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  1. 来人啊,氪了几百元的号被封,不仅被冤枉,还连续被国内官方团队连续封禁了三个账号。 你们官方真的是肆无忌惮了呗,不仅被冤枉,还连续连续封禁了三个账号,一会说我使用外挂脚本,一会说我金钱交易.更甚至连刚申请的好都被你们给封禁了,我如果跟你们有仇,你们大可直接说,没必要搞这种小动作,老子他妈的大号氪了几百块钱,结果被你们搞了就不能玩了,我申述,你们堂而皇之的跟我说经过你们搜集证据我是开挂,还金钱交易。我尼玛我是通过官方正规渠道氪金的,这尼玛的也不行吗, 还有就是我是大号给小号转移财产,这也是金钱交易?你们倒是拿出证据啊 本来给你们官方氪金的号被封了,申述了都不通过就很窝火了,结果还得寸进尺,你们到底是像怎么样 还有你们的错为毛要让我承担,有本事你把老子氪的金钱全部退给我,老子他妈的不玩了行吧,还钱啊 Come on, Krypton's account with several hundred yuan has been blocked. Not only has it been wronged, but it has also been blocked for three consecutive accounts by the domestic official team. Your official is really unscrupulous. Not only have you been wronged, but you have banned three accounts in a row. One says I use external scripts, the other says I trade money. Even the good application has been banned by you. If I have a grudge against you, you can directly say that there is no need to do such small actions. My his mother big krypton cost several hundred yuan, and you can't play if you do it. I complain, You openly told me that after you collected evidence, I was opening the door and returning money for trading. "I, Nima, have obtained krypton gold through official channels. Is this Nima gold not good,", And is it that I transfer property from a large company to a small company, which is also a money transaction? You guys have to come up with evidence "The number that originally gave you official krypton gold has been sealed, but if you fail to pass the complaint, you are very angry. As a result, you still have to make progress. What are you really like?" And your fault should be borne by me. If you have the ability, you can return all my money to me. I will stop playing. OK, pay back the money
  2. 还有你们的错为毛要让我承担,有本事你把老子氪的金钱全部退给我,老子他妈的不玩了行吧,还钱啊 And your fault should be borne by me. If you have the ability, you can return all my money to me. I will stop playing. OK, pay back the money
  3. 看见了,刚刚发的,太恶心了,明明是他们的错,国内官方的处理态度太令人作呕了,甚至连刚申请的号都说是金钱交易,你看上面的图 Yes, it just happened. It's disgusting,It's clearly their fault,The domestic official handling attitude is too disgusting"Even the number you just applied for is said to be a money transaction. Look at the picture above."
  4. 你知道他们有多恶心吗,他们跟我说什么不再接受我的申诉,并且不欢迎我 Do you know how disgusting they are? They told me they would no longer accept my complaint and would not welcome me
  5. 来人啊,氪了几百元的号被封,不仅被冤枉,还连续被国内官方团队连续封禁了三个账号。 你们官方真的是肆无忌惮了呗,不仅被冤枉,还连续连续封禁了三个账号,一会说我使用外挂脚本,一会说我金钱交易.更甚至连刚申请的好都被你们给封禁了,我如果跟你们有仇,你们大可直接说,没必要搞这种小动作,老子他妈的大号氪了几百块钱,结果被你们搞了就不能玩了,我申述,你们堂而皇之的跟我说经过你们搜集证据我是开挂,还金钱交易。我尼玛我是通过官方正规渠道氪金的,这尼玛的也不行吗, 还有就是我是大号给小号转移财产,这也是金钱交易?你们倒是拿出证据啊 本来给你们官方氪金的号被封了,申述了都不通过就很窝火了,结果还得寸进尺,你们到底是像怎么样 还有你们的错为毛要让我承担,有本事你把老子氪的金钱全部退给我,老子他妈的不玩了行吧,还钱啊 Come on, Krypton's account with several hundred yuan has been blocked. Not only has it been wronged, but it has also been blocked for three consecutive accounts by the domestic official team. Your official is really unscrupulous. Not only have you been wronged, but you have banned three accounts in a row. One says I use external scripts, the other says I trade money. Even the good application has been banned by you. If I have a grudge against you, you can directly say that there is no need to do such small actions. My his mother big krypton cost several hundred yuan, and you can't play if you do it. I complain, You openly told me that after you collected evidence, I was opening the door and returning money for trading. "I, Nima, have obtained krypton gold through official channels. Is this Nima gold not good,", And is it that I transfer property from a large company to a small company, which is also a money transaction? You guys have to come up with evidence "The number that originally gave you official krypton gold has been sealed, but if you fail to pass the complaint, you are very angry. As a result, you still have to make progress. What are you really like?" And your fault should be borne by me. If you have the ability, you can return all my money to me. I will stop playing. OK, pay back the money
  6. 对了忘记说一件事,就是工会招人:pokemmo休伯利安群 群号:938428771
  7. When will black & White 2 be updated。 And maps on the 3DS。 Now the money is too hard to earn, the classes are too few, the difficulty is too high in the late stage, but I feel the game is less playable。
  8. 因为超高清容易导致卡顿,这个材质包是在高清的前提下,给某些宝可梦加了动作,你可以看看快龙和御三家这些,现在最缺的就是画师,如果有画师帮忙分担压力的话,我还能在更新更好的
  9. [MOD] 3D高清普通宠动态 小型精灵动作mod 本mod在3d的基础上追加了精灵动作 大小是130mb左右 没有后背图 原本想要吧 ZHM 大大的3d图标追加进去, 但是对于渣机来说简直是一种负担,还会卡顿,所以我重新制作了一份,虽然没有 ZHM 大大的高清,但是体积缩小,而且不会卡顿 下载地址:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1M-uv9aYSjBDcr8_7gycy_g 提取码:5200
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