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Posts posted by Zrambox

  1. 4 hours ago, DaBrais said:

    I understand and respect your opinion and I assure you that we have already taken it into account, it will clearly change the GTL, but remember that pokemmo veterans only see the game as a chat simulator, since they have nothing else to do, they only It remains to buy vanitys x50 or more. and you think that does not affect the gtl? Doesn't it affect new players? What I'm looking to do with this new system is give people something to do within the game. And if you didn't realize the pvp has a terrible match making, the events are delayed or do not reach the expectations of the most experienced players. and all this due to lack of staff resources to pay someone who does a decent job, we need people who earn a living working on the game and the only way to finance quality designers, developers, marketing, moderators, is paying them a salary. Greetings have a nice day ^^

    No te enteras, ese sistema qué propones no añade ninguna nueva mecánica jugable ni tampoco ningún tipo de recompensa que no exista ya en el juego, ahora la gente tiene como únicos objetivos para seguir jugando al juego conseguir vanitys, competitivos y shinys, y tú propones un sistema donde sin jugar, solo abriendo cajitas de porquería consigan vanitys, competitivos y shinys, no te das cuenta de tu error? Y no, el juego no va a mejorar porque ellos consigan más dinero, tengo entendido que pokemmo está llevado por un pequeño grupo de desarrolladores, si no han contratado a nadie en todo este tiempo para ampliar su equipo es porque no quieren y están muy cómodos repartiéndose el dinero entre ellos, porque este juego mueve una cantidad MUY generosa de dinero, solo hay que ver la cantidad de items premium publicados en la gtl, precisamente ese es el problema, que los desarrolladores están recibiendo una cantidad brutal de dinero sin necesidad de crear nuevo contenido, así que, Para que esforzarse si sin hacer nada ya ganan tantísimo? Si hubiese una fuga masiva de jugadores y ellos dejasen de ganar tanto te aseguro que se pondrían inmediatamente las pilas en trabajar en nuevas funcionalidades para volver a atraer a los jugadores al juego, osea, que lo que tú propones es, en todo sentido, lo opuesto que necesita pokemmo, literalmente pareciese que tu propuesta es para intentar matar y hundir el juego.



    You still dont understand, that system you propose doesn't add any new playable mechanics or any kind of reward that doesn't already exist in the game, now people have as their only objectives to continue playing the game to get vanity, competitive and shinys, and you propose a system where without playing, just opening boxes of crap they get vanitys, competitive and shinys, don't you realize your mistake? And no, the game is not going to improve because they get more money, I think that pokemmo is run by a small group of developers, if they haven't hired anyone in all this time to expand their team it's because they don't want to and they are very comfortable dividing the money between them, because this game moves a VERY generous amount of money, you just have to look at the amount of premium items published in the gtl, precisely that is the problem, that the developers are receiving a brutal amount of money without needing create new content, so, why make an effort if without doing anything they already earn so much? If there were a massive flight of players and they stopped earning so much, I assure you that they would immediately work on new features to attract players back to the game, that is, what you are proposing, in every sense, is the opposite that we need in pokemmo, literally it seems that your proposal is to try to kill and sink the game.

  2. 4 hours ago, DaBrais said:

    No es un sistema Pay2Win, ya que dentro de pokemmo hay formas de farmeo con las cuales de pueden comprar RP de forma todalmente GRATUITA. Ademas de que dentro da la propuesta que di tambien propongo que haya una recompensa por iniciar sesion, la cual dara de forma gratiuita una CAJA a los jugadores. Lo cual los ayudara a conseguir dinero mas facil en el juego dependiendo de su suerte. Gracias por tu comentario !

