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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/21 in all areas

  1. I also want to point out that outside of revenge killing, Dugtrio can come on field through its partner's moves such as U-Turn and Teleport, or it can double switch. Now double switching Dug into a mon you can trap is a skill and the player should be rewarded, but this reward should come in the form of gaining momentum rather than winning the lottery by taking out an entire pokemon.
    9 points
  2. As a someone who has been around for a while, there was something exciting about every new addition to PokeMMO to shake up the metagame. With every update, you always had to approach the competitive teambuilding differently which was fun. Between the beginning of PokeMMO and the implementation of Unova, there was quite frequently some mix-ups to the metagame and that kept the competitive play interesting. However, since the beginning of Unova basically nothing has changed in competitive play besides giving Pokemon Gen 8 moves which barely did anything else than slightly buff a Pokemon or three. This is why I'm suggesting that you would give us Hidden Abilities already. I know you had some great plans to implement them in some special way like in some dungeon or something, which is cool and all - the problem is that we have been waiting for that for like over 3 years already? And I haven't seen a single mention about actually making them a reality in anytime soon. That's why even though your idea was nice and all - I would suggest that you would implement an easy way to obtain Hidden Abilities, preferably to every Pokemon (besides the obviously broken ones like Speed Boost Blaziken). Hidden Abilities would shake up the metagame at least a little bit and it would give us a new way to approach competitive battling and give us something new to do competitively. Playing the same exact metagame for 3+ years is starting to get old.
    8 points
  3. Rose are red, Violets are blue, HALOTT you said ez, But i destroyed you
    8 points
  4. For those that still have hope this will be completed one day.. I mentioned above I would take a stab at this and below is a screenshot of the party sidebar basically complete at this point. Remember, there are some limitations from the concept that are not simply possible, but the theme concept as a whole CAN be implemented. Keep on the lookout for a completed theme soon ? Edit: I have now completed the bottom hud bar. Overall, I like it.. I might make minor tweaks to it before releasing the theme.
    5 points
  5. I just dont get why the devs are not transparent with the community, it has literally no downside.
    4 points
  6. 3 points
  7. GG to team pWincess (PrincessLolita's team) for winning! Final Score: Team Princess: 15 points Team Prince: 14 points More detailed breakdown of who scored what listed here if anyone's interested: [Mr] Pibb's Prince vs Princess Spreadsheet A total of 22 shinys were found within our team this week which really shows how much effort everyone put in, even those who were unlucky. I'm sure we'll do this event again some time. Thanks to everyone who participated and helped organize!
    3 points
  8. Can the PVP gift be packed in a Cherish Ball
    3 points
  9. Congratulations for Team [SIÂ] Sic Itur Ad Astra for defending their title from June and becoming champions once again! Happy birthday, my dudes and ladies. Big congratulations for Team [läva] läva as well, for their great run during this tournament. You can be proud of yourself, and good luck next time! Thank you for my refs: @MPDH @Revz @Cosmooth @LordHydra @DeusBruno @BrokenBulb @Mikyii and @xJoseee! See you all next team tournament! Statistics for this TT and overall standings will come tomorrow
    2 points
  10. I have now completed 99% of the Pokémon Summary. One or two small tweaks need to be made, but overall I quite like the outcome ? Edit: Made changes to the move area in the pokemon summary. Now I feel it is 99.9% completed. I also made the text just a tad bit more darker to better match the original concept color. Edit: Finished the Hotkey bar. This was an easy one, but... wanted to keep the updates coming.
