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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/22 in all areas

  1. 10 points
  2. The Underbelly of Castelia What's a RatGod without his Rats?
    8 points
  3. Welcome to the General Thread of PSL Lab First Edition hosted by @Artemis4. What is a "PSL"(Pokémon Super League)? It is a competitive Pokemmo event, which consists of team battles to define who is the best. Players will be auction-selected by one of eight managers of the season and integrate a team that will aim to win the PSL Lab crown. Once the teams are formed, the competition begins. There are two phases to the event: the regular season and the playoffs. Based on their performance during the regular round-robin season, each team will head into the playoff’s single elimination bracket with some advantages or disadvantages. Each week, managers will submit a tier-based lineup of players that will face an opposing team’s lineup. The PSL Lab First Edition tiers are: OU1, OU2, UU, NU, Dubs, LC, Manager Choice 1 (OU, UU, NU, Dubs, LC, UT) & Manager Choice 2 (OU, UU, NU, Dubs, LC, UT). Managers & co-managers will be allowed to play, but in exchange for weekly currency. Remember, this event is fully sponsored by @ProfesorEinsteinnn. Bolded terms are detailed below: About Host: About Lab Players: About Invited Players: About Auction: About Managers: About Competition: About Regular Season: About Play-Offs: About Line Up: About Tiers: About Schedule & Rules: About Warnings: About Code of Conduct: About Ban List: About Prize Pool: I took a lot of text and ideas from the official PSL format, so I want to thanks for the ideas provided for this format. I want to especially thank @ThinkNicer for providing the official PSL format to the community that has served as the basis for this tournament.
    7 points
  4. We have no interest in making wordfilters more permissive. Anything you're gleaning from a lack of filtering is a product of your mind and a consequence of how old the blacklist is.
    6 points
  5. What would a Queen Bee without her Hive? We are team Honey and we want you to help us make the world a sweeter place! (World domination might be implied)
    6 points
    3 points
  7. Kyu

    PokeMMO 10th anniversary

    We regard April 5th as the anniversary, not the day of the forums going online. It took a few days to get the first gameserver online after the website We'll have a small event the first week of April to commemorate the date
    3 points
  8. [初音未来主题] 兄弟们好,本次带来全新主题初音未来主题 因为是第一次制作主题,所以还有许多问题存在,这次带来的是初版(以后还会不断修改) (这个主题的原作者并不是我,我只是进行了大部分的修改) 下面有部分的图片展示,以及视频展示https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1mL4y1M7jP/ 下载链接 下面进入正题
    2 points
  9. Hey im new please give me 100m and a shiny cyndaquil, thanks alot!!!!!!!
    2 points
  10. 日期 星期六 2022年3月5日 时间 北京时间 19:00 位置 神奥地区 森之洋馆 Ch.5 时长 1小时 抓捕 另外 10分钟 提交 计分方式 个体值总和= 最终成绩 有效的参赛精灵: 鬼斯 洛托姆 + 10 规则 要赢得从高到低排名的第1-3名, 需要提交一只总成绩最高的精灵宝可梦 要赢得非酋奖, 需要提交一只总成绩最低的精灵宝可梦 所有精灵宝可梦必须在规定活动时间以及指定的活动地点之内抓到, 你有1小时的抓捕时间 进化形态和退化形态均不可参赛 所有精灵宝可梦必须保持原样 (未训练、未进化等) 你必须是精灵宝可梦的原训练家 你只能提交1只参赛精灵宝可梦 你必须通过把精灵宝可梦私聊发给主持人的方式来提交 平局情况下, 最先抓到的胜出 主持人 BoltBoy Clara chenshushu ZHM UK 第1名 闪光 礼物 鬼斯 或 耿鬼 由你指定性格,2个技能,个体值3x31+3x28的位置 & 700奖励点  第2名 500奖励点 第3名 500奖励点 非酋奖 300奖励点
    2 points
  11. I dont know whats happening here but I updated this anyways for Jared @xtogitx @ribaaaa @nurver9 https://www.mediafire.com/file/y4w9rp58at4mwap/GENERATION+8+STYLE+THEME+-+WIP.zip/file
    2 points
  12. Wow there really was no hype lmfao.
    2 points
  13. i recently wanted to name 1 of my pokemon to one of the great world leaders putin but i was not allowed to do so. it's understandble that you guys don't allow politic names. but then i tried biden or trump and it was allowed in my opinion this is wrong siding the americans in this situation my suggestion is to either not allow all world leader names or allow putin. you guys treat russia like animals rn what's not fair.
    2 points
  14. Your welcome enjoy bro
    2 points
  15. 20th Shiny OT Could be a ditto but I take it
    2 points
  16. ♥︎Simplemente Mapaches.♥︎ IGN:MapchS
    2 points
  17. Note: There are English and Spanish translations. Hay traducciones al inglés y al español. Drago's Ribbon Chateau Status: SHOP IS OPEN | Status: Abierta [Banner Credits to Fixedgaming and Requi] IGN: DragoTamer Summarized - General Prices | Precios generales Specific and additional information are list below Elite 4 Ribbon Pricing | Precio de Cinta de Campeón Battle Tower Ribbons Pricing | Precio de Cintas de Torre Batalla Contest Ribbons Pricing | Precio de Cintas de Concurso Other Ribbons Pricing | Precio de Otras Cintas Other Services | Otros Servicios Active Discounts |_Descuentos Activos Why The Pricing | El por qué del precio Additional Notes | Notas Adicionales Images | Imágenes Finished Orders | Pedidos terminados: In-Progress Orders | Órdenes en progreso:
    1 point
  18. A new raffle for this month the prize is a hasty natured Shiny Politoed GREAT FOR BREEDING WATER MONS. THE PRICE PER TICKET IS ONLY 30K! Just mail me the money my Ign is: KiwiTzy Special thanks to @DamianTefor hosting this raffle
    1 point
  19. Is it possible to put wonder trade in the game? I joined a few days ago and it's super fun but i miss the wonder trade i had in my 3ds I know the game has been around for a few years but the wonder trade still doesn't exist Is it very difficult to install? or is there another reason? I just really like this mechanic in pokemon games so I'm asking if it's possible
    1 point
  20. The event will start in 1 hour, good luck hunters!
    1 point
  21. This isn't the place to report him. Open a ticket on https://support.pokemmo.eu [Log with your in-game Account, not your forum account] and report the player And, according to forum rules, when you post here, need to post in english or leave a english translation attached. However , you probablly will not be punished this time, since you're new on forum and probablly don't know the rules. Will take some time until you get a answer, so you need to be patient Hope you have a nice day!
    1 point
  22. Yeah you can participate aswell! just make sure to write your IGN to avoid confusion^-^
    1 point
  23. 2022-03-05更新: [伤害计算器]和[宝可梦队伍配置]功能已经完成迁移,至此,旧网站(www.noseblue.cn)的主要功能已经全部完成迁移,预计将在2022-03-05关闭旧站 1.[宝可梦队伍配置]新增功能:[队伍快照] 可以通过点击队伍快照生成当前队伍的信息快照图 2.[伤害计算器]微调整
    1 point
  24. Elizn

