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  1. 21 points
  2. Kyu

    maybe a returning player?

    No, you still can't call other people racial epithets in your heated gamer moments. Feel free to stay away. Thanks
    14 points
  3. Why so ? If you're saying it's to avoid people to manipulate usages near the end season, the best way to fix that would be to give enough interest in the ladder so people can't do that. The tier changes should take into consideration the whole season of usages, all the more in the tiers that are UU, NU & Dubs that have very low usages overall already. If you're doing this please do an average of all 3 months rather than just using usages from 2 or 3 weeks in the last month of the cycle. Also you still haven't fixed UU & NU seasonals that are still hapening after the tier changes which negate the point for players to practice the tier during the season. You've promised thrice already to do something about it, been a year and a half still nothing ?
    4 points
  4. Can we please start discussing ambipom? Super strong in the NU tier, shits on offensive teams, im not good with writing long paragraphs but everyone and their moms want this mon banned
    3 points
  5. just wondering if the moderation issue of the past who pushed me to leave are finally better. or if the mods just got better at hiding complaint since it's the first time in a while that i didn't manage to find any on the forum. or have the mods just killed everyone? so yeah i am kinda wondering what the moderation situation is these days. also if any of y'all know if my punishment record gets reset after a while i would like that knowledge.
    3 points
  6. its still the same as when you left with your tinfoil hat
    3 points
  7. Hi, It depends a lot on what you want to use it for. In my experience Java's use is becoming more limited in industry. Fewer and fewer applications are being developed in Java to start with. Its main draw is that it is very easy to use Java cross-platform, ie you write it once and it runs on every OS. The syntax and terminology associated with Java are important in understanding object-oriented programming and its OOP features are much more refined than Python's but its relevance is declining in favour of more modern languages. C++ is more common for embedded systems and operating systems, any kind of low-level work. This is reasonably technical work and probably doesn't lend itself to a beginner very well. Python is well-suited to beginners as