    Quizás no me he explicado correctamente, no digo que sea un mal sistema por ser pay2win, es un mal sistema porque no aporta literalmente nada a la diversión y jugabilidad, al contrario, al contener Pokémon competitivos y shinys en las cajas haría que la gente jugase menos al juego para conseguir estás recompensas por sus propios medios, y jugar por ti mismo siempre será más divertido que abrir una maldita caja que salió de ninguna parte, como lo que pasa con las recompensas por login diario, es una recompensa a cambio de hacer nada, lo que este juego necesita son sistemas que incentiven a los jugadores a jugar y divertirse de más y diferentes formas, no algo que es todo lo contrario, entrar al juego, recoger la recompensa e irte porque mediante el sistema de cajas de botín ya obtienes todo lo interesante que el juego tiene que ofrecerte sin necesidad de jugar a este mismo. Además el juego ya cuenta con un sistema gacha, y esto son las cajas de los eventos de Halloween, navidad y año nuevo, las cuales si son aceptables y hacen bien las cosas puesto que para conseguirlas necesitas jugar al evento, que es de lo que se trata todo esto, de JUGAR y DIVERTIRTE y además solo contienen cosméticos de ropa exclusivos del evento, nada de competitivos o shinys como propones tú, ya que estos son literalmente el único incentivo actual que presenta jugar al juego convencional fuera de época de eventos. En resumen, el juego necesita más modos jugables y más tipos de recompensas diferentes a las presentes actualmente para incentivar a los jugadores a conseguirlas y mantenerse ocupados, por lo que un modo que sin tener que jugar recompense a los jugadores otorgándoles los únicos objetivos que tiene el juego actualmente para motivar a la gente a seguir jugando es literalmente lo opuesto a lo que el juego necesita.


    Maybe I haven't explained myself correctly, I'm not saying it's a bad system because it's pay2win, it's a bad system because it doesn't add literally anything to the fun and gameplay, on the contrary, by containing competitive and shiny Pokémon in the boxes it would make people play less to the game to get these rewards on their own, and playing for yourself will always be more fun than opening a damn box that came out of nowhere, like what happens with daily login rewards, it's a reward in exchange for doing nothing, what this game needs are systems that encourage players to play and have fun in more and different ways, not something that is the opposite, enter the game, get the reward and leave because through the loot box system you get everything interesting the game has to offer without actually playing the game itself. In addition, the game already has a gacha system, and these are the boxes of the Halloween, Christmas and New Year events, which are acceptable and do things well since to get them you need to play the event, which is what it's all about PLAYING and HAVING FUN and also they only contain exclusive clothing cosmetics for the event, nothing competitive or shiny as you propose, since these are literally the only current incentive that playing the conventional game presents outside of event season. In short, the game needs more playable modes and more different types of rewards than are currently present to incentivize players to get them and stay busy, so a mode that rewards players without having to play by giving them the only goals the game has currently to motivate people to keep playing is literally the opposite of what the game needs.


  3. Es la peor idea que leí jamás, no tenemos bastante con aguantar la basura de juegos que hay en dispositivos móviles que encima quieres traer a pokemmo esos asquerosos y rastreros sistemas donde las cosas se consiguen en base al azar y pagar dinero en lugar de jugar y tener habilidad, un consejo, nunca jamás te dediques a diseño y desarrollo de videojuegos, es pura basura tu propuesta.


    It is the worst idea I have ever read, we do not have enough to put up with the garbage of games that are on mobile devices that on top of that you want to bring to pokemmo those disgusting and creeping systems where things are achieved based on luck and pay money instead of playing and have skill, advice, never ever dedicate yourself to video game design and development, your proposal is pure shit.

  4. 42 minutes ago, Kyu said:

    I feel like we'll need at least a year to be interested in doing another region. There's an alarming amount of "not yet implemented" within the current ones, as well as gameplay polish which needs addressed for non-regional content (PvP Seasons, etc.)

    Please make mining available randomly along caves and mountain slopes in all regions, the underground itself is an empty and uninteresting place, it would be more fun to have to look for points to mine along all maps. Thx for this game <3

  5. On 1/22/2020 at 4:13 PM, w4rdo said:

    Now with Platinum out, HG/SS and Black2/White2 are the only games missing from PokeMMO. The dev team will probably make a decision about what features they want to focus now:


    1. new events/dungeons/exclusive content?

    2. porting HG/SS/B2/W2?

    3. remaking the game engine to support gen 6/7/8?


    I'm going to take a guess and assume 3 is never going to happen, and that PokeMMO will focus on sprite based Pokémon until the end of its life. Redoing the engine again to support 3D and 3DS/Switch assets is a 5 year undertaking minimum, with no guaranteed return in time investment. Also, people like me prefer old Pokemon, and that is the major reason why they play this.


