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  1. ShawnJang

    The End

    Sorry, my English is still not good Hello, administrators! My account has been permanently suspended for a period of time due to uncivilized words. During this period of time, from the unwillingness at the beginning, then remorse, then deep reflection, and now I have completely changed,so I once again appealed.The online world has more possibilities than accidents that cannot be repaired. This is what I learned. If In the real world, my multiple impulsive actions are likely to cause irreparable physical harm, it is the online world that gives me the opportunity to change myself. 诸位管理员你们好! 我的账号由于言语不文明而导致永久封停已经有一段时间,在这一段时间里我由一开始的不甘心,到悔恨,再到深刻反思,到现在我的彻底转变,于是我又一次申诉了。我变了,网络世界让人有更多的可能而不是无法修复的事故,这是我学习到的。如果在现实中,我的多次冲动行为很可能会造成肉体伤害无法挽回,是网络世界给了我可以转变自我的机会。 The rules of the game are not to block the player's account, but to create a better game environment and allow the player to truly integrate into it.Today, I really changed, no longer use uncivilized words to attack others. Just like when I first entered MMO.MMO is a big family,I cherish this place and have made some friendly and energetic friends. After a long time of thinking, I think that the online world will always have more possibilities and opportunities, and will not make decisions such as the death penalty for people who have a positive attitude. I sincerely hope that pokemmo will give me the opportunity to no longer permanently suspended my account. This will be a very, very positive power. It will probably give me a lifetime of gratitude. 游戏的规则不是为了封停玩家的账号,而是为了营造更好的游戏环境,并使玩家真正融入其中。如今,我真的变了,不再使用不文明的话语攻击他人,就像我一初进入mmo一样,mmo是一个大家庭,我非常珍惜这里并认识了一些友好的充满活力的朋友。 我经过漫长的思考,我想,网络世界是一个永远有着一种向好的可能性与机会,不会对任何一个有着积极心态的人作出像是死刑一样的决定,我真诚的希望pokemmo能够给我一次账号不做永久封停的机会,这会是一个给予我个人非常非常积极的力量,甚至会使我一辈子都感激。 In real life, my happiness is weak. MMO is a rare source of happiness. As a kid,I first played Pokémon, I was deeply attracted. My mind is full of music in the game. The beautiful melody and small screen actually produced an endless vast world, such as the Milky Way. Pokemon is a pollution-free place in my heart. When I was a kid, there were not so many cars and people. The natural environment is very good. Small animals, ponds and grass are everywhere. Our children catch insects and hares like the Pokémon world (though they have never been caught). I miss here and my childhood, please give me another chance! 现实生活中我的快乐比较少,MMO是我少有的快乐来源,我儿时第一次玩Pokemon,就深深的感动在其中,脑海里满满的是里面的音乐,梦幻的旋律和那小小的画面,产生出的竟是无尽如星河一样的广阔世界,伴随着我成长,这是我心灵中一片没有污染的地方。在我更小时候,那时没有现在这么多的车和人,自然环境都很好,小动物,水塘,青草,随处都是,我们小伙伴会抓昆虫,抓野兔(虽然从来都抓不到)就像是宝可梦的世界一样。我留恋这里,也是留恋我的儿时,请再给我一次机会吧! PokeMMO is really an independent planet. There are players from different places. We do not distinguish nationality, no political parties, no indoctrinated ideology. We treat each other sincerely and we are citizens of PokeMMO! I hope that one day after the pandemic, regardless of nationality, we will still be friendly to each other. I wish world peace! PokeMMO真的是一个独立的星球。 有来自不同地方的玩家。 