its syntax is easy to read and understand and has a wide variety of high-level industry applications including data analysis, AI/Machine Learning, web development, and more. I would recommend you start with Python and if you feel that you'd prefer to move into lower-level aspects of software engineering to consider pursuing C++ after you understand the fundamentals. Hope this helps ?
    3 points
  8. Hi guys, I've been playing this incredible game for 2 months now, having fun and I want to share a small modification I made to the mods (HD Battle Sprites/Generation 5 Follower Sprites v2.1) all credit to their creators. I am not an expert in the graphic theme, just a common user of paint, I set out to change the unsuccessful color of some very dear shinys and this was the result, I hope someone finds it useful. To install it you must unzip both files and replace the files inside with the ones found in the PokeMMO mod folder (HD Battle Sprites & Follower Sprite) according to the number of each pokemon by dragging them or using copy and paste. Please make a backup before modifying each mod to resolve any issues. *You do not need to unzip the complete mods, you have to open the mod with winrar or 7zip and a window will open with a folder enter that folder and replace the files with the ones I provide. *Note: I added the direct links to the fully modified mods with the alternative shiny ones for those who don't know how to modify them with the files I posted above. The links are in comment mode with my nick in each original post of their creators, please all the credit is theirs and I thank each one of them for their work. HD Sprites Full - Follower Sprites Full Download only the files with the 6 modified pokemon: HD Sprites - Follower Sprites
    2 points
  9. 欢迎来到 Clara's Shiny Journey 是一个运气特别差的家伙 但是有着全世界最棒的朋友和旅程! ✨ 自己刻名: 42只 ✨ 目前目标: 闪光水跃鱼
    2 points
  10. OvO


    -----前言----- 合众 古代城堡 道具 光之石,日之石,柔软沙子,古代铜币,古代银币,古代金币 药品 好伤药,元气粉,万能粉 精灵球 超级球,高级球,巢穴球 罗斯山 道具 除虫喷雾,白银喷雾,小蘑菇,硬石头,不融冰,黑带,达人带,不变之石,贵重骨头,金珠,芳香蘑菇,巨大金珠 药品 伤药,解毒药,解眠药,好伤药,元气粉,元气根,神奇糖果 精灵球 超级球,巢穴球 雪花市(水面) 道具 除虫喷雾,白银喷雾,柔软沙子,神秘水滴,星星沙子,金珠 药品 好伤药,元气粉 精灵球 超级球,巢穴球 树果 微涩种子,微甜种子,微苦种子,微辣种子,微酸种子 龙螺旋之塔(外草丛) 道具 美丽之羽,除虫喷雾,白银喷雾,龙之鳞片,黑带,龙之牙,奇迹种子,贵重骨头,金珠,彗星碎片 药品 伤药,解眠药,好伤药,元气粉,万能粉,神奇糖果 精灵球 超级球,巢穴球 龙螺旋之塔(钓鱼) 道具 美丽之羽,白银喷雾,龙之鳞片,龙之牙,神秘水滴,深海之牙,星星沙子,珍贵骨头,金珠,彗星碎片 药品 好伤药,元气粉,万能粉,神奇糖果 精灵球 超级球,高级球,潜水球 龙螺旋之塔(冲浪) 道具 除虫喷雾,白银喷雾,龙之牙,神秘水滴,龙之鳞片,深海之牙,星星沙子,贵重骨头,彗星碎片 药品 伤药,解眠药,好伤药,元气粉,万能粉 精灵球 超级球,捕网球 龙螺旋之塔(草丛) 道具 除虫喷雾,白银喷雾,黑带,龙之牙,奇迹种子,龙之鳞片,贵重骨头,金珠 药品 伤药,好伤药,元气粉,万能粉,神奇糖果 