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Everything posted by ImFunk

  1. The point is to force you to be creative, rather than having XD10 XD11 XD12 XD13 all be different teams. As for Latin characters being allowed, it's a good alternative for if something is taken that doesn't look like spam or gibberish, and you can still read the names.
  2. I assume their reasoning for this would be the same reason we wouldn't want numbers in usernames. We don't want epicgamer12345 walking around and getting mixed up with epicgamer12346. It would look awful & make things confusing. Also, for every unique team with numbers you'll just have 10 more with random 4592 team tags, again makes it easy to confuse people/teams and is really just gibberish.
  3. conspiracy theory time this entire thing was rigged to make BF relevant again while promoting Einsteins tournaments you all got bamboozled
  4. Yes, but the rate is different from the original games, being 1/30k here.
  5. Me too, does that mean I should be mayor too? Pretty sure half the community fits this standard so I guess we should all be mayor?
  6. Pretty sure that's the point. They've made multiple changes from the original games to make the game more difficult while forcing you to slow down & play the game, rather than just speeding through like the originals.
  7. This was part of my point, half of the people in this thread are taking this seriously yet we have no idea if this election will be considered official or if they have any intention of making this a real thing, yet these staff members haven't said anything as this just goes for weeks.
  8. I forgot to touch on this point. I began playing in 2017 & didn't benefit from the old breeding mechanic, should that have been left in? The obvious answer is no, it was awful & comps had little to no value. This is just an example of a new player missing out on an opportunity from a bad mechanic that was later changed. It's the same right now with berries, if you didn't take advantage of a bad mechanic that's on you, but it's not a reason to keep it in the game.
  9. If you want to be annoyed with anyone, it should be staff, not players. The title of mayor was a cool thing for BF to have and it should be exclusive to him, but staff haven't said anything regarding this title as far as I know, so you can't really be upset if people start voting for someone other than BF. If they came out and said it was a meme title for him I think everyone would just be cool with it but staff have let this go on for weeks now so why shouldn't we vote for who we actually want? Regardless of who wins BF will still make his videos & (I assume) Einstein will still make his tours, so who really cares?
  10. How does being pro-berry farming help this argument at all? Berry farming is in the favor of older players & "hardcore" players. You need multiple accounts completed with a reliable & consistent schedule, which most new players don't have. You want equal opportunity yet you're arguing for a mechanic that's completely lopsided, that makes all other methods for earning money useless in comparison. Nerfing berry farming & bringing it back down to where the other methods are would make it balanced and give players a choice of how to earn their money. New players could farm NPCs, Competitive players could farm matchmaking, "hardcore" players with a lot of time could farm berries. With how berry farming works right now, this isn't possible. If you don't have the schedule for berries you're stuck with NPCs which is nowhere near as profitable, and if you're a competitive player you just have no way of competing with berry farmers. With the current berry mechanics, it makes it so anyone who wants to keep up HAS to farm berries. That is not balanced, that is not equal opportunity. Players should not be forced to do one specific task in order to keep up with everyone else. They should be able to choose from the different methods available to them, that's the point of having multiple different ways to earn money, but sadly it's extremely unbalanced in the favor of berries.
  11. That's what makes this topic difficult. So many people rely on and profit from berries, so even if they know it's bad for the game they won't really say anything as they make so much money from it. Now I do have some hope that there are already plans for some kind of nerf, as they tried it in the past despite not doing much and Kyu said in a previous thread, "When it comes to discussing economic issues, we usually don't want to comment on specifics like this, because if I said in this moment "We're nerfing berries into the ground", the market would probably hyper-inflate as everyone rushes to get as much money as they can out of it." That quote tells me they may already have a plan for a nerf or a mechanic change but aren't willing to tell us due to the effects it could have now. It's also common for them to wait until a massive content update (sinnoh) to add in smaller changes & mechanics. If this is the case I don't agree with waiting this long as it's just getting worse but better late than never. Until that happens though I won't stop complaining about it. It's great for me but terrible for the economy & needs to be reworked or removed.