我们不区分国籍,没有政党,没有被灌输的意识形态。 我们彼此真诚相待,我们就是PokeMMO的公民! 我希望在疫情结束后的一天,无论国籍,我们仍将彼此友好。祝世界和平! Thanks, my dearest PokeMMO! Impulse will make mistakes, but there is also have reflection and forgiveness, maintain a positive attitude, I think this will always be positive energy . 谢谢了,我最亲爱的PokeMMO! 冲动会作出错事,也有反思和原谅,积极的争取我想总归是正能量…… PokeMMO - 官方成员 28-05-2020 21:13:20 CST 你已经不止一次被抓到在游戏里言辞不当以及骚扰其他玩家,而且言语恶劣低俗,我想我们在给你短期封号的时候给过你机会,但是我们并没有看到你的改变。你已经失去了所有的机会,把你申诉里所用的态度留到下一个账号好好珍惜吧! You've been caught in the game more than once talking inappropriately and harassing other players, and the words are bad and vulgar. I think we gave you a chance when we gave you temporary bans, but we didn't see your change. You've lost all your opportunities. Leave the attitude you used in your appeal to the next account and cherish it! Copyright PokeMMO © 2020 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我已经疲惫于使用我不熟悉的语言。我为什么开始骂人,在我开始骂人以前有些事我需要讲一讲,首先,我第一次被骂远远早于我开始骂人,pvp一个英语玩家对我破口大骂,而原因单纯是我玩得不令他满意,这样的事情发生很多次。再来,从我学会打天王赚钱后,我就慢慢少充钱在mmo,换来的是越来越多的断线,时常打到最后一个天王就被断线,连上就是到了PC,我和我的网络运营商也沟通过,但我想这样的巧合着实令人迷惑,我反应过很多次,但我似乎搞懂了些什么,我认为我花费在MMO的钱不多,但这是一个休闲小游戏,一部switch加剑盾的钱我是付够了。我开始对这个游戏慢慢失去敬意,我发现很多不平等的现象,也许是我的幻觉,我一点也不后悔我骂人,不论是谁,我现在明白说出来。我对于整个网络环境与如今现实环境的人文程度已经没什么话说。
  2. How to stand here? I have completed the story.
  3. Hell on Wheels is amazing,thank you for sharing!!

  4. If battle music can be turned off. Pokemon's music is soothing except fighting music, if you can freely switch fighting music, there will be a better experience.
  5. Your reply also makes me feel warm ♥
  6. I have a suggestion. This is a hat I love very much, and I remember a GM who often wears it too. This is what it looks like on the side. On the left is what it looks like in the game. On the right is the effect that I moved this hat backward one space. If you are a fussy person, or if you are very fond of this hat, you will find that the hat on the left is indeed a little forward. I haven't tried what effect it would be to move two space. If it can be improved, I will love this hat crazy !
  7. I have a suggestion. This is a hat I love very much, and I remember a GM who often wears it too. This is what it looks like on the side. On the left is what it looks like in the game. On the right is the effect that I moved this hat backward one space. If you are a fussy person, or if you are very fond of this hat, you will find that the hat on the left is indeed a little forward. I haven't tried what effect it would be to move two space. If it can be improved, I will love this hat crazy !
  8. That's great, but it may take a long time to complete, will it prevent you from making money? You know I can't pay you, I'm poor. Hahaha just kidding.
  9. Thank you for your help, but my English is not good, I try to study it myself, maybe I can solve it tomorrow. As for the game, you gave me ten heal balls and introduced me to your youtube video on how to make money.
  10. I also want to do this, but the pictures can’t be uploaded directly. To connect through the network, I don’t know how to do it.
