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Everything posted by White

  1. Winners of event here: 1st Place Prize Olaiz - 159 pts.  2nd Place Prize QianJianHEQiQi - 158 pts. 3rd and 4th Place Prize ailuoa - 157 pts. ziqiqiren - 29 pts. I hope you all had fun in event and thank you for joining! We should give our cute refs a big hug also, thank you for helping out!--- @RevzSM, @Meltdown See you next event.
  2. But I still say…they’re flowers. Date Sunday, 27 September 2020 Time 4AM UTC | 12AM EDT | 1AM BRT | 12PM CHN | Time Zone Converter Location Lostlorn Forest, Unova, Channel.5 Duration 1 hour for catching another 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring Total Sum of IVs + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokémon accepted as valid entries: Petilil Nature Bonus Calm +5 Rules To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest. To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry. All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location. All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...). Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry. You must be the OT of the Pokémon. You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time. Participating Staff White RevzSM Mikyii 1st Place Prize Shiny GIFT - Petilil Your choice of nature, 2 moves, with 2 selectable IVs + 4x25 IVs & 1,000 Reward Points  2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points 3rd and 4th Place Prize 250 Reward Points
  3. Good luck in battle (never be hax or ct haha)
  4. Don't look at me like that. Details Automated Tournament | Single Battle | 256 Players | 6v6 OU | Bracket Date & Time Sunday, 27th September 2PM UTC | 10AM EST | 11AM BRT | 10PM CHN | Time Zone Converter Registration Registrations will open 15 minutes prior to the tournament. You can register by clicking on the PvP menu option (Masterball icon) and then select "Tournament Signup". You may only enter on one account. Clauses Evasion / Sleep / OHKO / Unique Species / Self-KO / OP Item Tournament Clauses Explained OU Ban List 1st Place Prize GIFT Shiny Staryu lvl.1 Your choice of nature, 2 moves, with 2 selectable IVs + 4x25 IVs & 1,500 Reward Points 2nd Place Prize 700 Reward Points 3rd & 4th Place Prize 350 Reward Points 5th - 8th Place Prize 125 Reward Points 9th-16th Place Prize 75 Reward Points
  5. 玩家活动不需要报备且报备无用,请自行举办。
  6. 你好~请到此发帖申请帮助以解决你的问题:https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/forum/47-support-request/ 另外有关个人帐号的信息不应当发在公众区域。
  7. 感谢每个人的参与! 以下是赢家们: 第一名 pizidu - 169  第二名 Paczus - 168 第三-第四名 sjllgd - 167 WQHs - 10 (抓捕时间更早, 在10:01:10 AM UTC) 祝贺你们! 也要感谢我们可爱的协力 @Sethsen, 谢谢你的倾力帮助! 下次见 :)
  8. Thanks all for joining us today! winners here: 1st Place Prize pizidu - 169  2nd Place Prize Paczus - 168 3rd and 4th Place Prize sjllgd - 167 WQHs - 10 (earliest, at 10:01:10 AM UTC) Congrats! also thanks to our cutie ref @Sethsen, thank you for helping out! See you next time :)
  9. 如果你从未有过发言行为,那么就不是人为进行的禁言,是游戏系统这边一些小问题。 尝试关闭你的VPN/网络加速器后,重新登入游戏即可解除禁言,如果仍有问题请再联系我们。
  10. White


    如果遭受任何形式的诈骗,请带上截图或者别的什么作为证据,到此举报:https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/forum/28-player-reports/ 举报成立的话可以追回被骗物。