    1 is obviously going to happen, since those seasonal events have proven to be a great way to make people log in again into PokeMMO. It also shows how the staff can add their own content to the game, instead of just relying on content from the ROMs.


    The interesting questions are: can you justify doing 1 and 2 at the same time? How would having two versions of the same areas work out? But more importantly, can assets from HG/SS/B2/W2 improve other parts of the game and help future development?


    I myself think that it would definitely be worth it. People love those games, and having the complete gen 1-5 experience would be a big plus against the fan game competition. And while I don't know how PokeMMO development works, I assume that porting those games is easier when you already ported one gen 4 and one gen 5 game before, making the time investment more manageable.


    As for the two versions of the same zone problem, I want to throw an idea: ultra wormholes hidden near the 4th badge zones, to help you jump between different Kanto and Unova regions. They would work exactly like the region jumping works with boats, but in a way that makes sense with time traveling. Those portals could even be setup during daily and seasonal events: if the person goes to a fishing event in the wrong version of Route 19, he can take a temporary portal there to the right version of Route 19 to make up for his mistake. Also helping people look for these portals is a good opportunity for player interaction.


    I also think that having HG/SS/B2/W2 available to work with offer some really cool development opportunities 10 years into the future, beyond using the pokemon and the npc sprites from HG. Not only the PWT sprites which are really cool, but also textures and objects, which can be used in various daily events, and even could be used to craft DS styled remakes of gen 3 Hoenn and Kanto, and maybe even Kalos, Alola and Galar, complete with a soundtrack using the midi instruments from the ROMs. Having the full set of gen 1-5 games before tackling this would be ideal, and it's not that unrealistic if you consider the amazing work that has been done with PokeMMO, even if it takes a long time.

    Why no just place kanto GBA NPCs in the HG/SS kanto during the story of FG/LG? Some map areas like cinnabar island or inside silph co can be taken from GBA version and also keep then for post Johto story for keep the game with more zones posible. I think they can add gen 6 and gen 7 pokemon using the Pokémon data present in the gen 7 roms, they dont need make pokemmo compatible with the whole alola region, just take the data like stats and introduce the new Pokémon in region zones already in pokemmo, BW2 can be really helpful with that for all the new zones that It add, also, PWT can be the perfect excuse for introduce trainers from anothers regions, like kahunas from alola or gym leaders of Kalos, sprites for trainers and Pokémon can be made for the community via mods. 

    I prefer they focusing in dungeons or other postgame content, at least for now. I dont want they working on seasonal events, is no worth work in events for content that only can be played few days, I prefer true long life game content.

  6. I hope this never be implemented in the game. Yes, we need the teams to be more relevant and interesting, but an extradiegetic and unrealistic mechanic, such as a typical quest/autoreward system is definitely not an option. In this system, the missions are always about do generic tasks that dont add new real content and feel as if you were getting rewards from nowhere for doing things you would do anyway, it is a very vague and unrealistic game design. We need a "team wars" or something like that, with uniforms, team bases and battles to conquer the resources of the regions, that makes more sense and would make you feel like part of a ingame canon pokémon team.


  7. 3 hours ago, Bestfriends said:

    Good afternoon Zrambox, I hope you are doing well. In general, your suggestion looks solid, but I would like to list my concerns:

    Thanks for the reply! I will give an answer for each point, hopefully we can find the best way to carry out an improvement for the secret bases:

    3 hours ago, Bestfriends said:

    1. Privacy: There are some people that may not want to expose their trainer card in game. If they do, then some hide their Battle Point and PokeYen amounts. If there is a way that you can hide that sort of information, then I would be more comfortable with this feature.

    2. Self-esteem: I personally do not care what others may think of my base layout, but there may be some people out there that do. If Bob's Base is a 1 out of 5, then he may have his feelings hurt and quit the game.

    3. Schedule Issues: Let's say that you're watching a tournament take place at Silph Co and all the sudden, a wave a battle requests come in. Technically, the owner is not "busy" in game because he/she is walking around, but he/she may want to hang out with their friends or do a gym run in peace. If there is a way to turn on/off this feature, then overall satisfaction for this suggestion would go up.

