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Everything posted by heichicoda

  1. 2022-10-6 DB分级 64席 闪光幕下力士锦标赛 冠军:DTNigth[草钢]
  2. Will Brelaoom be considered to enter UU? I think Weezing and Serperior have affected Brelaoom's appearance rate
  3. 想玩晴天推荐妙蛙花作为打手,然后就是你队伍里的快龙带暴风晴天下会减命中到50%
  4. 2022-8-27 OU分级 128席 闪龙刺龙王锦标赛 冠军:AsmodeuSA[凯旋] (公会里第三只闪光刺龙王) 半决赛公会内3人,决赛保送冠军
  5. Team name: Romantic Team Tag: [Lo]——Chinese NO.1 Registered Players: heichicoda, Queest, DTNigth,MullenYu,Asphodelusia,Evain,Mislandier,Bfu,Verao,marginalpeople,Bqinling,SGJirachi,zhangyandada,ccdemon Team Captain: heichicoda
  6. 水母特性污泥浆,吸取技能会掉血
  7. 你百度出来的是Pokemon吧,这个确实是日本的
  8. 2022-8-4 DB分级 64席 闪光蚊香蝌蚪锦标赛 冠军:DTNight[草钢]
  9. 2022-7-29 UU分级 64席 闪光秃鹰丫头锦标赛 冠军:zhangyandada[张燕]
  10. [Lo] Romantic,Is the name in the back? If so, it's no problem If it refers to the No.1, I just follow the format of the last registration XD
  11. Switching back after 30 minutes will not increase the time. Why do some people worry that they will switch all the time。 And as far as I know, the administrator directly banned two contestants, and even gave no warning for private chat (tell me whether it is illegal to switch PM) Or in the future, if the same situation occurs in the semi-finals, let it go offline without any warning @Rache
  12. Team name: Romantic Team Tag: [Lo]——Chinese NO.1 Registered Players: heichicoda, Queest, DTNigth, AsmodeusSA,MullenYu,Asphodelusia,YuoZ,Evain,weichezhe,Bfu,Verao Team Captain: heichicoda
  13. 用的是G5的框架,规则沿用G6.7,减少工作量,特性,觉醒力量,技能都是可以手动输入的,因为没有限制所以匹配可能鱼龙混杂,但是用来和好友约战试队,不需要在mmo里面花时间做精灵
  14. Pokemon showdown现已增加mmo分级 因为公会里有人说mmo组队成本太高了,怀念之前PSL时期我的一个同队外国玩家帮忙整的mmo服务器。所以我们麻烦了海星哥@Starmie海星 帮我们在国服加了mmo分级,以后想在ps练队的mmo玩家可以来国服玩。 海星哥B站号: showdown mmo分级: [宝可梦对战平台点击这里进入] 如果你发现有问题可以联系海星哥或在下方提出,我们会跟他说。
  15. 2022-7-22 UU分级 64席 闪光吼吼鲸锦标赛 冠军:reliefgouai[够爱] (他第12个冠军)
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