精灵球 超级球,巢穴球 8号道路(水面) 道具 除虫喷雾,白银喷雾,柔软沙子,神秘水滴 药品 伤药,好伤药,元气粉 精灵球 超级球,巢穴球 树果 微涩种子,微甜种子,微苦种子,微辣种子,微酸种子 雪花湿地 道具 除虫喷雾,白银喷雾,小蘑菇,柔软沙子,神秘水滴,金珠 药品 伤药,解眠药,好伤药,元气粉,万能粉,复活草,神奇糖果 精灵球 超级球,巢穴球 树果 凰梨果,焦香果,蔓莓果,墨莓果,西梨果 12号道路 道具 白银喷雾,毒针,奇迹种子,星星沙子 药品 好伤药,万能粉 精灵球 超级球,巢穴球 树果 微涩种子,微甜种子,微苦种子,微辣种子,微酸种子 13号道路 道具 除虫喷雾,白银喷雾,神秘水滴,黄色碎片,星星沙子,金珠,大珍珠,星星碎片 药品 好伤药,元气粉 精灵球 超级球,捕网球 小波湾(冲浪) 道具 除虫喷雾,白银喷雾,不融冰,神秘水滴,红色碎片,绿色碎片,蓝色碎片,黄色碎片,珍珠,星星沙子,大珍珠,星星碎片,丸子珍珠,彗星碎片 药品 伤药,解眠药,好伤药,元气粉 精灵球 超级球,捕网球 小波湾(钓鱼) 道具 白银喷雾,神秘水滴,水之石,红色碎片,绿色碎片,蓝色碎片,黄色碎片,珍珠,星星沙子,金珠,大珍珠 药品 元气粉,万能粉 精灵球 超级球,高级球,潜水球 丰饶之社(草丛) 道具 白银喷雾,小蘑菇,暗之石,火之石,日之石,木炭,锐利鸟嘴,金珠 药品 好伤药,元气粉,万能粉,复活草 精灵球 超级球,巢穴球 树果 凰梨果,蔓莓果,墨莓果,西梨果 丰饶之社(冲浪) 道具 白银喷雾,神秘水滴,深海之牙,王者之证 药品 好伤药,元气粉 精灵球 超级球,捕网球 P2实验室 道具 星星沙子,神奇糖果 药品 万能粉 丰缘 114号道路(钓鱼) 道具 毒针,神秘水滴,星星碎片 药品 好伤药 119号道路(高草丛) 道具 除虫喷雾,白银喷雾 药品 伤药,好伤药 精灵球 精灵球,超级球 树果 微涩种子,微苦种子,微辣种子,微酸种子 120号道路(冲浪) 道具 除虫喷雾,白银喷雾,神秘水滴 药品 伤药,好伤药 工匠之穴 道具 白银喷雾,黄金喷雾,丝绸围巾 药品 好伤药,厉害伤药,元气根 精灵球 超级球,高级球 流星瀑布 道具 白银喷雾,黄金喷雾,日之石,月之石 药品 厉害伤药,元气根 精灵球 超级球,高级球 关都 17号道路 道具 白银喷雾,毒针,锐利鸟嘴,烟雾球 药品 伤药,解毒药,好伤药 精灵球 精灵球,超级球 双子岛 道具 白银喷雾,黄金喷雾,不融冰,神秘水滴,水之石,珍珠,大珍珠 药品 好伤药,厉害伤药 精灵球 超级球,高级球 果实森林 道具 除虫喷雾,奇迹种子,日之石,叶之石,吃剩的东西 药品 伤药,好伤药,复活草 精灵球 精灵球,超级球 树果 零余果,蔓莓果,柿仔果 冻瀑洞窟(水面) 道具 除虫喷雾,白银喷雾,黄金喷雾,不融冰,水之石,珍珠,星星沙子,大珍珠,星星碎片 药品 伤药,好伤药,厉害伤药 精灵球 精灵球,超级球,高级球 五之岛空地(草丛) 道具 除虫喷雾,白银喷雾,黄金喷雾,黑色眼镜,丝绸围巾,升级数据 药品 伤药,厉害伤药 精灵球 精灵球,超级球,高级球 五之岛(钓鱼) 道具 除虫喷雾,白银喷雾,毒针,神秘水滴,奇迹种子,珍珠 药品 伤药,好伤药 精灵球 精灵球,超级球
    2 points
  11. 大家好,我是YuoZ,一个pvp萌新,靠着运气和场次水上了榜。今天我想给大家分享一个我最近常玩的队伍——火蛾捕获队(好像也不是捕获),是个挺有意思的队伍。附上战绩图(胜率较低勿喷) 话不多说直接上队伍。 清洗洛托姆(队伍核心) 性格:胆小 特性:漂浮 道具:吃剩的东西 努力:148体力 140特攻 220速度 招式:水炮 十万伏特 替身 诡计 这里选择了替身强化配置的洛托姆来破受,诡计配合120本系大招可以解决大部分肉盾。这个配置在面对一些pm有奇效,例如冰光火放蛋,无吼叫巨沼,美蛇等等,对面只能眼巴巴地看你强化。 努力方面速度拉过了81极速(暴鲤龙)可以保证能够先手击杀。体力拉到148替身有概率抗一发无特攻棺材的祸不单行,剩余的给特攻诡计一次十万伏特可以确一无耐久的螳螂(踩钉),水炮确一体力拉满的老匠(踩钉),水炮确一天真地龙大概率乱一无耐久地龙(踩钉),水炮确一无耐久巨金怪。 火神蛾(队伍核心) 性格:内敛 特性:火焰之躯 道具:讲究眼镜 努力:252特攻 252速度 4体力 招式:过热/火之舞 急速折返 虫鸣 精神强念 技能方面选择了双本加精干补盲(主要针对民工),急速折返可以读换对面双拉从而换成优势对位做到不卡场。对于火舞和过热个人比较喜欢火舞,毕竟特攻概率加一很舒服,再配合毒钉地钉甚至可以过蛋,过热虽然拥有130的威力,但是一般常用于HO(Hyper Offense)中的快节奏对局,二者均有利弊,看自己倾向于哪个。 性格方面选择内敛配合眼镜的高额输出可以打破许多靠属性来联防的pm,眼镜蛾子可以做到虫鸣确二换挡大胆大嘴鸥,确二暴鲤龙(踩钉),确二螳螂(踩钉)。虫鸣大概率乱一无耐久洛托姆,确二大胆美蛇,确二特耐河马,乱一无耐久巨金。 最重要的是火焰之躯碰瓷非常nice() 天蝎 性格:淘气 特性:沙隐 道具:进化奇石 努力:252体力 132防御 124特防 招式:羽栖 地震 剧毒 清除浓雾 此队伍十分弱钉,所以技能方面带了除雾来减小钉子压力,剧毒加地震可以压制大部分强化手。队伍整体弱斗和高强度物攻手,天蝎弥补了这一问题。 队伍很怕地龙的压制,努力主要是吃双刀地龙龙星不过半再稳定除雾给后排良好输出环境。 坚果哑铃 性格:悠闲 特性:铁刺 道具:美丽空壳 努力:252体力 252防御 4特防 招式:拍落 寄生种子 强力鞭打 隐形岩 作为全队唯一的龙抗,与天蝎联防可看住大部分物攻手,同时也是雨天克星之一,是很坚固的肉盾。 道具比较阴间,专门防止磁怪的捕获从而上场洛托姆强化或天蝎逼退。(就针对你们这些爱玩磁怪的(´▽`ʃƪ)) 技能带了拍落可大大降低对面pm的战斗力,同时寄生种子保持续航配合强力鞭打逼退众多水盾。 