    1. I know there are players who don't like to show the amount of money or battle points they have. I have many other suggestions, one of them is a remake of the trainer card that show much more information (like PVP Elo, battle frontier symbols, it even includes a system of "stars" that are added as you get new achievements as in the main games) This would help players get goals in order to show off their trainers cards and this also includes an option to hide the data you want, including money and battle points. The current trainer card is not interesting to show, I wrote that thinking about a new future version of them.

    2. Maybe a system of likes would work better? just show the number of likes, you would never see how many people did not like the decoration of your base.

    3. See this:

    On 7/24/2019 at 5:04 PM, Zrambox said:

    the entrance to their bases would be visible to the rest of the players, while they have activated a key item (it could be the explorer kitxL87_FOAlP6u7sBSrPhIwoDOrPvPoK5_6JPzQUMrq5ARr2yCvHpun1gHbl4rlEAIfJLGWlFy1VqI4W6XgjGYHYiKw7tGxAG9ORvTqFKXryhj9T6RTIfFokIewz9BJD1m4sFG7MgG, for example, or other new item created for this function) that would allow seeing the bases of others and letting they see your own

    if you don't want to be bothered you can only turn off the key item and nobody can challenge you : ) 

    4 hours ago, Bestfriends said:

    1. This concern has already been addressed. It cannot happen, I am sorry for the disappointment. If you can, then please give this suggestion a read:

    1.I know that access to the pokemon storage in secret bases in normal conditions would be to exploitable, cause of that I wrote that the storage is only accessible after being teleported by another player. See:

    On 7/24/2019 at 5:04 PM, Zrambox said:

    -When you are at your base and have not been teleported by another player, the PC options are:

    • Access the ranking of secret bases

    • Decorate

    Players can only be teleported to their base by the same player once every 21 hours:


    On 7/24/2019 at 5:04 PM, Zrambox said:

    -You could challenge the same player once every 21 real hours.

    -If one of the two players leaves the secret base before start the battle, they cant be challenged again until after 21 hours.

    And if you leave the base the "pokemon storage" option disappears, which makes it impossible to cheat. The reason for including storage is to allow players to prepare for battle if they have a farm team or something like that when they were challenged. If developers enable the battle box that would also solve the problem.

    4 hours ago, Bestfriends said:

    2. The Victory Scores in your base is a good idea, however, we need to omit the Classification score or else, we are playing MySims (PokeMMO Version).

    3. I would like to wish good luck to you and the battler. There are some people who hold tournaments in their own Secret Bases back when Hoenn was still the new region.

    2. I like My sims hahah

    3.Unfortunately, I haven't even had the chance to see another player's base yet

    4 hours ago, Bestfriends said:

    1. Battles are important to the ranking score. As long as you delegate the scoring towards the battles, then you don't have to worry about the revenge scoring (unless you battle the same person again and lose the battle).

    2. Why not? My friends had a lot of fun decorating their bases while I was inside them. A friend of mine once trapped me in the middle of a Pretty Desk, but I laughed it off. That was the beauty of decorating with people around, also if you feel trapped, then there should be a "Leave" button at the bottom right of your screen.

    1. When I write "secret base ranking" I mean a list with the best scored bases give by other players based on the decoration, the battles dont affect the ranking (the battle, in principle, is only to get new decorations through the flags obtained). With the change for likes replacing the 1/5 scores the revenge reviews dont would be a problem, so you can like the base when you want.

    2.I only made that annotation because I thought it would be impossible to decorate a base when there are players inside (I already tell you that I have never had the opportunity to visit one..) But if it is something that can already be done there is no problem with it!

    5 hours ago, Bestfriends said:

    There is some good things suggested here, but if you can do a little more work on some of the features, then I may up-vote your suggestion. I appreachiate the amount of enthuasium you have towards the game. Good luck on your in game endeavours!