    2 points
  11. We will have around 7 matches on round 1, so we will also start possible second round matches We will later split into 3 channels, and announce where matches will go. I will make a list here and in the game as well starting on channel 4, but mostly captains needs to be here
    2 points
  12. -------------提交方式------------- Tips: 欢迎玩家们赞助中文分区的活动 点此查看如何赞助 日期 星期六, 2021年8月7日 时间 北京时间 19:00 地点 丰缘地区, 送火山 - ch.5 计分方式 个体值总和 = 最终成绩 有效的参赛精灵 夜巡灵 规则 要赢得从高到低排名的第1-3名, 需要提交一只总成绩最高的精灵宝可梦 要赢得非酋奖, 需要提交一只总成绩最低的精灵宝可梦 所有精灵宝可梦必须在规定活动时间以及指定的活动地点之内抓到, 你有1小时的抓捕时间 进化形态和退化形态均不可参赛 所有精灵宝可梦必须保持原样 (未训练、未进化等) 你必须是精灵宝可梦的原训练家 你只能提交一只参赛精灵宝可梦 你必须通过把精灵宝可梦私聊发给主持人的方式来提交 平局情况下, 最先抓到的胜出 主持人 ClaraOvO chenshushu shenhaikinglo ZHM 第1名 闪光礼物 夜巡灵 由你指定性格,2个技能,个体值2x31,4x25的位置 & 700 奖励点  第2名 500 奖励点 第3名 500 奖励点 非酋奖 300 奖励点
    2 points
  13. A very fun event, felt like a new fresh air after grinding a specific mon only for the best IVs. Thank you for hosting the event :D
    2 points
  14. Thank u for hosting the event it was very fun!!??
    2 points
  15. Hidden Abilities are the Half Life 3 of pokemmo, they say they are working on them, but it's all but a meme
    2 points
  16. updated, reaper hoods to the moon ???
    2 points
  17. Staff is adding dungeons since 2013
    2 points
  18. sumao

    声明 statement

    2 points
  19. Baymax

    声明 statement

    很有名吗 还要发宣言
    2 points
  20. ByHeart


    ⭐ 引 言 本文介绍刷闪相关知识,并在全地区范围内给出推荐的刷闪地点,力求客观和全面,服务广大刷闪玩家。 ⭐ 基础知识 闪光概率 PokeMMO中,一般状态下闪光概率设定为1/30000,捐赠者状态、自己开的闪光护符状态加成为10%,从组队队友那分享的闪光护符状态加成为5%,不同状态加成效果可叠加,同种状态加成效果只取最大值。 例: 自己开闪光护符(有效)+队友开闪光护符(无效):1/30000 * 1.1 ≈ 1/27272 捐赠者状态+自己开闪光护符(有效):1/30000 * 1.1 * 1.1 ≈ 1/24793 捐赠者状态+队友开闪光护符(有效):1/30000 * 1.1 * 1.05 ≈ 1/25974 捐赠者状态+自己开闪光护符(有效)+队友开闪光护符(无效):1/30000 * 1.1 * 1.1 ≈ 1/24793 除上述道具带来的增益外,闪光概率人人平等,每只精灵单独判定,不存在原版的乱数与连锁机制,不存在系统惩罚机制。 每次怪群不限制闪光精灵数量,有几率出现多只闪光精灵,请参阅这里。 “白嫖点” 能够方便地回 宝可梦中心(PC)/回复小屋 的刷闪地点,被广大玩家们戏称为“白嫖刷闪点”。 能在甜甜香气耗尽时回到回复点回复,省去了消耗苹野果(pp果)的成本。通常使用瞬间移动回到PC,以节省时间。 “非白嫖点” 与“白嫖点”相对,顾名思义离 PC/回复小屋 较远,只能通过使用pp果回复甜甜香气pp值的刷闪地点,1个pp果=2次甜甜香气=6只(3群)或10只(5群)。 