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  1. 我不知道如何插入图片,我会尝试修复它。 At the same time, some players in China are trying their best to make the same version of the game, but they are just one person, do not know how to start,
  2. This game has a grand background, an open world, an alternative combat mode, Its approximate plot: After the legendary destruction, various monsters are ravaged, and human civilization is on the verge of collapse. Bounty hunters exist in this special world as a profession of collecting bounty by hunting monsters. The protagonist is the son of the Leolado town chariot worker. Because he was bent on being a bounty hunter and was driven out of his home by his father, he discovered the plan of the supercomputer "Noah" to obliterate human beings. Eliminate Noah and silently save the world.
  3. 亲爱的开发者,我希望你成为另一款NDS游戏。这个游戏非常好,情节,战斗模式等等。他的名字是“メタルマックス(Metal Max)”,他有一些像“Pokemmo”这样的功能,但也有很多忠实的粉丝,他们也渴望玩这个游戏(不仅仅是“pokemmo”),一个受人尊敬的开发者,如果你有兴趣,你可以理解这个游戏,我保证它很简单,你已经有了基本的代码。它一直是一个很好的埋葬游戏,好日本RPG,没有声誉,这个游戏有2代重新制作版本已经有一个交易系统但由于种种原因无法实现,3代已经是一个在线战斗模式,并且他们都是NDS游戏,开发尊重者请考虑我的小要求 这的英文农历玩家通过谷歌翻译的内容。
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