  12. Right, logging in and pressing my watering pail hotkey 500 times is very exciting. You can go both ways on this. If I have 300m and want to buy a labcoat, there is no possible way of me catching up to the people with billions who farm on multiple alts. On the other hand, if it's nerfed/removed, there would be no easy way to make money & would make it more difficult to catch up to everyone else. So either way I'm fucked. So although nerfing berries wouldn't change much with vanities, it would still solve the problem of too much money being brought into the game, and not enough being taken out.
  13. Something existing forever doesn't make it a good thing. That's exactly why NPCs were nerfed two years ago & why they tried, but failed, to nerf berries before. I agree that the supply/demand has the biggest impact on vanities but as I said before there are players with billions of dollars now because of farming. An example is the few players with Labcoats who are holding them & waiting as these few players continue to make more and more money. They can, and will, just continue to raise these items prices because they know the buyers are continuing to make millions each day. This makes it impossible for anyone else to buy these & other rare items. I farmed NPCs every day & items for 4 hours/day for a year & I've been farming berries every day for 2 months so unless I'm missing something you have the wrong idea of me.
  14. Do you not understand what inflation is? We have millions & millions being brought into the game every day with no real money sinks. The Chinese have billions now & yen has lost all real value. Sure, berry farming is great for people like you who are too lazy to play the game, but it kills the economy in the process. I make millions off this & could be selfish by staying quiet & just continuing to get rich at the cost of the economy but I'd actually like for this game to improve. NPCs buying berries is just a money generator. That money isn't coming from anywhere, it's being put into the game every time you sell to an NPC. This is why we have so much money in the game & removing it would slow down the inflation. You could argue that rebattling NPCs does the same, which it does, but not nearly at the same rate & not nearly as easily.
  15. I haven't read the entire thread but I've seen multiple different ways you guys are farming so I think I should share my method. I don't know if this is the best way to earn money but it works for me. I farm Leichi berries on 3 different accounts. The way I counter the 3 day growth time is by growing them on different days. Example: Account 1 plants on Monday, account 2 on Tuesday, and account 3 on Wednesday. This makes it so despite the 3 day growth time, I'm harvesting berries every day. I invest 1.2m in seeds & selling the berries gives 2.1 or 2.2m, so around 1m profit each day. The water time for these berries are 12 hours, so I only have to log before I sleep & after I wake up. It takes me about 15 minutes to water on each account & 40 minutes to pick/plant/water every morning. That's about 2 hours of work every day for over a mil. Again I don't know if this is what everyone else is doing but it takes me little time, has a great schedule, and makes me 1m every day. I know for a fact people are doing this on more than 3 accounts so I can't even imagine how much money is being brought into the game. Berry farming is not good for the game.
  16. That solves nothing. Buffing gym runs or any NPC is the same as berry farming, it brings in new money to the game. There's already so much money being generated and few money sinks.
  17. I had to reread this a few times thinking it was a troll. If you think berry farming is a positive mechanic whatsoever I have serious doubts you've tried it yourself or realize how much money is being generated. First off, selling berries on GTL is the least profitable method. The main method is selling berries to NPCs (which is literally a money generator) and you can make roughly 1.1m per account per day if you buy your seeds. Personally I only have the patience for 3 accounts so I only make 1.1m per day but there are people making double/triple that amount. It takes no effort and little time with massive profit, which is just being generated by NPCs and not other players.
  18. https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/forum/47-support-request/ Make a post here & wait for a response, it could take time so be patient.
  19. Berry farming is still the best method for making money & still an issue. If you know what you're doing and have a few spare hours, you can easily make over 2m a day. (I say easily because it's literally 2 hours of work) So with that being said, adding more money into the game through NPCs is not good for the game as we already have so much money being generated.
  20. You made a comment about an overdose and fictional character or not it should have been obvious that was a bad idea. Whether or not that was mute worthy is a different question, but they'll be able to justify it so no point in appealing.
  21. The only way to avoid getting muted in 2019 is to close your chat.
  22. Then what is it? Shiny hunting is one of the only post game activities we have here, besides comp. Taking that away by reducing the value of shinies wouldn't make the game better at all. When looking at suggestions you can't just say "this would be cool lol" you have to consider the positives/negatives of every idea, and this would have a lot more of a negative impact than positive.
  23. Every time you complain about dungeons not being in the game, it gets pushed back 1 week so at least 6 more months
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