注:1个pp果可以回复任意技能的10点pp值,每次甜甜香气消耗5点pp值(无论是3群怪还是5群怪)。 稀有闪 不能通过刷怪群获得,仅能通过 单遇/钓鱼/奇遇/化石/明雷/游戏厅交换等方式 得到的宝可梦一般被认为是稀有闪,通常价值较高,尤其是具有较高人气值的稀有闪光宝可梦。 注释含义 [ ] - 混合怪群,无[ ]-默认为纯点。 混合怪群指在该地使用甜甜香气可吸引多种精灵的怪群,而非单次香气可遭遇不同精灵的混杂怪群(以前有过该设定,现在已经不复存在)。 ( )- 标注3群怪或5群怪、时间,无( )-默认5群怪/不分昼夜、季节。 夜晚:游戏中时钟时间21:00-4:00;清晨:游戏中时钟时间4:00-11:00;白天:游戏中时钟时间。11:00-21:00。现实时间与游戏时间的比例为1:4,即现实时间1小时=游戏时间4小时。 季节:以现实时间1个月为1个季节,春季-1、5、9月,夏季-2、6、10月,秋季-3、7、11月,冬季-4、8、12月。如无特殊情况(如圣诞节活动期间可能会推迟春季的到来),一般每月的1号UTC时间0点(北京时间8点)变更季节。 { } - 可以顺便在这里刷努力(每只+2且是5群怪),无 { }-默认不适合刷努力(每只+1或是3群怪)。 如果不了解努力值,可参阅这里。简易的努力值分布可参阅这里。本文附带的努力值覆盖面更广,提供更多选择。 黄色 - 推荐白嫖点。 红色 - 强烈推荐白嫖点。 绿色 - 推荐使用pp果刷闪点。 蓝色 - 推荐稀有闪。 游戏设定 定点闪: 指各种带有礼物徽章的精灵(博士给予初始御三家/NPC精灵交换/NPC给予的蛋孵化/合众通关神兽捷克罗姆等),不会出现闪光精灵,即不存在定点闪。 明雷闪: 明雷指随机出现在地图各处,直观显示在 草丛/水面/海面/洞窟地面 的精灵,一般同一地点一次出现4只,伴随规律性移动,与之对话可触发战斗。明雷有几率出现闪光精灵,即存在明雷闪,几率与单遇相同。 化石闪: 指在各地区化石复活出精灵时出现的闪光精灵,由于各地化石精灵只能通过化石复活得到,一般都属于稀有闪。即存在化石闪,几率与单遇相同。 复活化石的地点:(关都)红莲镇的红莲研究所/(丰源)卡那兹市的得文公司/(神奥)黑金市的黑金炭坑博物馆/(合众)七宝市的七宝博物馆。 蛋闪: 每次普通精灵与普通精灵孵蛋都有几率孵化出闪光精灵,孵化出的闪光精灵称蛋闪(即“蛋的闪”),几率与单遇相同。 在从老爷爷那拿到蛋的时刻系统判定是否闪光。不过只有孵化出来后才能得知闪光判定结果,其他任何方式都不能提前得知结果(包括但不限于:蛋闪出现时与老爷爷的对话不会出现特殊的提示、无法使用电脑箱子的搜索功能鉴别蛋闪与否……)。 闪蛋: 闪光精灵与闪光精灵孵蛋称为闪蛋(即“闪的蛋”),几率为100%。即两只闪光精灵孵蛋必定是闪光。 PokeMMO中,普通精灵与闪光精灵不允许孵蛋;追求高v闪蛋的孵蛋机制与普通成品孵蛋机制有显著的不同,详情请参阅这里;一些孵化精灵的原训练师id规则,请参阅这里。 追闪方法与建议 追闪方法: 通过在某地点不断重复遭遇的方式,期望得到特定的闪光精灵,被称为追闪。野外遭遇有甜甜香气法、单遇/钓鱼法;非野外遭遇有孵蛋法、化石孵化法、游戏厅硬币兑换法。 对于野外遭遇法,一些防止闪光惨案注意事项,请参阅这里。可培育专门的刷闪工具宠,可参阅这里和这里。 闪光提醒: 目前游戏版本中,出闪时有友情提醒,通过闪光提示框提示。 具体为:当野生群怪中出现闪光时,第一回合使用范围技能或者逃跑会有提醒,之后的回合再使用范围技能或逃跑不会收到提醒;不论是第一回合还是之后的回合,使用单体技能攻击闪光精灵都不会收到提醒。单遇怪闪光时,逃跑会有提醒;不论是第一回合还是之后的回合,使用单体/范围技能攻击闪光精灵都不会收到提醒。 如果使用了非官方的语言包,尤其是修改了闪光精灵名称前缀时,可能出现上述提醒失效的情况,因此请尽量避免逃闪、杀闪误操作。 建议: 虽然已有闪光提示框的提醒,仍推荐使用一些贴图mod使闪光精灵更直观,各类mod文件下载和安装方式请参阅客户端美化版,其中名称带有“闪光”的大多与刷闪有关,如有需要请自行选择。 一些示例图 ⭐ 推荐刷闪地点 ⭐ 关 都 ⭐ 丰 源 ⭐ 合 众 ⭐ 神 奥
    1 point
