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Everything posted by Noctuar

  2. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, idols maybe, but too lazy for enemies, as i make alot
  3. I say, they should take their time, instead of overworkig themselves
  4. [DATA EXPUNGED] Yes, were going SCP here.
  5. Come to think of it, why didnt anybody say this?
  6. True Words, man, i give my deepest bow to those gods that made this game
  7. “Im not that kind of person, i just want them to have no break and develop this game, without giving them a break. When they did the game, they promised to do everything at once and finish in two months only, right? I will never be happy with what we have here, only with sinnoh“ Boy, they take their precious time to make people happy, they are defying nintendo so you can play pokemon with other people. NEVER has anybody made a promise to finish the game as fast as you wish, for two reasons • They are human beings with more than just pokemon. Who knows, they might be college students living in a dorm, with the lowest budget or no budget, having only 6 hours a day left after sleep and school. I can imagine they dont get paid for their work and put all the money coming from the donations to the game! • Because its not possible to finish any game in just so little time, especially if it involves online. I know. I used to be a dev with no budget. to make a region compatible with pokemmo, they will have to rewrite alot of the code, add a new ship to travel there, kill off any bugs that were known in sinnoh/johto. Even if they have made a promise, nobody shall put work above their health. You know, if you want sinnoh, go download a dppt rom, use a ds emulator and play in sinnoh, or buy the cartridge and use a ds! Stop whining for an update. Stop being a spoiled brat. You make yourself look like an idiot with every word you say. Stop acting like youre a privilege for them. It is a privilege for us, that they spend their time to give us entertainment, you should respect them at the very least. Now that you disrespected the people putting blood and bone into this game, you will kneel and apologize to every member of the team and ask for forgiveness. it is best to stay quiet, argument no further and apologize to the awesome people that put their time, sweat and energy into this project, just for people to have fun. You wont ruin this.
  8. The concept of time is complicated in the distortion world. You do not require food or drinks, or giratina wouldve died there.
  9. Everything can get you banned if you do it too much.
  10. Try deinstalling pokemmo and reinstalling it
  11. I admit i look handsome, but i used to be Digibit, a random unknown person, but thank you for the compliment
  12. Noctuar


  13. Indeed, i have, with two Accounts. My Plan is to replay the whole region spectrum over and over, sending all money back to the main account, if that is legal, that way, it wont get too boring and i will be hecka rich My other plans are full on pokemon service and mewtu, that one darn pokemon XD The reason i like sinnoh, is because of the spear pillar and the underground, also the distortion world. Speaking of Underground, how do you think will that be solved? It kind of is a multiplayer thing already.
  14. I will chill in the Distortion world forever, only reachable by those that havent played through yet, spooky
  15. There is a Shiny to every Pokemon, which wasn‘t caught yet, i do not see any point in this thread or why the Developers would take out shinys so they are missing.
  16. So, i noticed, that Johto and Sinnoh were skipped, because there now is Unova. I kinda get, why Johto was skipped, because the HG/SS Games have a different version of kanto to travel to, so the devs might need to find a solution there, but what about sinnoh? I call for everyone to discuss the matters, including the Developers.
  17. Hello, again. So, i‘ve been thinking... Vanities for Pokemon would take years to develop, if, at all. Most pokemon look the same, except shinys... Gen IV Introduced us to the Fashion Case How about you can use the Accessories used for Visual Contest to add to your Pokemon‘s Battle Sprite? Possible Questions: • What about the Backsprites or the Overworld Sprites? The Accessories should not be visible on the Backside or the Overworld. • Why should we buy Accessories? Why not? We have User Vanities, so why not accessories for Pokemons like in those Contests? • But Gen IV isn‘t added yet *shrug* • What about other Regions that don‘t have Fashion Cases? Maybe someone else will be able to find a solution to that • How long would THAT take? I dont believe too long, considering that GEN IV already had that Feature, but the Game needs to memorize every Pokemons Accessories during battles/summary. • But the Sprites arent 2D, but 3D! 2D acessories would look odd! They would. But i am working on a project that reverts 3d back to 2d, by adding new sprites for all pokemon! • Is it possible? .... Darkshade, is it? What are your Opinions on this matter? Are there other Questions? Would the poor Spriters be dealing with new Accessories sprites? I volunteer to help, when i can. Sincerely Noctuar
  18. Currently, there is no way, but please read my recent thread, a project to revert sprites back to HG/SS surfaced. You might wanna check this out
  19. Noctuar


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