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Everything posted by Frag

  1. this thing is broken, vs ho theres no problem, you will always have the tools to deal with any broken sweeper, but all scenarios must be considered, vs balance or stall theres not a single "ou" mon that wall this thing, this one is a different version of the old sd chomp, chomp had speed, this one has bulk, and thats better vs slow teams, and the worst part is that priority moves cant take it down, at least vs chomp u had ice but against this thing what. Id say sd with sacred, ice, psycho covers most of the tier.
  2. la pau se la come translation: pau is cute
  3. Sick stuff, I hope the champ with the moustache make a comeback
  4. No Kanzo, Zhiko, or Facursa, they have been playing events actively lately, others on the list doesn't even log in. Dissapointed with the picks tbh
  5. No dubs coz we made it 3v3, there's no other reason, is not even up for discussion, so dont waste your time, if you dont like then you know what to do.
  6. So, if i get it correctly, Luke was tryharding for activity wins?, shame.
  7. LC was shit, im glad they removed it ed: lf RU
  8. Team Name: No Rematch Team Tag: NORE Registered Players: Frags Axoa LifeStyle LeJovi Luke Lotus TTVZeknShooter yosoyarca Baneadito QuinnW tMoi NikhilR Zhiko kiwikidd Pablobacas xLaz BlueBreath xLuneth LKrenz abstractt Team Captain: LeJovi
  9. So the first season has finished, not a good thing imo that the system awarded activity over skill, people with less win rate but 1000+ battles got the big prize in some tiers. Since is the first one, some things were not going to be perfect, so as far as i can see these are some points to take into consideration. . Increased rating win with a long streak . Increased rating lose if the elo difference is high . Less sensitive queue, making the search for better players a bit longer . Improved ivs for the mon prize Feel free to discuss.
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