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Everything posted by SgtAsh

  1. I'm bored as uguu EDIT: Goddamit, now king has just been changed to uguu. LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE. NOW WE CAN'T EVEN SAY Evading the censor because fuck the system
  3. I hope reddit stays popular. It's the best place to find porn dank memes.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjCu9IEJBRs
  5. They fired the reddit employee that dealt with all the AMA's because she didn't want to start doing like scripted, corporate sponsorship AMAs. And apparently the people that run reddit have been doing really shitty in working with the default sub mods. (I haven't noticed any negative effects from anything though) So in protest, a bunch of subreddits went private. It's kind of like the whole OT thing here, except it actually matters because it's on a real website. People in charge are doing a shitty job, people that their shitty jobs effect are mad. It's a shame r/circlejerk is private, because that's what all of it is.
  6. RIP reddit. With both OT and reddit dead forever, I ave nowhere to post anymore. RIP internet.
  7. This is a bitchin' update though. Too bad I won't be able to get any cool new weapon skins because I suck at the game. And it takes FOREVER to download the update because I live in the middle of the got dayum woods and have a shitty connection.
  8. RIP loch n load RIP dead ringer RIP baby face's blaster RIP heavy still nerfed I'm just butthurt because I recently got a strange specialized killstreak loch n load and baby face's blast that I will now never be able to get kills with.
  9. inb4 filter is permanent
  10. ftfy But seriously. I hope this filter is just a temporary joke and doesn't last.
  11. Holy shit this is annoying. And it happened within like the last half hour too. Because I posted a little while ago and it wasn't censored.
  12. Heimann confirmed mod
  13. Guys I just found my old gameboy SP with this game: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic_Battle I played the SHIT out of this game when I was 8-ish. I know what I'm doing for the rest of the day.
  14. His appearance is his worst crime though
  15. I'm related to a few in my extended family. Whenever me, my dad, and my grandpa watch the football game on Thanksgiving, they always bitch about it and talk to themselves as loudly as possible about anime. One of them is 17 now, and he's gotten pretty reasonable. The others are 14 and 15 and they're pains in the ass.
  16. An accurate representation of how I see these forums [spoiler]If you think I'm serious and get mad at this, go away[/spoiler]
  17. Am I the only one here that doesn't find anime girls cute?
  18. I just want the new chapter of the attack on titan manga to be released already.
  19. Yeah, let's go ahead and reopen OT soon. I don't care what excuses you give, making new rules for a subforum on here should not take this long. It's not like this is a real life situation, it's a goddamn internet forum.
  20. I was SUPPOSED to be getting a raise starting today. But then the damn governor had to go and cut everybody's budget by 3%. God dammit, Rick.
  21. Goddamn. That's some seriously bad luck. At least he wasn't hurt.
  22. To be fair, the ISIS flag should probably be a little more offensive than the confederate flag. I'm a little more upset with jackasses from now than jackasses from 150 years ago.
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