  21. Hi~ o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ 欢迎来到布丁奶茶公会(Pudding Milk Tea) 你还在为抓不到精灵而烦恼吗? 你还会因为不出闪光而迷茫吗? 你仍然为不知道如何赚钱而苦恼吗? 正好,我们也都不会!(可恶啊) 这里就是萌新公会PuddingMilkTea啦 欢迎各种萌新一起玩耍喔~~ 也欢迎大佬们镇场(噗) >^.^< 诶嘿嘿嘿嗝 主味是甜的 小布丁 奶茶与甜品 BTW 公会跟随宠 如你所见当然就是棉花糖啦o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o 我们是萌新,我们是非酋,我们好可怜(╥╯^╰╥) 天王打不赢,道馆不敢进,闪光全靠P 噗呲~ 啦啦啦 不要抱怨自己惨啦,快加入我们叭,惨上加惨,好快乐!o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o 我们拥有最专业的P图师傅♪(^∇^*) 入会要求以及会费事项! 我们的好友公会 请不要在意我,我只是得罪了管理层的可怜的广告姬!
    1 point
  22. Similar to Pokémon GTL in main games where u put a poke in and request a specific poke in return, and could ask for IVs, ability, nature, etc. Like if I put a 31iv speed Charmander in to the GTL I can ask for a 31iv Special attack Squirtle in return. This would make it feel more like TRADING and not buying/selling.
    1 point
  23. 前言: 本篇队伍分享为双打分级的登顶队,正片的所有内容由玩家 @luokancy 游戏id:lancyl 提供。 --队伍分享贴发出后,访客可以随意留言询问队伍主人关于队伍的各种问题~ 队伍配置: 队伍强度: 队伍操作建议 : 因为我方是围巾洛托姆,所以一般情况下都会有优先的出手权,电系打击在mmo中我认为是最广泛的打击手段,多数精灵都能确二击杀,在收残阶段会有很好的发挥。另外在残局阶段也可以戏法给我方精灵,帮助我方提速,从而击杀对面。快防叉子可以帮助队友避免螳螂子弹拳的打击以及对面可能的击掌奇袭。队伍速度线都在100以上,顺风下是能比没顺风的精灵都要快的,所以要利用好顺风下的机会,争取在此期间扩大优势。在空间下则要拉扯巨金,老班这些精灵,保存血线,躲避过第一轮空间后,反杀对面精灵。 队伍组队思路: 队伍为常见的顺风队,目前排位常见类型的队伍有四种:顺风队,空间队,雨天队,看我嘛强化队。为了打击这四种常见类型队伍,队伍都有针对这四种类型的相应应对方法,处理得当的话,较为容易取得优势,从而奠定胜局。 针对顺风的队的打法: 己方选择围巾内敛洛托姆,叉子首发。一般来说顺风队为叉子师傅的结构,通过师傅击掌,叉子顺风从而为队伍取挣得出手权。因为围巾洛托姆的速度比叉子快,所以我方可以叉子快速防守,然后洛托姆十万伏特击杀对面的叉子,为队伍争取先手优势。 针对空间队的打法: 对方一般首发暴飞加空间手或者铁掌加空间手。我方首发洛托姆和战舞郎。我方可以通过击掌对面打击手,戏法空间手,锁对面的空间手道具。从而使对方空间第二回合被迫换人,此时我方可以先读对面上来的人固执斗宝的战舞郎已经没锁道具的洛托姆都可以给对方造成较大伤害的。对方另一只留场的精灵一般是暴飞或者铁掌,如果是铁掌的话可以换人暴飞龙,再威吓一段然后斗宝打一发输出,如果是暴飞的话,可以选择觉冰大几率击杀,乱一的天真的话就是确一。也可以读换攻击后排精灵。 针对看我嘛强化队的打法: 对方一般是一掩护手一强化手在场的。首发战舞和叉子,101速的战舞郎一般会比水箭龟要快,可以击掌掩护手并挑衅掩护手。然后佯攻强化手,叉子直接攻击强化手。如果是恶龙刺龙王这类型的打击手,即需要换后排班基拉斯压制。 针对雨天的打法: 我方队伍对付雨天是最吃力的,因为叉子没守住首发的话需要和雷伊布拼速,战舞郎也没击掌河童速度快,所以首发显得特别重要。可以选择巨金以及战舞首发,直接双点对方河童,会有三种情况出现:1.对面电反浊流,击杀我反一个,我方反杀对面一个。2.对面击掌一个,电反一个,我方击杀对面一个。3对面双守住,没事发生。所以我认为最好的处理方法就是双点对面河童,在不知道对面是否有击掌的情况下。后续可以通过拉扯班吉拉上场更改天气获取不同程度的出手权。当然队伍战舞郎可以改为佯攻广防的配置,应对雨天会更从容,因为一般都会默认战舞有广防所以我带的是四攻配置。另外可以将战舞换师傅,这样的话打雨天队会很舒服,开局击掌顺风即可。 队伍弱点及应对手段: 队伍是缺少电抗和特盾的,电系对我方的贯穿能力十分强,所以有机会就必须击杀对方的电系精灵,或者进行压血。 已分享队伍列表 — 长期活动:排位队伍分享 #1 — 欢迎对社区活动进行捐款,赞助中文社区官方请点这里
    1 point
  24. daquario

    [GUI] Classic Premium HD