  11. Not be allowed and better not to do that.
  12. 通缉令 日期&时间 星期五, 2020年9月11日 北京时间18:00 地点 丰饶之社 (百合根娃娃/木棉球) 或者任意地点于合众 (电飞鼠), ch.5 时长 1小时抓捕 另外10分钟提交成绩 计分方式 个体值总和 + 性格分数 + 种族分数 = 最终成绩 有效的参赛宝可梦: 电飞鼠 +50 百合根娃娃 木棉球 小贴士: 电飞鼠只能通过奇遇抓到,如果你足够幸运能抓到它,你将会获得一个巨额的种族分数加成,你可以查看你的宝可梦图鉴以知道它可能在哪里出现。(什么是奇遇?) 性格加分 胆小/内敛 +5 规则 要赢得从高到低排名的第1-3名, 需要提交一只总成绩最高的精灵宝可梦。 要赢得第4名, 需要提交一只总成绩最低的精灵宝可梦。 所有精灵宝可梦必须在规定活动时间以及指定的活动地点之内抓到, 你有1小时的抓捕时间。 进化形态和退化形态均不可参赛。 所有精灵宝可梦必须保持原样 (未训练、未进化等)。 你必须是精灵宝可梦的原训练家。 你只能提交一只参赛精灵宝可梦。 你必须通过把精灵宝可梦私聊发给参与活动的官方成员的方式来提交。 平局情况下, 最先抓到的胜出。 官方主持人 White Sethsen Meltdown 第一名 闪光礼物 - 电飞鼠 由你选择性格、两个技能和两个可选个体值(0-31)与另外4x25的位置 & 1,000 奖励点  第二名 500 奖励点 第三-第四名 250 奖励点
  13. Wanted list - Glimmer of sky Date Friday, 11 September 2020 Time 10AM UTC | 6AM EDT | 7AM BRT | 6PM CHN | Time Zone Converter Location Abundant Shrine (for Petilil/Cottonee) Or Anywhere (for Emolga) in Unova, Channel - 5 Duration 1 hour for catching another 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring Total Sum of IVs + Species Bonus + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokémon accepted as valid entries: Emolga +50 Petilil Cottonee Tips: Emolga can only be encountered with phenomenon, if you're lucky enough to catch it you'll get a huge bonus and you can check your Pokedex to see where it might be. (What is phenomenon?) Nature Bonus Timid/Modest +5 Rules To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest. To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry. All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location. All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...). Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry. You must be the OT of the Pokémon. You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time. Participating Staff White Sethsen Meltdown 1st Place Prize Shiny GIFT - Emolga Your choice of nature, 2 moves, with 2 selectable IVs + 4x25 IVs & 1,000 Reward Points  2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points 3rd and 4th Place Prize 250 Reward Points
  14. 交易秉承你情我愿的原则,交易完成后,他无权在你不同意的情况下要求你将东西交易回去。所以这全凭你个人意愿。
  15. Details Automated Tournament | Single Battle | 64 Players | 6v6 OU | Bracket Date & Time Friday 11 September 2020 4AM UTC | 12AM EST | 1AM BRT | 12PM CHN | Time Zone Converter Registration Registrations will open 15 minutes prior to the tournament. You can register by clicking on the PvP menu option (Masterball icon) and then select "Tournament Signup". You may only enter on one account. Clauses Evasion / Sleep / OHKO / Unique Species / Self-KO / OP Item Tournament Clauses Explained OU Ban List 1st Place Prize GIFT - Volcarona lvl.60 Your choice of gender, nature, 4 moves, with 6 selectable IVs & 1,000 Reward Points 2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points 3rd & 4th Place Prize 250 Reward Points
  16. Details Automated Tournament | Single Battle | 64 Players | 6v6 NU | Bracket Date & Time Tuesday 8th September 2020 4AM UTC | 12AM EST | 1AM BRT | 12AM CHN | Time Zone Converter Registration Registrations will open 15 minutes prior to the tournament. You can register by clicking on the PvP menu option (Masterball icon) and then select "Tournament Signup". You may only enter on one account. Clauses Evasion / Sleep / OHKO / Unique Species / Self-KO / OP Item Tournament Clauses Explained NU Ban List 1st Place Prize GIFT - Spiritomb Your choice of gender, nature, 4 moves, with 6 selectable IVs & 1,000 Reward Points 2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points 3rd & 4th Place Prize 250 Reward Points
  17. https://pokemmo.eu/account_change_email/ 如果此链接显示你无权限更改邮箱, 那么你需要到此发一个帖子申请帮助:https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/forum/47-support-request/
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