    [GUI] Retrowave Theme

    All I would need to do is to take thay font file and replace it in the same place in the data right?
    1 point
  25. - Music from the Saint Seiya anime / Musica del anime de Saint Seiya ( Caballeros del Zodiaco) EN : Everything working on android ES : Todo funciona en android EN : Sinnoh region mod its been simplified (just pokemon center and battles modded) ES : La region de Sinnoh fue simplificada (solo el centro pokemon y las batallas fueron modificadas) EN : Use the video below with the time it says for example of music ES : Usen el video abajo con el tiempo que dice como ejemplo de la musica - Downloads / Descargas : VIDEO Min 11:54 Enjoy! Disfruten!
    1 point
  26. Hannah finished all my breeds in one day and I am very satisfied with them!
    1 point
  27. Had a talk about services for when I (eventually) finish breeding my shiny Psyduck. Very kind and helpful! ?
    1 point
  28. I hate those topics that shouldnt be in a game like Pokemmo hopefully it´ll get deleted soon and thats my only sentence here but forcing attacks near nuclear power plants and endangered all of europe its the worst way to "free" a country.
    1 point
  29. How much TiddoO? Just asking ?
    1 point
  30. There really is no point though, it also wont be fun since unlike the mainline games you cannot wondertrade hacked mons or shiny legend mons. no one will use it unless they plan to for memes like wonder trading a bidoof or something. I'd rather have the devs use the time with better/more useful features and not one-off ones that will fade into obscurity.
    1 point
  31. "My Suits Are On The House, Or The House Burns Down." - Tommy Shelby
    1 point
  32. 我 为你戒掉了烟, 剃掉了头上的莫西干, 如今换来的却是你对我善良的欺骗, 我害怕鬼,但鬼未伤我分毫, 我不害怕人,但人却把我伤的遍体鳞伤, 我是被拆散的鸳鸯,我的世界已经绝望, 家人们老铁们请给我一点力量
    1 point
  33. I love this. It seems like the only real viable option to add Johto into the game at least. Someone already said it. But for Johto and BW2 Kanto and Unova should be beaten once before a time machine is usable Im 1000000000% behind this idea.
    1 point
  34. Anything that gives the player more options when it comes to advanced searching and managing GTL and the Pokemon storage better is a yes from me
    1 point
  35. You gotta respect the work that went, and goes, into this game tbh.
    1 point
  36. wow already 10 years, seems yesterday when I joyned the game in 2015 hahaha I was expecting as well an event for the 10th anniversary, maybe if we push on the suggestion box we might have one ? https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/topic/142470-10th-pokemmo-anniversary-event/
    1 point
  37. This... Brings back memories a lot.
    1 point
  38. 2022-02-09更新: 从2021年11月份左右开始着手对现有的业务数据进行了重新梳理,重新搭建了新的框架,于今天(2022-02-09)完成了大部分功能: 1.域名更新 新的网站:https://www.pokemmotoolbox.com/ 旧的网站:https://www.noseblue.cn/#/ 虽然工具箱网站大部分内容是由我完成,但是最关键的还是大家的反馈建议和帮助, 所以我想用一个符合网站内容的域名,替换掉个人色彩较重的原域名;目前两个网址都能访问,区别简单的说,[伤害计算]和[队伍配置]两个重点还未完成,目前只能在旧网站使用,旧网站除了这两个功能其他功能不再维护,最新的数据均在新网站内; 2.新网站的更新部分简述 2.1宝可梦样式加入背部和其他形态展示 2.2宝可梦野外分布加入检索功能 2.3地图数据增加了野外分布,并且野外分布数据划分了楼层和区域(目前有一些地图未完成数据核对) 2.4 游戏时间bug修复,以前离开页面后游戏时间计算有问题,目前已解决 2.5 删除娱乐功能[抽签]和[闪光模拟],这部分功能我个人觉得用处不大,但是你希望我恢复他们的话,我也会考虑的 2.6 增加化妆间(战损版)功能,在这里特别鸣谢@[GM]YIBU提供的大力帮助,也在这里对一直协助我收集时装截图的@dorybo和其他提供截图的玩家表示感谢,目前时装截图作为时装展示已经不再使用 3.开放反馈交流QQ群,请见我的论坛个人信息QQ那一栏 我之前一直不愿意建立交流群,简单说原因主要是我觉得有压力,但是这样的交流群对于网站的建设是必不可少的,所以我最终还是决定建立一个这样的交流群,欢迎各位有反馈,建议,想法需求的用户加入,如果只是旁听也欢迎加群;请记得加群后改写你的备注为你经常使用的人物ign(id),这样方便我发放奖励,同时也有一些其他考虑,这个是强制性的; 自己的水平和时间有限,望大家轻喷; 4.没有全部完成功能迁移,提前开放新网址的说明 因为从重新开始设计业务和框架并实现之际,我就投入了我所有的业余时间,包括春节假期;现在我感觉有些疲惫,目前我的假期还剩几天,而比较复杂且重要的两个功能[伤害计算]和[队伍配置],我预计剩余的这几天我也没有办法完成迁移,所以提前公布了。我会尽快完成设计和迁移,同时,为了完成队伍配置的数据迁移,你可以把你的队伍进行分享(但不需要分享你的分享码),这样数据会提交到我的服务器上便于我进行数据迁移,当然,如果你不介意在未来功能迁移好了,再新的网站重新配置一下,就不需要在旧的网站内提交(分享);