    Hello, I share the theme that I made in 2019 updated. I read many messages asking me if I was going to update it but I had left the game so I apologize for not responding. Theme Download: Classic Premium How to install: - Download the theme from the download link above and extract into your PokeMMO directory, then Data/Theme - In the main menu, click on Settings/Interface/Theme and select Classic Premium
    1 point
  25. The last thing I did before I quit was sell off many of my comps etc. Now looking for ideas on what to use the money for :D
    1 point
  26. Is it still around? If so, how much are they going for? And are they are given out as prizes anymore? Thats the ONE vanity item I've ever wanted \o/
    1 point
  27. You are all in of course. I will make changes to list soon, as well as bracket
    1 point
  28. WolfgangDamien

    WTB Desu Labcoat

    TBH Id buy it inna heartbeat if I had it. Only have 30mil atm. But thank you for the prices! The last contest I entered to win a Desu Labcoat was a "Design Your Own Gym" art contest actually
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. There is one downside and that's if they're not doing anything *cough cough*
    1 point
  31. tbh, if you are coming back to the game, and actually want to have fun, sell off a vanity that's expensive but that you never wear. Then buy comps and play the game. Vanities are cool and all, but they aren't fun. They're investment to have fun later on. For example, I invested 15m in a single vanity like 6 years ago, and now it's 4b+ or whatever stupid amount the whales are willing to pay. So if I wanted to, I could play this game and not have to ever worry about running low on pokeyen ever again. But, instead I continue to sit on it and just afk in Verm like all the other degenerates ?
    1 point
  32. Nombre del equipo: Bushido Código Etiqueta: BSC Capitán: Ernestocast Jugadores registrados: Alinoo, ZeyodelaMort, XxBardockxX, zXSenshiXz, HalexZ, TezcatYT, Ernestocast, GodstallREd, SrTracer, Ferleitt. tomyOOttwo.