毒刺水母 性格:温和 特性:污泥浆 道具:黑色污泥 努力:252体力 204特防 52速度 招式:毒菱 冰冻光束 热水 高速旋转 毒刺水母优秀的特耐可以应对大部分特攻手,同时看死常规特攻向的雨天河童,配合草钢可几乎完美处理雨天。 努力方面选择拉52速高旋一次过三地鼠防止被抓。技能带了毒钉配合蛾子高额输出能给足对面压力,本系热水和冰光补盲有时还会有意外收获。 玛狃拉 性格:爽朗 特性:压迫感 道具:讲究头带 努力:252攻击 252速度 4防御 招式:冰锥 冰砾 追打 暗袭要害 全队速度最高,可压制大部分pm,因为对内没有携带TP(瞬间移动)VS(伏特替换)UT(急速折返)的精灵,所以非常考验玩家如何找到好的上场时机。如:在双放进行换钉后,可以先读对方换入耿鬼挡水母高璇从而双拉玛狃拉进行捕获(满血海星不走追打无法确一)同时也是大部分龙族杀手,不过在面对快龙时要注意神速。 最后,此队伍比较好打目前环境较多的龙金,还有空间,雨天。队伍配置较为阴间,可以靠信息差打出优势。比较怕压钉加高爆破和强力强化手的队伍。此队伍难度也较高,在没有vs,ut,tp下需考验玩家的双拉读换能力。还有其他问题可在评论区提问或私信问我,看到就回。 此队伍玩起来很有意思,蛾子的高额输出看着很爽,洛托姆抓到冰光蛋推队可以开心一整天hhhh
    2 points
  12. Slowbro finally doesn't have to move every season
    2 points
  13. smells like an can't believe they did this prank to me.
    2 points
  14. atm electrode must remain in UU.
    2 points
  15. as long as there is ninjask hp ground electrode it won't be a problem, learn guys.
    2 points
  16. I don't know what a whimsicott can do to a drapion on a screen team
    2 points
  17. Electrode can set up screens with TAUNT and STATIC support!!!! SO SCARY!!! I'm going to have nightmares, please ban! My brain is not enough powerful to break through screens. What do walls have to do with Electrode anyways??!? Screens are used to set up vs things that would otherwise OHKO you. Alomomola is not going to OHKO with Toxic or Scald. Same thign with Golbat or Bronzor and nearly all walls. Walls are not designed to OHKO stuff. NU lack of decent walls is completly irrelevant in this matter. Who cares? Why on earth would you try to OHKO Electrode? Electrode does nothing. The only relevant Scarf users I can think of that can OHKO Electrode without the risk of static are Krook, Garchomp and Dugtrio. Are you suggesting that Electrode would be a problem if it wasn't for Krook in UU? Really? (PZ is BL) Screens are barely viable, not broken and not rng based. Why this huge push to prevent that playstyle from being viable? Stop banning things just become it's new territory. We also have tons of crit monsters in NU like Absol that have no problem whatsoever ignoring screens. We have Piloswine coming into Electrode and making fun of it. A scarf user like Rotom can simply trick in front of Electrode. Whimsicott with infiltrator or prankster fucks electrode as well. Even fucking Slowking can laughs in the face of Electrode, especially if it carries Teleport instead of an electric move (that would deal no dmg). Seriously, this is plain stupid. Use your heads instead of banning stuff you didn't spend more than half a second to play against.
