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About KyleDude

  • Birthday 01/10/1994

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    The United States of America

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  1. I'm glad someone finally gave me a good explanation rather than just say, "no".
  2. I can't think of any ideas that are completely separate from the game becoming easy, but many good things stem from the game being easier: More people sticking with the game after beating the Elite Four, more people sticking with the game could lead to even more people knowing about the game, and all those extra people could help speed along the progress of the game. Also, since I forgot about curse being a ghost type move, just assume I said what type curse used to be. Odor sleuth can't be learned by Parasect (which is the Pokemon I was using when I came up with this idea), therefore it's risky to use a couple turns changing pokemon and using it (And this is completely unrelated, but for some reason I'm not able to quote anything anymore. So sorry for not directly responding to you all.)
  3. I'm proposing we change the type of False Swipe to the same type that Curse is "???". The benefit would be allowing for easier capture of ghost, rock, and steel type pokemon.
  4. My other question is... Why would anyone spend the time to make a bot that hatches eggs? The time spent programming or going through tons of add ridden websites with viruses seems like a huge hassle compared to actually playing the game
  5. My question is... Why was he made to move in the first place? I'm sure it takes more effort to code an NPC to move than for one to be still
  6. Got it, thanks for clearing that up. I think $500,000 is a good amount for adding IVs though, I think it's something that is worth testing out.
  7. No one would buy 1, 3, 5, or 6. You can just buy an egg move for $1,000 already. The ones with the IV bonus I like though
  8. The only thing leaving the cap on would do in terms of time to make a 100 is reduce the time, not make it more of a challenge per se. I still think it would take a very long time to get 1,000,000 exp
  9. I understand that the AI sucks but I still haven't seen a logical reason why lots of 100s are bad.
  10. How well the AI players...? Giving players the ability to get Lvl 100s has no detrimental effect on the game what so ever, if anything it gives us something to do and it gives a sense of accomplishment when you have multiple 100s. I actually think it is fun leveling pokemon to 100, and I don't think I'm the only one.
  11. I think the cooldown should just be done away with. The only benefit It had before was limiting how much money we could get, now that they have taken away the money prize there really isn't a reason to keep the cooldown.
  12. Your egg would still hatch; you need four flags for the timer to start, I doubt the amount of points you get per minute affects that. I personally think the timer should always be going with at least 1 flag.
  13. I like this idea... I can't see Masterballs ever having a use other than catching Shinnies anyway. Maybe make them something like $3,000-$5,000 each Though, this would also only be useful for people who don't know how to make a Hunter Paras to catch them.
  14. Also... 30% is a good average increase, it pushes the highest leveled Sevii Island trainers to somewhere around Lvl 65, and the lowest go up to 40 or so, that's a pretty good range in my book. A 130% increase would put a good amount of NPCs above Lvl 100, we can't have that. We might be able to have some sort of system where it increases per area, and is based on which gym leader they are closest to. So maybe the 130% could be for those around Route 2, and 30% for the Sevii Trainers.
  15. Wow, I made a post that went "Hot"... Very well said^, I really don't see why they need to change the way we get EVs though, they've changed so much they just need to stop changing it and get the game up to how it is supposed to be, THEN change it. That is easily fixable too, just use a pokemon that has a fire or flying move and that is faster than paras, and an Exp. Share too Thank you for taking the high road in this situation Breeding should be changed back to how it is in the handhelds, but keep the IV parameters, they seem much better than the handhelds I agree, but the things they seem to be doing is ruining the game, I would prefer making the game better with small things than what they have been doing Well said^
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