    1 point
  33. Aqui haciendole la compañia a tu mamá xD
    1 point
  34. Really funny event! Hope that staff do this kind of event too, with shiny prizes!
    1 point
  35. No, sand veil usage is not the most important thing to consider looking at this chart. While using august usages was my fault, since i didnt know you could still check july usages, i can now say that trends are similar, albeit with slightly less discrepancy (so far). In july the sand veil usage differs btw, so only 2% súck undeniably. Ill argue based on july stats from now on tho - my bad. Apart from that i wonder why you didnt comment the first half of that paragraph. Can dugtrio afford to take a way more offensive approach than in OU, yes or no? And if you think it doesnt, why? I also struggle to see why someone shouldnt get involved in tiering if he reaches logicial and beneficial conclusions "despite" playing NU. Its not like the tier is garbage, because too many NU players got involved with tiering over the couple of last years. Exactly and thats why i know that froslass (7%) + golem (12%) pressures a shitton of hazard cores and that combo (+ Pikachu) already started to spike when the Biba hat was the grindable vanity. Serp is using light clay 83% of the time -> no defog (and its a terrible defogger, which you probably know as well), Golbat (rocks weak) struggles with Lix, Pilo, Froslass, Nido and Golem depending on its set (not too reliable is it? Interesting usage stat), Hitmons struggle with high Rotom and Slowbro usage, Golem is not a reliable spinner either considering it lacks recovery and running custap 86% of the times its used probably has a reason. Cryogonal (rocks weak) is not a terrible defogger, but Houndoom, Escava, Blaziken, Typhlosion, Fera, Gallade, Clef come in on it with relative ease, unless you go with Speed and SpA heavy investments, which then again lets it spin (defog >) less reliably. Mantines legit tho and imo the best and consistent defogger the tier has to offer. If im wrong about the initial statement regarding duggy running sash less often, because the hazard meta is difficult to handle, it further strengthens my argumentation that duggy can trap with less effort yoloing scarf/band however. Yeah, example indeed wasnt the smartest. I dont really remember what i was trying to say there, so i gotta give you that one without putting up a fight. The tier goes through shake ups every three months, (huge and you even agreed on that one on multiple occasions); theres way less traffic than in OU and tiering regarding NU is a giant clusterfuck - has been since the introduction of new mons. Naturally OU would have a higher quality level of competition. No idea what you´d expect and why you have to call out NU players when you should, and probably do, very well know players arent to blame. I would also have guessed some mons with low usage higher up, because they are too good to pass up on, but NU usage is not made up by people spamming cb flareon regardless. ..."People suck"...and just yesterday you asked if we had viability rankings as reference point. Yes, you have to work for stuff like Nido, but revenge killing a bunch of NUs best offensive mons at 100% or with some slight chip, because the tier consists of glass cannons is indeed rather effortless. Should have outlined that i was talking about revenge killing i guess, altough i thought that anybody working through that post, would be able to realise i wasnt thinking that you can blindly throw Dugtrio in front of a bus called Blaziken, Typh, or Drapion. My bad... Defensive pokes like Nido, or Lix (which hardly gets trapped, but w/e) can indeed run shed shell if the team relies on them very heavily, touche, but that bulk of offensive mons it traps simply cant to function properly. Mag primarily traps defensive mons; dug traps everything, so only nitpicking Nido there is a tad lazy. Maybe, because like you said, it is easier to avoid being trapped by mag than it is to avoid being trapped by dugtrio, due to arena trap not affecting 2 (!) types. Its such a huge difference of reach between magnet pull and arena trap and the fact you are trying to mitigate that by those "arguments" is just so ridiculous to me. Second half is such an odd statement. Obviously, its not too smart to stack fire mons, but why would a balance shell centered around two offensive mons dugtrio traps, lets say Blaziken and Vani, be bad by default? I agree that you need to be good if you wanna maximise arena trap, as everything in mons, but you even say it yourself several times: Arena Trap is quite uncompetitive. If i had to choose between the two i would go with the least cancer, over the most cancer, but ideally i would not want cancer at all. If it simplifies games, its efficiency cant rely too much on skill either. The reason nobody is every gonna use Trapinch again is that it has 10 base speed. I mean cmon, do we really need to discuss why 120 base speed in conjunction with 80 base att (which isnt that great indeed, but sufficient for NU) is way better than 10 base speed and 100 base att? And while its movepool is indeed shallow, it doesnt need more than EQ, Edge and Sucker. It lacking move options is not an argument, since it doesnt hinder it doing its job. Fun fact: Its base speed even allows scarf Duggy to tweak def evs to live Doom sucker punches, and having a favourable roll vs Absol non crit ones, if you settle for outspeeding 95 base positive natured scarfers/+1 mons and avoid prior chip damage. Yesnt, it doesnt oneshot the whole tier, otherwise we would hardly be discussing it, but it undeniably can trap a decent portion of the current meta game with a low skill dependency and hinders mons from being part of it, thus denies meta development. Which btw is a point you completely ignored, tho i can understand why, since you are working under the assumption that everybody playing NU is too pooped to discover it wholly.