    2 points
  18. No. Last time Electrode was NU it popularized screen teams, when it left NU screen teams tried to stay alive by using other setters (Serperior, Froslass mainly). They still kinda work, but are way worse than they were with Electrode, simply because their screens setter won't have 150 speed, making it vulnerable to Taunt or a hit from anything faster. This argument is just terrible, if you think it's banworthy in UU then write a detailed post about it. Something being banworthy in a certain tier doesn't mean it's banworthy everywhere else, unless it's something extremely uncompetitive like Hax Items or Arena Trap. That is not the case here with Electrode. Also while the role performed by Electrode in NU or UU is the same, that doesn't mean both tiers are prepared the same way for the kind of playstyle that involves Electrode. NU barely has any decent walls to begin with, and the most common scarf Pokemons are either slow as shit, or just can't OHKO Trode at all. Tell me how that's the same in UU. You just gave one of the main reasons as to why it should be banned, then say we should not ban it. Sounds legit. Honestly the rest of the post is not worth replying, since it kinda touches the same point with what you wrote earlier. I'll just say I'm pretty sure you've seen that team I built the last time Electrode was NU, the one which effortlessly beat you know who, in a TT final, in less than 3 minutes? I'm self-aware enough to know that shit should not be legal.
    2 points
  19. ITS DONE. 30k EGGS. 46 DAYS OF HUNTING. AN AVERAGE OF 800-900 EGGS A DAY. FUCKIN MR RARES OP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Special Thanks to u 3 Guys after this Journey. @awkwaysJust Thank you for everything. @FlareBlitzz Thank you for Inviting me into this beautiful Team Back then. @WestTurtleTY for being my Oldest Friend in the Team @OHJI TY For the Best Charm i ever had. I would love to Tag everyone else, pls feel tagged right here, especially all of my Ditto Sellers, but I had way too much People Supporting me on all of my Way ! :3 PS: Sry for raising Dittos Prices ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) !
    2 points
  20. HP努力值 攻击努力值 防御努力值 特攻努力值 特防努力值 速度努力值
    1 point
  21. 前一阵抓百变看到隔壁出了个3v爽朗百变瞬间发财 突然心动了 就想都是抓百变凭什么他就出货我就不能(因为我太非) 所以随便想了想 还真想出个能加出货率的方法 加上一个月左右的随意实验边孵蛋边摸鱼刷闪边研究 大致的完善了一下 具体内容如下: mmo内同步特性队首效果 不过同步特性的绝大部分都是超能 而且会固伤的就只有天然鸟 没有上睡眠的能力 电磁波1.5有点难抓 找了一圈 发现了别的途径 天然鸟可以学 急速折返 具体思路如下: 经计算百级爽朗天然鸟烧伤后急速折返面对极限低个体的百变只有8分之一的几率弄死 而最低伤害是半血捕捉率为45% 一血百变重复球的概率是68% 两回合即可丢球 捕捉流程:天然鸟首发同步性格 急速折返换上画狗 蘑菇孢子催眠 丢球 弊端 遇到骗球怪的几率更大了 而且ct的话会导致百变暴毙 况且百级爽朗天然鸟 要求有点高 所以前一阵又想了想 弄了一个另外的思路如下: 队伍成员: 野生爽朗天然鸟速度高过140(稳逃咕妞妞一家)技能急速折返 外加随便三个辣鸡技能(啄 奇迹之眼求雨大晴天啥的随便配) 道具后攻之尾 ( 感谢楼下大佬的提醒 刚才忘写上了 为保证后手ut 后攻之尾是必带的 ) 画狗 点到 自我再生 哈欠 蘑菇孢子 流程 :天然鸟首发同步性格 对面百变变身 自身急速折返换上画狗 画狗哈欠 画狗点到 丢球 天然鸟一家有50级野生 且本思路不限制于爽朗 可选性格 固执(1.1修正) 胆小 内敛(0.9) 需要自行计算攻击力 用这个思路试了一阵子 一箱有11~16只锁住性格的 而且天然鸟能学的有用技能有电磁波 黑夜魔影 可以凭借同步性格抓鬼锁性格 技能用睡觉黑夜魔影电磁波 带上健忘背心(1krp)那个 锁定好你需要的等级开抓 之前在天堂塔一直采用的是健忘背心夜巨人(神奥野生不用练级)黑夜魔影 现在有了更方便的 相当于在原有的一箱怪的收益上加了八只左右对性格 每一只对性格v相当于多赚了1w
