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Everything posted by Dannnno

  1. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    I got your reference. it was clever feget
  2. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    monyo is around somewhere
  3. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    Dracula heh that one is changed too
  4. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    lmao did you guys see what word got changed to nazi? see if you can figure it out also, another one of my words was changed to pooped and I can't remember what it was. pls halp
  5. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    can we get the expiration date and the CV code too?
  6. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    read my post again
  7. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    I'll always luv u bbycakes fucking irony
  8. idgaf about uguu. I care that they are so anti even acknowledging the existance of an alternative (which certainly almost all active off topicers, and a fair number of active forum goers are aware of) that they have to ban all usage of the word e t e r n a l and replace it with eternal, which honestly isn't always going to be a great substitute word
  9. my gears are eternally grinded by filters
  10. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    eternal eternity eternally
  11. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    I will be perpetually (inb4 perpetually) happy if monyo actually comes to perpetual EDIT: I'm so salty. Also, rip jate
  12. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    does it retroactively filter posts/threads, or just things made since the filter was added? if it works retroactively then we can just look at the many, many nagger usernames
  13. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    I plan on uguuing some uguu anyone know if uguu affects thread titles or usernames?
  14. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    uguu uguu uguu you have no idea if I just insulted you or if I'm being cute mwahaha
  15. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    can the rest of us not say uguu? guess not. fucks sake
  16. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6096634/regular-expression-preg-quote-symbols-are-not-detected/6099598#6099598 http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/256531/auto-decline-questions-with-excessive-profanity
  17. Dannnno

    Clash of Clans

    Think I'm about a week away from starting my upgrade to TH8
  18. Dannnno

    Clash of Clans

    I think jindu is TH9.
  19. its a number I haven't hit yet
  20. I still haven't hit my number though
  21. I'm scheduled for 15 hours of overtime this week. Awesome cuz money... shitty cuz I have a terrible job and 40 hours a week is already more than my soul can handle
  22. Dannnno

    Laidback Zone

    actually [REDACTED] does. PM me
  23. There are TMs on the suggested table, and I think the two suggestions are similar enough that you could add your input on how TMs could be more fully integrated
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