    1 point
  39. Also I think if they do this we should have multiple eras of time. Technically Sinnoh should be included with Johto in the whole time travel idea mainly because they actually take place around the same time. This is true because we know know that on a tv broadcast when you start in Sinnoh, it talks about a shiny red Gyrados attacking in Johto currently. Also Black and White should get its own time travel thing too seeing as it seems to at the very least take place after the events of FRLG and RSE. Now FRLG and RSE take place around the same time based off a out of narrative reason. The reasoning being this. If a person had a copy of FireRed and another person had a copy of Emerald. When they wanted to battle they actually could and could see the respective protagonists from each game when they were battling. What I mean by this is if you had Emerald and you were battling someone who had FireRed, you could see Red's character sprite while in Emerald. Same thing goes for Emerald. You could see Brendan's sprite in FireRed. You could argue that this is evidence is shakey as to these two games/stories taking place around the same time, but as far as I know there really isn't any evidence to suggest they don't. So what I think they should do is pretty much scrap the boat thing as a universal means of travel, and have three maybe even four eras of time to travel to as the universal means of travel. For example Era 1. FireRed and Emerald era. This era is when you could travel and play these two respective games/regions. And there could be a boat for you to use to travel between these two regions. Era 2. The HeartGold/SoulSilver and Platinum era. This era would take place around the time of HeartGold/SoulSilver's and Platinum's stories/regions/games. You could play these two regions and have a boat allowing you to travel from Johto to Sinnoh and vice versa. And after you beat the main Johto story that boat will allow to travel around New Gen Kanto as well. Era 3. Black and White era. This era takes obviously in the era of the Black and White games. Era 4. Black 2 and White 2 era. This takes place around the time of the Black 2 and White 2 games. Some say this might be too convoluted from a game design standpoint, but honestly I think this would be the best way to incorporate all games/regions in the game. Instead of picking which region to travel to you pick which era of time to go into. And once you the era you choose to travel to you then pick the region you like to start in. The four badge thing can still apply if people want to travel to eras/regions.
    1 point
  40. Desu

    Wonder Trade

    The only way this would work with our terrible community was a 'Rate this trade' which then threw people into tiers. The assholes would get matched with other assholes, while leaving people who want to actually use it to enjoy it.
    1 point
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