    1 point
  22. Xi

    WTB desu coat color~

    Please pm me with mail in game/forum if you have interest .I could pay by poke$/desu coat white+lots of vanities/estorm+lots of vanities/RP. My IGN:Xi Thx:D!
    1 point
  23. yes take this bastard monkey out of NU
    1 point
  24. Their stats are perfectly legal and not actually optimized. The highest their IVs go is 24 (144/186), and the highest their EVs go is 64 in each stat (384/510). They're significantly weaker than what most players use in PvP. Despite these handicaps, it's very possible for their lv87s to KO your lv100s with a strong enough move, especially if it's super effective. They often hold damage boosting items like Choice Band/Specs and Life Orb as well. If you'd like to confirm for yourself, this damage calculator is a helpful tool.
    1 point
  25. so there is still a crusade going on against the letter N? has well has mute/ban for the most mundane of things? or are you just being a uguu like before?
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. 我没root过
    1 point
  28. zhqiha


    11个都是在大吾洞,刚去绿龙就闪宝贝龙了。。。 大吾洞太邪门了
    1 point
  29. kuuai


    1 point
  30. The main problem with Whimsicott as a counter is that it's rendered completely useless when the opposing player has a dark type on their team. Drapion previously had high usage in screens cores because of this reason, as well as it just being generally well-suited for this kind of team. Edit: Nvm Huargensy already beat me to it
    1 point
  31. Walls cannot counter directly Electrode, but depending on wall, can counter any mon that electrode are supporting. And other reasons: - Electrode is very faster. Even scarfed mons from NU, like Blaziken, cannot outspeed him. So, unlike other Screen Setters, that you can outspeed and KO before they set up, Electrode can set Screens safety, unless you use taunt with priority boosted due to Prankster. - They moves allow some mon to enter with security in field, like Explosion, Volt Switch or Teleport. In 3 cases, you can put a mon and start to set up.
    1 point
  32. Not to mention most of NUs crit users have terrible bulk except drapion ( not the greatest special bulk though ). Absol and Honchkrow both have to worry about explosion or volt switch. Relying on a non 100% sucker punch crit to counter something makes for terrible play. Neither for nor against Electrode moving down just helping present information.
    1 point
  33. Diter

    It is a joke or?