  11. Finally did one thing for my dear PokeMMO.
  12. Observation: This small guide only shows cosmetics that can be purchased with pokeyen or coins. Use "CTRL + F" for easier searching. ===================================================================== Hats : Beret (hat) .......... Unova: Nacrene City P.C ....................... $ 7,000 Cheap price Kanto: LAVENDER TOWN MART .......... $ 10,000 Medium price Hoenn: MAUVILLE CITY MART ........... $ 10,000 Medium price Sinnoh: Solaceon Town MART ............ $ 10,000 Medium price You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boater (hat) ........ Kanto: VIRIDIAN CITY MART ........... $ 300 Cheap price Sinnoh: Jubilife City MART .............. $ 300 Cheap price Unova: Striaton City P.C ................... $ 2,000 Expensive Hoenn: None, or not found. You can choose the color you want. ............................................................................................................................................... Boater & Sunglasses (hat) .......... Kanto: PEWTER CITY MART ............. $ 6,000 Cheap price Sinnoh: Oreburgh City MART ............ $ 6,000 Cheap price Unova: Opelucid City P.C ................... $ 40,000 Expensive Hoenn: None, or not found. You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bow (hat) ............ Kanto: CELADON CITY DEPT.STORE 4F ............. $ 25,000 Hoenn: MAUVILLE CITY MART ........................... $ 25,000 Sinnoh: Solaceon Town MART ............................ $ 25,000 Unova: None, or not found. You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Camping Cap (hat) ............. Kanto: PEWTER CITY MART ................... $ 3,000 Hoenn: PETALBURG CITY MART ........... $ 3,000 Sinnoh: Oreburgh City MART ................. $ 3,000 Unova: None, or not found. Only one color. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cap (hat) .............. Unova: Nacrene City P.C ....................................... $ 7,000 Cheap price Kanto: CELADON CITY DEPT.STORE 4F ............. $ 15,000 Medium price Hoenn: VERDANTURF TOWN MART ................... $ 15,000 Medium price Sinnoh: Canalave City MART ............................... $ 15,000 Medium price You can choose the color you want. ............................................................................................................................................... Backwards Cap (hat) ........... Unova: Nacrene City P.C ....................................... $ 7,000 Cheap price Kanto: CELADON CITY DEPT.STORE 4F ............. $ 45,000 Expensive Hoenn: MOSSDEEP CITY MART .......................... $ 45,000 Expensive Sinnoh: Canalave City MART ............................... $ 45,000 Expensive You can choose the color you want. ............................................................................................................................................... Cap & Sunglasses (hat) ....... Kanto: SEVEN ISLAND MART ................... $ 8,000 Cheap price Hoenn: PETALBURG CITY MART ............. $ 8,000 Cheap price Unova: Opelucid City P.C ......................... $ 40,000 Expensive Sinnoh: None, or not found. You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chunky Beret (hat) ........... Unova: Nacrene City P.C ............................ $ 6,000 Cheap price Kanto: PEWTER CITY MART ..................... $ 6,500 Medium price Sinnoh: Oreburgh City MART .................... $ 6,500 Medium price Hoenn: VERDANTURF TOWN MART ........ $ 25.000 Expensive You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Classic Cap (hat) ............ Kanto: VIRIDIAN CITY MART ................. $ 300 Cheap price Unova: Striaton City P.C ......................... $ 2,000 Expensive Hoenn & Sinnoh: None, or not found. You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conical (hat) ............ Hoenn: PETALBURG CITY MART ............... $ 5,000 Kanto & Sinnoh & Unova: None, or not found. Only one color. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Derby (hat) ............ Unova: Nacrene City P.C ....................... $ 8,500 Cheap price Kanto: SEVEN ISLAND MART .............. $ 9,000 Medium price Hoenn & Sinnoh: None, or not found. You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Emerald Knit Hat (hat) ........... Hoenn: OLDALE TOWN MART ............. $ 500 Cheap price Kanto & Sinnoh & Unova: None, or not found. Only one color. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Explorer's Hat (hat) ............ Unova: Nacrene City P.C ........................ $ 5,500 Cheap price Kanto: PEWTER CITY MART ................. $ 7,500 Medium price Hoenn: PETALBURG CITY MART .......... $ 7,500 Medium price Sinnoh: Oreburgh City MART ................. $ 7,500 Medium price You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fedora (hat) ............ Kanto: SEVEN ISLAND MART ...................................................... $ 50,000 Hoenn: LILYCOVE CITY DEPARTMENT STORE Rooftop ........... $ 50,000 Sinnoh: Solaceon Town MART .................................................... $ 50,000 Unova: Opelucid City P.C ............................................................. $ 50,000 You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flat Cap (hat) ......... Sinnoh: Jubilife City MART ................................. $ 300 Cheap price Kanto: CELADON CITY DEPT.STORE 4F ............ $ 20,000 Medium price Hoenn: MAUVILLE CITY MART .......................... $ 20,000 Medium price Unova: Opelucid City P.C ..................................... $ 50,000 Expensive .. You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guardian Hat (hat) .......... Unova: Opelucid City P.C ...................... $ 45,000 Medium price Kanto: SIX ISLAND MART .................... $ 50,000 Expensive Hoenn: MOSSDEEP CITY MART .......... $ 50,000 Expensive Sinnoh: None, or not found. You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Headband (hat) ............. Kanto: CELADON CITY DEPT.STORE 4F ........... $ 15,000 Medium price Hoenn: MAUVILLE CITY MART ......................... $ 15,000 Medium price Sinnoh: Canalave City MART ............................ $ 15,000 Medium price Unova: Lacunosa Town P.C ............................... $ 50,000 Expensive You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hood (hat) ............. Kanto: SEVEN ISLAND MART ................ $ 50,000 Hoenn: MOSSDEEP CITY MART ............ $ 50,000 Unova: Lacunosa Town P.C .................... $ 50,000 Sinnoh: None, or not found. You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Horns (hat) ............... Kanto: SEVEN ISLAND MART .................. $ 50,000 Hoenn: MOSSDEEP CITY MART ............. $ 50,000 Unova: Opelucid City P.C ......................... $ 50,000 Sinnoh: None, or not found. You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Newsboy Cap (hat) ........... Hoenn: PETALBURG CITY MART ............... $ 7,500 Kanto & Sinnoh & Unova: None, or not found. You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nurse Hat (hat) ........... Kanto: PEWTER CITY MART ........................... $ 5,000 Cheap price Sinnoh: Oreburgh City MART ......................... $ 5,000 Cheap price Hoenn: VERDANTURF TOWN MART ............ $ 20,000 Expensive Unova: None, or not found. Only one color. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Peaked Cap (hat) ............ Unova: Nacrene City P.C .................................... $ 9,000 Cheap price Kanto: CELADON CITY DEPT.STORE 4F .......... $ 25,000 Medium price Hoenn: MOSSDEEP CITY MART ....................... $ 25,000 Medium price Sinnoh: Canalave City MART ............................ $ 25,000 Medium price Unova: Opelucid City P.C ................................... $ 35,000 Expensive You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pointed Hat (hat) ........... Kanto: LAVENDER TOWN MART ............ $ 12,500 Hoenn: MAUVILLE CITY MART .............. $ 12,500 Sinnoh: Solaceon Town MART .............. $ 12,500 Unova: None, or not found. You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reflective Goggles (hat) ........ Kanto: CELADON CITY DEPT.STORE 4F ........... $ 37,500 Medium price Hoenn: MOSSDEEP CITY MART ........................ $ 37,500 Medium price Sinnoh: Canalave City MART ............................. $ 37,500 Medium price Unova: Opelucid City P.C .................................... $ 50,000 Expensive You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Side Tie Bandana (hat) ........ Hoenn: OLDALE TOWN MART ................ $ 500 Cheap price Kanto & Sinnoh & Unova: None, or not found. You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Straw Hat (hat) ......... Kanto: SIX ISLAND MART ...................... $ 20,000 Medium price Hoenn: MAUVILLE CITY MART ............. $ 20,000 Medium price Unova: Undella Town P.C ....................... $ 50,000 Expensive Sinnoh: None, or not found. You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stripy Cap (hat) .......... Unova: Nacrene City P.C ..................................... $ 5,000 Cheap price Unova: Opelucid City P.C .................................... $ 12,500 Medium price Kanto: CELADON CITY DEPT.STORE 4F ........... $ 35,000 Expensive Hoenn: VERDANTURF TOWN MART ................. $ 35,000 Expensive Sinnoh: Canalave City MART ............................. $ 35,000 Expensive You can choose the color you want. ............................................................................................................................................... Backwards Stripy Cap (hat) ............. Unova: Opelucid City P.C .................. $ 12,500 Kanto & Hoenn & Sinnoh: None, or not found. You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Swimming Cap (hat) ........... Hoenn: PETALBURG CITY MART .......... $ 4,000 Cheap price Kanto: SIX ISLAND MART ..................... $ 6,000 Medium price Unova: Undella Town P.C ...................... $ 50,000 Expensive Sinnoh: None, or not found. You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Teddy Ears (hat) ......... Unova: Opelucid City P.C ............................ $ 12,500 Cheap price Kanto: LAVENDER TOWN MART ............... $ 15,000 Medium price Hoenn: VERDANTURF TOWN MART ......... $ 15,000 Medium price Sinnoh: Solaceon Town MART .................. $ 15,000 Medium price Only one color. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Top Hat (hat) ................ Unova: Nacrene City P.C .................................... $ 10,000 Cheap price Kanto: SIX ISLAND MART ................................. $ 40,000 Expensive Hoenn: LILYCOVE CITY DEPARTMENT STORE Rooftop ............ $ 40,000 Expensive Sinnoh: Solaceon Town MART ......................... $ 40,000 Expensive You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tricorne (hat) ........... Kanto: LAVENDER TOWN MART ................... $ 15,000 Hoenn: VERDANTURF TOWN MART ............. $ 15,000 Sinnoh: Solaceon Town MART ...................... $ 15,000 Unova: Opelucid City P.C ................................ $ 15,000 You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Two Tone Cap (hat) .......... Unova: Accumula Town P.C ............. $ 500 Cheap price Kanto & Hoenn & Sinnoh: None, or not found. You can choose the color you want. ===================================================================== Back Items : Backpack (back) .......... Kanto: VIRIDIAN CITY MART ............... $ 300 Cheap price Sinnoh: Jubilife City MART .................. $ 300 Cheap price Hoenn: OLDALE TOWN MART ............. $ 500 Medium price Unova: Accumula Town P.C ................. $ 500 Medium price You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shoulder Bag (back) .......... Kanto: VIRIDIAN CITY MART ............... $ 300 Cheap price Sinnoh: Jubilife City MART .................. $ 300 Cheap price Hoenn: OLDALE TOWN MART ............. $ 500 Medium price Unova: Accumula Town P.C ................. $ 500 Medium price You can choose the color you want. ===================================================================== Tops : Vest (top) ............ Hoenn: PETALBURG CITY MART ......... $ 4,000 Cheap price Kanto: SIX ISLAND MART .................... $ 6,000 Medium price Unova: Nacrene City P.C ....................... $ 10,000 Expensive Sinnoh: None, or not found. You can choose the color you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ R Uniform (top) .......... Kanto: CELADON CITY ROCKET GAME CORNER PRIZE EXCHANGE ............. 9,999 Coins Hoenn & Sinnoh & Unova: None, or not found. Only one color. ............................................................................................................................................... $ 5 = 1 Coin at Game Corner ............................................................................................................................................... Tuxedo (top) .............. Kanto: CELADON CITY ROCKET GAME CORNER PRIZE EXCHANGE ............ 6,000 Coins Sinnoh: Veilstone City Veilstone Game Corner Prize Exchange ................... 6,000 Coins Hoenn & Unova: None, or not found. Only one color. ===================================================================== Legs : Shorts (legs) ........... Hoenn: PETALBURG CITY MART ......... $ 4,000 Cheap price Kanto: SIX ISLAND MART .................... $ 6,000 Medium price Unova: Nacrene City P.C ...................... $ 10,000 Expensive Sinnoh: None, or not found. You can choose the color you want. ===================================================================== Bicycles : Black........Blue........Brown........Green........Orange........Pink........Purple........Silver........White.......Yellow Bicycles Available in ten colors. Kanto: CERULEAN CITY BIKE SHOP ..................... $ 50,000 / each Hoenn: MAUVILLE CITY RYDEL'S CYCLES ............ $ 50,000 / each Sinnoh & Unova: None, or not found. ===================================================================== Many thanks to @Bestfriends for the pictures they provided to make this guide effective ! Thanks also to the author of the “Finding Cosmetics Guide”, which I have been using before, and it also made me want to make a guide about cosmetics.
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