    1 point
  36. I remember a few years ago they said they had completed the first map for dungeons, and would begin working on the 2nd 'soon' Don't think I've heard anything about it since then, where they worked on other things such as Sinnoh instead. The most recent thing they've said in regards to updates is that they had gameplay improvements for PvP, and they would decide how ambitious they wanted to get for anything beyond that. (This was in May) Dungeons clearly lost it's priority at some point in their plans, and holding something as valuable as hidden abilities hostage is not the play. There are still other things they can include to a dungeon feature if they still like the idea, but again, holding a key feature from us for years behind something you're not actively working on is pretty rough. Of course this completely changes if they *are* actively working on them again, as I like the idea of dungeons, but we haven't heard anything about it in quite some time.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Sending memes to the admins
    1 point
  39. Team Name: Optic Team Tag: OpTc Registered Players: HALOTT, PKTxKharma, Pinkwings, Incognition, Thinknicer, TheoNotReal, Powerdrib, Robbinho, DaQuiALa, Dindra, BaliAds, Velvetcereal, Siammese, EdRaket, Mehagony, AnnaKarenine, Zefraim, CozzyOCE, Intensed, Ploegy Team Captain: Incognition
    1 point
  40. Team: SonsOfTheDeath Tag: HDLM Players: RealDevilLegend, Nagahex, DarkQuiler, JasonSparrowX, zMago, InuyashaL, AkaruKokuyo, JorgeFirebolt, Intimidoar, Corazones, Smbee, Neblinamist, Killuminatis, Uriincrdbl, DarkNightZz, Yaritan, Palmaker, Daveart, xEdstorm, Chiminapio Captain: Nagahex
    1 point
  41. I'd still take these dead boys over you
    1 point
  42. Art Gallery 2017 - (July) Jovi - Doc - Laz https://pokemmostaff.challonge.com/TTournamentJuly2017 2019 - (May) Rendi - LifeStyle - Lotus https://pokemmotournament.challonge.com/TTMay2019 2019 - (June) Luke - Julian - Lotus https://pokemmotournament.challonge.com/TeamTournamentJune2019 2019 - (September) xLuneth - LifeStyle - Julian https://pokemmotournament.challonge.com/TeamTournamentSeptember2019 2019 - (October) Drayyton - Axoa - Luneth https://pokemmotournament.challonge.com/TeamTournamentOctober2019 2020 - (March) Life - Jovi - Rendi https://pokemmotournament.challonge.com/TTM2020 2020 - (June) Lotus - Luke - Julian https://pokemmotournament.challonge.com/TTJUNE2020 2020 (July) Luke - Luneth - Matt https://pokemmotournament.challonge.com/TTJuly2020 2020 (October) Frags - Jovi - Baneadito https://pokemmotournament.challonge.com/TTO2020 2020 (November) Kiwikidd - Luneth - DocPBC https://challonge.com/TTNov2020 2020 December (Cup of The Year) Luke - Umbramol - xLuneth - DocPBC - YettoDie https://pokemmotournament.challonge.com/Cupoty2020 Art: SoonTM XD
    1 point
  43. If there is a true want from multiple members in the forum community here, I can definitely look to make the redesign concept come to life in the form of an actual GUI theme that you can use. I have created this theme (https://forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/topic/136375-gui-abdg-a-better-default-gui-theme/) recently and I actually took some ideas from the concept itself and was able to make it happen. Le me know everyone :)
    1 point
  44. Code one similar for us please uwu
    1 point
  45. This is only a concept. The OP didn't promise anything. The OP is not obligated to make us anything. It's their wish.
    1 point
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