    Thank you ❤️
    1 point
  34. Let me try to analyze it in my perspective. 1- Context is needed in every tiering decision, especially when it comes to a potential uber support characteristic: In OU, screens are paired with Cloyster/Volcarona/Conkeldurr/Scizor/etc... However, in most cases, all those Pokemon can be handled by already common Pokemon (Dragons/Gyarados for Volcarona - Rotom-W/Scizor/Magnezone for Cloyster - Cofagrigus/Hippowdon for Conkeldurr, etc.) In UU screens are paired with Venomoth/ Azumarill/ Scrafty /Blastoise/ Bisharp, etc etc. Again, common Pokemon that handle them already exist in the tier: (Crobat for Venomoth/Scrafty - Mandibuzz/Vaporeon for Azumarill - Heracross prevents Bisharp/Scrafty from sweeping, etc - Blastoise is probably the trickiest of the bunch, but still is easily phased by Empoleon if it doesnt pack EQ or hazed by Vaporeon or whatever similar) In NU things change. The tier is much more offensive and the walls mostly comprise of the same few things. Also, unlike OU and, at some extent, UU, NU's offensive metagame is frailer, with less key resistances, meaning they won't be eating many hits at all (Compare how different it is with OU, where Scizor and dragons can take plenty of hits) Because of this, you are forced to have walls in order to stop set up mons. Is this a bad thing? Not necessarily. However, how consistently can these walls stop those set up mons? Not much. Feraligatr, for instance, has one very shaky answer in the form of Quagsire, which is by itself abusable. Everything else lies in the bottom pit of usage (Tangrowth - Leafeon) so they are irrelevant. Most Gallade/Drapion's answers rely on being able to pressure them hard enough and quickly, which is no longer the case with screens (EX: How jolly golbat was used for gallade, or how steelix beats drapion). But now you are asking: How is that different from setting screens with already existing stuff like Froslass/Espeon/Serperior? Again, context is needed and you should be asking instead: How consistently can the already existing stuff set screens, how can they be played around by the enemy, and how does Electrode sets itself apart from them? First electrode is much faster, meaning it no longer has to rely on a few speedtiers to set their screens (It also can taunt more Pokemon) Second Electrode has some moves that make their team gain momentum after setting screens - Volt switch /Explosion/Teleport. Froslass and Serperior have not. Third, Electrode has a much better defensive typing than all of the others, meaning it can set up screens against more Pokemon. Fourth, although this is not very relevant, Electrode has an useful passable ability all others lack - Static- But I won't go deeper into this one. Finally, as a bonus point, let's look at the top usage mon: Blaziken (I told you context mattered). How many common fast screen setters can set up against it? None, they are all outsped and ohkoed. Electrode, however, is faster than even scarf blaziken, and can easily set both screens against it, otherwise the chicken is forced out. And, honestly, the difference between being able to set up against the top used mon and being unable to do so, in any tier, is huge. In any other words, Electrode is able to set screens against more stuff, which means it makes it easier for others to come into the field next with screens already activated, which also means it is much better at supporting them than whatever we had prior to it. Ofc not all this is set in stone. Under the right circumstances, Scrafty can sweep even against Crobat, but that's not the point. The point is not only that NU is much worse equipped to deal with boosters than other tiers, which already makes the comparison between tiers invalid, but also that Electrode in NU is so much better than anything else that shares its role that comparing them even in the same tier is equally invalid. Does this make Electrode necessarily Uber support? No, but at the very least makes it potentially discussable. (Yes, Whimsicott is the best answer against any screen team, but that thing is sitting below 3% usage so don't even try to mention it as any sort of argument, thank you).
    1 point
  35. Honestly, Electrode can be a problem everywhere, even in OU there are plenty of dual screen Electrode teams that can mess you up if you're not careful. And in all tiers, there are ways to overcome this. If your team doesn't have anything to stop those kind of shenanigans... well that's on you. GB's done a great job of listing various ways to deal with screens in NU. And let's not forget their greatest counter - Defog, a move that's run on 90% of all teams. One move to undo all the progress in the first few turns, given that you don't get taunted yourself, but an opportunity can still be found. Is Electrode annoying? Very much so. Is it broken? Definitely not. It does give the chance to let some dangerous Pokemon set up more safely, but there are also ways of dealing with set up stats.