    (Sorry for the bad english, I use google translate)

    Currently in Pokemmo, the secret bases lack functionality and hardly have a multiplayer component, in addition to being limited to a single region. Taking advantage of the future inclusion of Pokémon platinum and the new secret bases that it includes, I have thought of a new system for the bases that reinforces the multiplayer facet and makes them more prominent:


    -The bases could be made at any point on the ground of a route in any region (with exceptions in some specific places that can undermine the experience in some way like doing it on the tall grass)

    -When the owners of the secret bases were online the entrance to their bases would be visible to the rest of the players, while they have activated a key item (it could be the explorer kitxL87_FOAlP6u7sBSrPhIwoDOrPvPoK5_6JPzQUMrq5ARr2yCvHpun1gHbl4rlEAIfJLGWlFy1VqI4W6XgjGYHYiKw7tGxAG9ORvTqFKXryhj9T6RTIfFokIewz9BJD1m4sFG7MgG, for example, or other new item created for this function) that would allow seeing the bases of others and letting they see your own, that avoid damage the playable experience when you do not want to visit bases of other players because of the inevitable fact that all the ground of multitude of routes would be filled with these entrances.



    Here is an example of how you could see the entrances, showing the bases already visited as "open" to differentiate from those that have not yet been visited.



    -To visit one of these bases it would be enough to press the "A button" in front of the entrance, indicating to which base we want to enter in case several online players had the base in the same place.

    -When you want to create a secret base, it would be enough to use secret power in the place where you want, indicating, before confirming if you want to made the base, how many players apart from you (online at that moment or not) have their base in that same place .

    -The bases visually would be those that can be found in the underground of Sinnoh but with a locked perspective for the correct inclusion of the decorations of the third generation.



    Example of how the secret bases could look, showing us how with a locked perspective the elements of the third generation would visually fit with those of the fourth generation.


    -When interacting with the PC of another player's secret base we could:

    • See the trainer card of the base owner

    • Rate the secret base: There would be a ranking with the most beautiful secret bases based on a scoring system from 1 to 5 based on the notes given to you by your secret base visitors using this option.

    • Challenge the owner of the base: This option would send a battle petition to the owner of the base. In case of accepting this, he would teleport directly into the base. (If the owner is busy or in any room such as the battle frontier or the Pokémon league, he cannot be challenged)

    -Once inside the secret base after being teleported, the owner of the base can, using the base PC:

    • Access the storage of Pokémon: Allowing to be able to prepare for the battle.

    • Access the ranking of secret bases: It allows you to see your score, your position in the classification, the number of victories in battles of secret bases and the top of the 100 players with the best bases.

    • Start the battle

    -In a battle through secret bases, the winner gets flags, which, along with some money, would be necessary to buy decorative items or to remove rocks. Being defeated would always subtract 1 flag. Example:

    • Players with 25 or less victories in battles for secret bases would give 1 flag when defeated

    • Players with victories from 26 to 50 would give 2 flags

    • Players with more than 50 wins would give 3 flags.

    -You could challenge the same player once every 21 real hours.

    -If one of the two players leaves the secret base before start the battle, they cant be challenged again until after 21 hours.

    -Once the battle is over, the owner of the base can, interacting with the PC:

    • Access to the storage of Pokémon: being able to put back the team previous to the battle.

    • See the ranking of secret bases.

    • Teleport to your previous location: leaving you at the exact spot where you were before accepting the battle.

    -Once the battle is over, the challenger player could not score the base visited, thus avoiding this value with a bad score as a revenge after losing.

    -When you are at your base and have not been teleported by another player, the PC options are:

    • Access the ranking of secret bases

    • Decorate (as long as your base is not accessible by other players.)


    I think that with this system the players will give much more importance to the secret bases, thus opening the possibility of selling totally new decorative elements for RP. All decorative elements should also can be stored in the bag to be able to trade with them through the GTL, but once used they are linked to the base and it is no longer possible to trade with them.


    I would like to thank all the creators behind Pokemmo, for made a pokemon game with active updates and quality content now that game freak seems to havent put effort on the future games. The creators of Pokemmo now have the responsibility of keeping the pokemon world alive and progressively creating the game that all fans have dreamed of. Seriously, thanks.


    I have a LOT of more suggestions, I will post them in the future.


  9. It is not necessary to implement all the undergroud, the really interesting thing about this is the mining and secret bases, both could be implement in the overworld instead of in a empty and uninteresting space like the undergroud.

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