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About sanha

  • Birthday 08/08/2002

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  1. Hello everyone, I am a Chinese player. The following content is machine translation, please forgive me. After years of price cuts for fruit and flowers, fruit farming is no longer a very profitable profession. We often see fruit farmers on the trading channel shouting for a long time because they save 10 yuan on seeds or have a 10 yuan difference in the price of pp fruits. Fruit farmers generally have many accounts, and long-term meaningless time consumption will reduce players' enthusiasm for the game. I believe that every player does not want to spend energy on these trivial matters, which has led to the recent emergence of such black slave behavior. So I would like to make a suggestion here: 0 handling fees for tree fruit props below 2,000 at the trading bank What was the purpose of planting berries for 67 hours in the past? It was convenient and quick to sell to NPCs, including switching to planting berries after the second weakening of the price. During that time, the prices of seeds and berries were very stable. I understand that players get a lot of money from the game, and then the official weakens it. I also think that the way players can get a lot of money from the game is not conducive to the long-term operation and development of the game. Today, there are far fewer people planting trees, and seeds are becoming increasingly difficult to trade, creating a vicious cycle. Although it is said that 0 handling fees will also reduce the flow of money from players to the game, after the implementation, there will be new changes in the market: pp fruits and various seeds can be bought and sold at a standard price anytime, anywhere . This saves players all the time except for planting trees, watering and harvesting, and the newly formed stable market will definitely earn more profits from player transactions than the profits from selling tree fruits to npcs, thereby reducing players' income from the game. The purpose of the amount of money. Another purpose is naturally to reduce the cost of planting. Although the handling fee of 100 does not seem to be much, it is actually a very huge cost for large amounts such as tree fruits, so players are more willing to trade channels to buy and sell. Reduce costs and increase revenue. All in all, implementing 0 handling fees for tree fruit props worth less than 2,000 in the trading house can increase the enthusiasm of game players, reduce the money players get from the game, update the market, and reduce unnecessary time investment. Perhaps it is a somewhat unrealistic idea, but the tree fruit does need to make some changes. Finally, here is a table of fruit profit statistics that I have made over the past two thousand years. Interested players can study the profits. Table link: https://files.catbox.moe/vlhhu3.xls
  2. 问题不大,反正我芜湖起飞了~芜湖~~~
  3. 所以建议找人代刷或者直接嗑药。 不是职业代刷努力值的不推荐买
  4. 但是木子其实是所有果子里最不赚钱的,就是图个方便稳定・ω・)
  5. 在今年入坑的第三年终于有了第一只闪。在今年又结识了好多新朋友,也道别了几个旧识。很高兴能与蓝鼻子合作为mmo玩家提供便利,也很开心与二频的各位快乐吹水。今年虽有很多的不甘与遗憾,但终也要向前,愿明年我们未曾离散。 最后祝游戏工作人员 社区版主身体健康,生活快乐。感谢你们的辛勤付出。 ID:hhhjiushipi
  6. 蓝鼻子 别这样 别这样......蓝鼻子......
  7. 在检索里[宝可梦检索]就可以完成你想要的目标啦
  8. 湿原PC右上角湿原湿地
  9. 导入其他大佬的攻略需要获得他本人的同意,这个看后续任务安排吧。网站已经收录了时装,在检索总览里的道具里面(不会吧不会吧不会真的有人以为有西域经书吧)
  10. 工具箱网站是没有普通用户账号登录的,你说的这个是隔壁的天王网站,这个你可以去网表群里的南木解决。
  11. 难得和鼻子抽到一样的 果然都是没有老婆的人 蓝鼻子:你再骂???
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