    1 point
  36. WINNERS Wow.. what a month! I think I can speak for everyone when I say this Event got much bigger than originally expected. Before I announce the winners, please note that there is no shame in not being in the top 3 of over 130 participants. Everyone did soo great, and I think the other judges can agree that it was almost impossible to decide on our favorites! ♥I also wanted to thank some people ♥ @Masterkeyys & @KaynineXL for being excellent judges and helping me out a lot with this Event and the prizes ♥ @DragoTamer for the additional prize ♥ And everyone who participated or messaged me about the event, this couldn't be possible without you! ♥ Winners: 1st Place: @xPauu (8 Million Pokéyen + a drawing of their ingame Character) Congratulations xPauu!♥ I love the spooky vibe! You had everything a great picture needed - a nice location -a really cute outfit and a follower that goes great with the outfit and location! 2nd Place: @yusday (5 Million Pokéyen + a shiny Pichu) Really amazing job!♥ This is definetly one of the cutest entries! I love the partnerlook with your follower and the beautiful background to match it! 3rd Place: @Nivus (4 Million Pokéyen + all contest ribbons on a pokemon of your choice) What a creative picture!♥ The Hogwarts vibe is amazing! the matching outfits with your partner and the great follower picks make this one really unique! 4th Place: @ImTheWalrusHere COMMUNITY VOTE (3 Million Pokéyen) We couldnt agree more with the Community!♥ I love the Ice Cream Clerk outfits of you and your partner! together with the two little followers, the fireworks and the perfect location makes this screenshot extremely sweet! (hehe) TO EVERY WINNER Please contact me on one of these platforms: (preferably Discord) here on Forums on Discord: urCute#6128 via PokeMMO: urCute CLOSING WORDS Im really proud of how big this Event became! I hope this is not the last time I will see you guys in my Events! To answer the question I got asked the most: Yes, there will be more Events like this in the Future♥ ♥THANK YOU EVERYONE!♥
    1 point
  37. A simple suggestion: a "Copy Name" option when you right click a player or their name in chat. It would make some things easier like making sure you're mailing the right person, or pinging people in global/channel chat to ask them questions or answer their questions. A simple QOL improvement that'd make life a little easier!
    1 point
  38. Adorable Frogs in Safari ❤️ IGN: Excover & Eireri
    1 point
  39. Prande


    在神奥的随意镇PC精灵中心 你对话护士台右边的花瓶,就会激活新NPC 神奥技能技能师“花瓶”(只在侧边对话有用)
    1 point
  40. Did you notice that a certain unknown player made it twice in a row to the finals in shiny tournaments? Damn, a king's rock Cloyster user consistently beating solid players in tournaments, and in most of his games making his way to victory by shell smashing, pressing icicle spear and praying. Thanks god the game alerts the players that Cloyster holds a king's rock so they can easily counter it right?
    1 point
  41. Hello! If you want to join the staff, you need to meet those requirements: - Have at least 500 hours in-game. - Be able to communicate in English. - Have knowledge about the game. - Be preferably an adult, with no in-game punishment history. If you meet those requirements, please send a private message to Bearminator and SecretDjinn on the forums explaining your interest in the CM role. Keep in mind that staff members cannot take part in official events/tournaments. Meeting all the requirements doesn't guarantee you a position. Good luck!
    1 point
  42. Masterkeyys BossHogg DarkShake Escon(Xairol) Yusday FixedGaming SaKuRaluv IHackedRNG PCoookie Bamboozle Brendanios Grizlee Xairol saprina Opmas ShenRah TheyCallMeChris BagelMMO haroldiz BenWordSmith YoungsterLance Transedence Realcanuck Ohwadee Centumm DoubleDee SmokeSupreme HolyNoodles GSTricks sDragoon BallaZay DonaldDankest XBoga Ketillo Sacredly Chancker spdrnrd Hahatrash lilyrain CaptainCrackers Ssuelegi Alucino BeTheSnow Lordgirlsama Rickyhak BuurmanTim SireGj VolcanX Realcanuck Floorrrr Pandabatx Etibal Frolern Lexzi GeorgeTM Mrphs Jonery Pergy Chillelixir therealan UranylHydroxid Zhode Thorpoke
    1 point
  43. shinosan

    Vanity Suggestion Thread

    item slot: Hat name: shadowHead, or shadowMask Note: If you are decide to implement it i would like you to let me know, and have the cosmetic free of course XD, thanks (sorry for my inglish)
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. Deviluke

    Vanity Suggestion Thread

    Item Slot: Hat Image of Item: I made the full suit but I might be the only one that likes it.
    1 point
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