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Everything posted by DarkTieru

  1. Hello, it would be good that cooperative battles existed 2 against 2 by means of links and double battles, 2 so called players "X" and other 2 called "Y". It would be good to give a usefulness to the link of the events, outside these, TY.
  2. I hope that they are the hidden skills. or other región.
  3. HI, I like suggets that in the weekend was gained extra xp, TY!
  4. HI, I like suggets that dittos breeding each other (sorry for my english), To obtain Pokemons with especial gender, example ""Tauros"", since the price of dittos it is not the same thing of before with the breedings with pokes genderless, TY!!!
  5. HI,sorry for my english, I would like to propose That are implemented hidden skills For more variety of strategies in PvP, thanks you very much.
  6. You will be able to do that they put the lacking regions and the Hidden skills you conceal soon? sorry for my English.
  7. I do not deal, google does not translate well.
  8. I wait put the dungeons for the next update
  9. Hi, sorry for my English again,One asks only for curiosity, Why doesn't work the GTL ? ty In advance.
  10. I would like it, I wait with anxieties for the Region of sinnoh and his pokes and the secret skills
  11. Hi, sorry for my english. i have 1 question, If me renaming, the OT ( EO) of my pokemon also change ? TY
  12. HI, I am new in this, sorry for my English,but, I have a doubt, if i just raise Shiny with my OT or EO (fermale) and other shiny with other player OT or EO (male), the finally the baby or breeding have my Ot or Unkown EO ? ty
  13. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees halloween ty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I sit it if something was understood badly, My Enlgish es bad,If it was possible to write in Spanish it would be clearer,Only I say that it hurts the people when it sees something that so much he likes it does not appear, ty for read this msg.
  15. Desu... With all respect,We like much the events and the idea of implementing dungeons, but they have us waiting from March, I understand that they have lives and also priorities, but to offer information often it would not be not bad at all, it is because of it that the people are annoyed and the angry people say and do any thing, impulsive mind. Thank you very much for reading this message
  16. I would like that the event was realized, but I would like more that they were putting the secret skills that from last year are promising them to us. Thank you
  17. Need event of halloween pls!!!! and dungeons!!!!!!!! pls ty, more ty
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