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Everything posted by Khalux

  1. Excuse me but I still have the same problem I have downloaded the game and 2 times it is no longer configured or started or desired or reinstalled or restarted the computer several times
  2. the same thing is happening to me, does not open the game or does not start, try the same update, uninstall and reinstall even restart the pc and do not open the game ... what's up any solution for this fault
  3. Español Realmente no sé los demas jugadores pero el safari esta como que algo dificil de captirar pokemon´s, sin mencionar que los rates de aparicion son AUN mas bajos de lo que deberian ser... puedo entender que no quieran que sean TAN facil como es en los juegos originales pero; ¿no creen es como una mala broma lo dificil que esta? de hecho entre mi amigo y yo tenemos la compracion de que se derrotan 3 jefes de "dark souls" seguidos antes de atrapar al chansey que tiene un rate de 1% en el original, ahora imaginen como debe ser atrapar al chasey con el huevo suerte (debe tener un rates de al menos -2% de aparicion) es gastarce la suerte de toda la vida. que opinan ustedes sobre el safari y su dificultad y si tiene algun consejo para ayudar a un colega entrenador "POR LO QUE AMS QUIERAN AYUDEN ME" jaja Ingles I do not really know the other players but the safari is like something difficult to catch pokemon's, not to mention that the rates of appearance are even lower than they should be ... I can understand that they do not want to be as easy as it is in the original games but; Do not you think it's like a bad joke how hard it is? in fact between my friend and I have the purchase of 3 heads of "dark souls" followed before catching the chansey that has a rate of 1% in the original, now imagine how it should be to catch the chasey with the lucky egg (must have a rate of at least -2% appearance) it's the luck of a lifetime. What do you think about the safari and its difficulty and if you have any advice to help a fellow trainer "WHY AMS WANT TO HELP ME" lol
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