP”的一种乐趣,比如某个玩家捉到了3V对性格的宠物,那么他就更有机会赢下后续的PVP。 创意截图大赛我也不了解(原谅我),我做一下更新,你有一些截图大赛的链接吗?我想了解一下,也顺便归类一下
  3. 想做一些社团型玩法的总结和创新。 公会每次举办活动,都愁举办什么活动类型。我们现在已经有比较丰富的活动了(虽然好多我都没玩过),于是就想整理一份活动模板把。 现在有的活动主要包括三大类,捉迷藏我没有体验过。 - 捉宠物 - PVP - 捉迷藏 - 创意截图大赛:万圣节创作大赛、创意内容游戏截图大赛 然后捉宠还可以细分,包括 - 固定捉宠:捉墨海马 - 轮次捉宠:公会协作轮次捉宠、多轮次竞速捉宠 固定捉宠物又有细分玩法 - 固定宝可梦:如花岩怪、波克比、飞天螳螂等 - 固定区域:沙湖、某某道路等 轮次捉宠就是固定捉宠的轮次版本。不过也是因为轮次捉宠出现了 - 捉宠竞速 - 团队捉宠 PVP有许多活动 - 公会战:公会随机战 - 波克比摇手指大赛 - 开放型对战等 捉迷藏没有玩过。 我想了一个活动,就是把捉宠和PVP结合。简单理解就是先捉宠物如波克比,后再PVP摇手指。 但是拓展一下,就可以有很多玩法,比如某个区域捉宠,然后从区域内捉到的宝可梦进行对战。比如关都沙湖,进去后随便捉,然后出来,随便挑选3只构成队伍,然后进行PVP。 这个方案只是简单了想了想,也不知道有没有前人已经实践过了。像这种新玩法,如果没有前面的活动的话,感觉大家接受起来会比较有难度。
  4. I thought of an activity, is to capture pets and PVP combined. Simple understanding is to catch pets such as Togepi, then PVP wagging finger. However, if you expand it, you can play a lot of games, such as catching pets in a certain area, and then playing pokemon from within the area. For example, Kanto Safari Zone, after entering casually catch, and then out, randomly select 3 to form a team, and then PVP. This scheme is just a simple thought, also do not know whether predecessors have been practiced. Like this new play, if there is no activity in front of the words, feel that everyone will be more difficult to accept.
  5. I want to do some community playing methods summary and innovation. Every time a guild holds an event, it has to worry about what kind of event to hold. We have a lot of activities now (although I have not played many of them), so I want to compile a template of activities. Now some activities mainly include three categories. And I have not experienced "hide-and-seek". - catching Pokemon - PVP - hide and seek - Creative Screenshot Contest: Halloween Art Contest、Cosplay Screenshot Contest Then catching pets can also be subdivided, including - Fixed catching pets - Take turns catching pets Fixed catch pets and subdivided gameplay - Fixed Pokemon: Flower Rock, Bobbie, Flying Mantis, etc - Fixed area: Sand Lake, XXX road, etc A round catch is a round version of a fixed catch. But it's also because of the rotation - Pet racing - Team pet There are many activities in PVP - Public battle - Pockbee wagged his finger - Open battles, etc.
  6. 无陶笛通关: 象征鸟 魔法防守 特性互换+剧毒+戏法+飞空(工具宠)/空气利刃(刷怪) 哥达鸭 湿气 浸水+闪光+挖洞+再来一次(或潜水工具) 大牙狸 笨拙(单纯可能也能用) 瞬间失忆+诅咒+攀瀑+攀岩 巨钳螳螂 聚合斩 + 碎岩 + 剑舞 + 子弹拳(或 点到为止 但通关困难) 皮卡丘 冲浪 + 怪力 + 放电 + (随意,可以聚宝功,也可以击掌奇袭) 一通上面五只力度不够,加一只 三代地龙 沙漠蜻蜓 龙爪 + 咬碎 + 地震 + 蛮力 巴大蝶或图图犬(刷怪工具宠) 甜甜香气 + 瞬间移动 + 清除浓雾 + 麻痹粉(图图犬可以选择变身) 这套方案的好处是一可以快速一通。二很针对,比如哥达鸭不去山洞就可以不用带着,比如甜甜香气不刷群怪就可以不用带着。 我觉得捉宠还是得针对性,比如捉老婆就得三地鼠或者黑目,比如愤怒粉就需要斗笠菇,百变怪最好狃拉这种。
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