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  1. Thanks so much. That helped. Idk why other sites were saying celadon city.
  2. I read online, and on several places, it stated that Hyper Beam can be found in the Celadon Dept Store. I visited it, and the TM's that were offered to me didn't contain Hyper Beam. I also could not find any Global Trade. So how do I get it? Thanks.
  3. Thanks. I’ll use the current one to complete the storyline and then start breeding good ones.
  4. Hi guys, My Crobat is not bred, so it can’t learn Brave Bird unfortunately. I was thinking what alternatives I have. So I need advice on what moveset I should have on it. It’s ability is Inner Focus. Nature adamant. 20+ IVs on everything but attack and defense (attack is 14, defense is between 10 to 20). I want to make a Super Fang set, but don’t know what’s the best way to make it. Some questions I would like answered: (1) Is Sky Attack bad? (2) Which is better: Poison Fang or Cross Poison? (3) Leech Life vs. Roost? (4) Is it just better to breed a good zubat instead? Thanks.
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